With the complete exposure of Jiang Ning's identity, she announced that the Jiang Group has officially become the domestic branch of NS.

"Dear distinguished guests, I have finished what I want to say, please take care of me in the future.

"Today's Jiang family's scandal made everyone laugh, and it also affected everyone's mood.

"As compensation, I specially airlifted a few barrels of good wine from the French winery for everyone to taste. I hope you will have a pleasant night ahead.

"The guest rooms of Linyue Villa are also open for distinguished guests at any time, if necessary, you can go to Secretary Xiao to get the room card!

"Now, I have to say sorry to everyone because I need to leave early to visit my husband in the hospital.

"Sorry, I'll go ahead and wish you all a wonderful holiday again!"


When Lu Yan arrived at the scene, Jiang Ning was leaving with Aden and bodyguards.

He didn't know about the big event that happened at the reception, so he just nodded politely at his sister-in-law.

Jiang Ning smiled at him meaningfully, "Good Luck!"

After speaking, he brushed past him.

Lu Yan looked back at her inexplicably, and then entered the scene to find Lu Liting.

"Grandpa, the Lord of Beishan Island..."

"It's Jiang Ning."


Lu Liting briefly restored what happened just now, including Jiang Ning's identity.

Unnamed Group, NS Group, Young Lions League...

Every word made Lu Yan untenable.

A yellow-haired girl, her identity is so heaven-defying!

His first consideration now was not to win Beishan Island, but with such a girl beside Lu Yu, wouldn't he be firmly seated as the heir of the Lu family?
"Grandpa, since Beishan Island belongs to Miss Jiang, then she..."

"She refused to make a move."

"But isn't she listed?"

A ruthless look flashed in Lu Liting's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "She said that the Lu family can't afford it!"

"That's not what she decides."

As long as land projects are listed, their pricing must be reviewed by relevant departments, and individuals cannot overwhelm the price.

Lu Liting asked him to find a way to win it as soon as possible.

Lu Yan tested the old man again and asked him what he thought about his marriage with the Lin family.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I'm not coveting the position of heir, but I really want to be with Lin Ying, can you..."

"We'll discuss this later!" Lu Liting interrupted, "Go home first."


A private hospital in the city.

Bai Fei'er and Su Nian had a dispute with Lu family's bodyguards at the door of a certain intensive care unit.

The two girls were forcibly taken out of the ward by the bodyguards, who said that the young master needed to rest, and asked the idlers to leave immediately.

Su Nian rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight with the bodyguards, but Bai Feier dragged him out of the corridor.

Elevator door.

Su Nian shook off Bai Fei'er's arm, "Why are you dragging me?"

Bai Fei'er said she was stupid, "Don't you know that the Lu family's bodyguards are all karate nine-dan? Are you good at being tough?"

"Who is not nine-dan, so am I, and don't you learn judo?" Su Nian rubbed his arms and murmured, "Don't use it so hard!"

Bai Fei'er rolled her eyes helplessly, and then swept her gaze across the opponent's body from bottom to top.

"Elder sister, do you think we can use our current attire to perform at the ninth stage?"

Su Nian glanced down at the fishtail skirt wrapped around her body, "..."

"Then you can't just leave so obediently, Jiang Ning asked me to stay here!"

"I didn't say I was going!"

"then you……"

Before Su Nian finished speaking, Bai Fei'er dragged her into the open elevator.

The two walked out of the hospital gate.

The streets are empty late at night, but the food stalls across the road are in full swing.

Bai Fei'er went to the pharmacy first, then dragged Su Nian to the food stall.

"Boss, I want 30 servings of beef soup and... 300 skewers, can you deliver it? It's at the hospital opposite!"

When the boss heard about the big deal, he immediately said that he could deliver it.

Bai Fei'er and Su Nian met each other's eyes, and then one chatted with the boss while the other tampered with the lunch box while no one was looking.

Soon, the beef soup can be out of the pot.

The two watched the boss put the soup into [-] packed boxes with crotons.

When the proprietress brought the skewers to be bagged, Su Nian took out the "seasoning jar" from her bag, saying that she wanted to give the villagers some taste of hometown.

"By the way, boss, they may ask who gave it to you, just say it's Uncle Tian!" Bai Fei'er did not forget to ask this most important point.


Downstairs in the hospital, Su Nian expressed his admiration to Bai Fei'er.

"I really didn't realize that such a savage young miss actually has [-] minds, I admire you!"

"I can't help it. I'm not like Miss Su who grew up in a honey pot. If I don't have a heart, I'm afraid I will be eaten by my stepmother to the bone."

Bai Fei'er looked at her watch while talking, "I don't know when Jiang Ning will end!"

"On the way."

The two of them went upstairs and put a "cleaning" sign on the restrooms on every floor from the second floor to the top floor.

Su Nian once again expressed her admiration for Bai Fei'er.

On the top floor, outside the intensive care unit.

The bodyguards were complaining that they hadn't had dinner yet, and they might faint from hunger if they had to stay here all night.

At this time, the takeaway was delivered, and when they heard that Uncle Tian ordered it for supper, they ate it without the slightest doubt.

Not long after the delivery man left, some people had already started to have gastrointestinal reactions.

Ten minutes later, there was no bodyguard left outside the ward door.

Su Nian and Bai Fei'er entered the ward, and were almost scared to death by the scene in the ward.

The man in the hospital gown was stepping on a stool to climb the window, and the fabric around his waist had been soaked in blood.

Hearing the movement at the door, Lu Yu turned his head.

His face was as white as the wall, not even a trace of blood on his lips.

There was a trace of surprise in those tired eyes, and he said weakly: "How did you get in?"

Su Nian came back to his senses and shouted: "Lu Yu, are you crazy or stupid, do you know which floor this is?"

Bai Fei'er hurried out to call the doctor.

Lu Yu came down from the window sill, holding a roll of sheets that had been torn into strips and spliced ​​together.

He raised his hand, "This length is enough for me to climb to the window on the next floor."

Su Nian patted her chest in shock.

"You are really crazy! If you fall to your death, how can I explain to Jiang Ning!"

"Miss Su, my mobile phone has been confiscated, please call Jiang Ning."

"Go to bed quickly, she will be here soon."

Bai Fei'er led the doctor into the ward, and the doctor immediately checked the wound on the man's waist.

Due to the strong pulling, the sutures of the wound were split.

Nurses brought first aid medicine and suture kits.

"Mr. Lu, you didn't touch your waist, but if you do this by yourself, I can't rule out that your waist will be affected!"

The doctor teased and put on gloves to re-sew him up.

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

Jiang Ning stood at the door in a men's suit, and all she could see was the gauze dyed red around the man's waist.

"what happened?"

Her voice brought a gust of cold wind in the twelfth lunar month.

Su Nian said quietly from the side: "Your husband almost jumped off the building to find you.

"But the building didn't jump, and the wound collapsed..."

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