Lu Yu was lying on the hospital bed, and when he heard the voice at the door, he wanted to turn around anxiously, but the doctor held his head down.

"Don't move."

When Jiang Ning learned what was going on from Su Nian's mouth, her temples twitched violently.

"Doctor." She said in a warm voice, "I'll stitch it up."

After the words fell, the doctor turned around and took off the mask at the same time.

"Fu Xiaowu, I always thought you would be with senior brother, but I didn't expect you to choose such a crazy person in the end."

Jiang Ning frowned, "Fu Chen, when did you return to China?"

"I went back with grandpa, but I just haven't shown up."


Su Nian and Bai Fei'er looked curiously.

"Ning, do you know this doctor?" Su Nian asked.

Bai Fei'er: "Jiang Ning, can you still sew?"

Jiang Ning didn't say another word, but walked to the cart and sanitized her hands with disinfectant, then put on gloves and prepared to sew.

"Did you take the anesthetic?"

"Don't hit your man."


"I don't know what's wrong with him!" Fu Chen said angrily behind her.

"I didn't ask you." Jiang Ning responded coldly, then lowered her body and asked the man lying on the hospital bed: "Why didn't you take anesthesia?"

Lu Yu: "I need to keep my head clear."

Jiang Ning stood up, "It's not necessary."

After finishing speaking, he stretched his hand behind him, "Anesthetic."

Lu Yu: "Don't fight!"

Jiang Ning: "Shut up!"


Several people present had different faces, and each had their own thoughts in their hearts.

Fu Chen: Tsk tsk tsk, what a boss, it turned out to be a little milk dog.

Su Nian: She really deserves to be a bossy woman!
Bai Fei'er: Does Third Young Wife Guan Yan?
When Jiang Ning was sewing, Su Nian kept asking her what identity she was hiding from him.

"Jiang Xiaoning, I'm really not your best friend. Last time I was scratched by a branch in the wild, you didn't sew it up for me."

"Jiang Xiaoning, and last time I had acute gastroenteritis, you sent me to the hospital and didn't treat me personally..."

Su Nian continued to accuse.

Jiang Ning ignored her completely and only focused on the suture needle in her hand.

After a while, Fu Chen let out an admiration.

"Xiao Wu's stitching skills are still so perfect!"

"Of course, I don't want my husband to have scars..."

Jiang Ning's eyes fell on the shallow sun-shaped old scar on the man's lumbar spine before he could finish his voice.

Her eyes darkened, this scar...

Those messy memories in the brain surged up again, and the whole world once again fell into darkness.


This time, Jiang Ning felt like she had slept for a long century.

When she woke up, only Fu Sinian and an old man she didn't know were beside her.

The old man was over [-] years old, with white beard and hair, and an unpredictable smile on his thin face.

If Fu Sinian hadn't been standing by, Jiang Ning would have thought that she had traveled thousands of years ago when she saw the old man dressed as a Taoist priest.

When the old man saw the girl woke up, he immediately went up to ask questions.

"Girl, are you dreaming?"

Jiang Ning struggled to sit up, and Dai Mei frowned slightly trying to remember.

Is it a dream?
Dreamed of another girl's life.

She nodded, then shook her head and asked how long she had slept.

"Three days." Fu Sinian replied.

"Where's Lu Yu?"

"He's fine, just leave him alone and answer Master Bai's question."

Master Bai?
Jiang Ning looked at the other party with full eyes.

After thinking for a while, she replied softly: "I had a dream, but that dream was too real."

The old man took out a bottle-shaped gadget from the wide-mouthed sleeve and let her hold it in her hand.

"Girl, close your eyes now, what can you see?"

Jiang Ning did so, but she didn't see anything.

The old man raised his left hand and put it lightly on her head, and asked again, "What about now?"

"The desert is full of flying sand."

The old man withdrew his hand, then turned his head and nodded at Fu Sinian.

"Her existence is indeed a miracle, the obsession sealed in a certain soul has finally found her real body.

"Now it can be explained why she was able to create such brilliant and dazzling achievements at such a young age.

"Because she has existed in this world for thousands of years and practiced for thousands of years..."

Fu Sinian nodded, "It's true."

Jiang Ning opened her eyes, "What millennium? What obsession?"

"Xiao Wu, you are not alone now, take a good rest, I will let Xiaoyu come over to accompany you in a while!"

After Fu Sinian finished speaking, he left the ward with the white real person.

Jiang Ning rubbed her eyes in a daze.

Are you still dreaming?

Until a man in a hospital gown came in nervously.

"Lu Yu? How is your injury?"

The man didn't answer, but strode forward and hugged her.

"When did this happen?"

Jiang Ning was stunned, "What?"

"We have a baby?"


Jiang Ning's mind is still a little confused, so I don't want to talk about it now.

She perfunctorily said: "It's not important, what's going on outside now?
"Where was Jiang Ying taken? Ye Lan and Jiang Tianhua..."

"Do you think it's important that they have our children? Is there anything more important than our children now?" Lu Yu interrupted her.


Jiang Ning broke free from his arms with light movements, then held his face in both hands, and said seriously, "You!"

When the two faces were about to get close, there were several disturbing voices at the door——

Meng Yi: "Oh, you almost got your kidneys cut out, so be patient! If you don't restrain yourself now, you'll be careful later!"

Wei Lan: "Go to your ward, no one is there, I guess you are here!"

Su Nian: "You two just have no eyesight."

Meng Yi said dissatisfiedly: "Su's big ass, who has no eyesight, I'm doing it for his own good! Don't you know that waist is important to a man?"

Su Nian pinched the other party hard, "Meng Datou, who is calling you a big ass! You are the only one with a big butt, and your whole family has a big butt!"

The originally quiet ward suddenly became as lively as a vegetable market.

Wei Lan put a bouquet of white carnations into the vase by the bed, and asked about Jiang Ning's health in a very gentlemanly manner.

"It's okay, maybe it's just fatigue, and the nerves are too tense recently. Thank you for the flowers!" Jiang Ning responded politely.

Lu Yu glanced at the bouquet on the bedside table, and suddenly said gloomily, "She's not your mother, what kind of flowers did she send you?"


Meng Yi took off his coat and sat down on the sofa, and unceremoniously gnawed on an apple on the table, but almost broke his teeth in one bite.

"Damn, who is so stingy, give a fruit or a prop!"

His voice drew Jiang Ning's gaze to him.

When seeing those props and fruits, it reminded her of more pictures in the "dream".

"Doctor Wei, can I have a chat with you alone later?"

When Wei Lan heard this, she subconsciously glanced at the man beside her, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Is Miss Jiang..."

"Don't get me wrong, I want to ask you something."

Wei Lan laughed awkwardly, "I don't misunderstand, but he misunderstood."


With a dark face, Lu Yu said in a dissatisfied tone, "So why are you here?
"If it's purely to disturb us, the door is over there, please get out."

After a moment of silence, Wei Lan suddenly apologized seriously to Jiang Ning.

"Why did Dr. Wei apologize to me?"

"The things that smeared you and fabricated facts on the Internet before were done by my sister and Jiang Ying.

"She has often been threatened outside recently, and she is very fragile now. If it is possible..."

Jiang Ning guessed what he wanted to say, and responded directly: "I didn't do it."

She never thought that those things would be related to Wei Zhi.

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