At night, in a refugee area outside the country.

At the end of the endless sheds, the blue steel shed is particularly eye-catching under the illumination of the searchlights.

Outside the steel shed, seven or eight shirtless men were playing poker around a small table.

"Big brother, big brother, it's bad, it's bad..."

A man's voice came from far to near, and the figure that flashed by quickly ignored the group of people at the door, and staggered into the steel shed.

A woman's scream came from inside the shed, followed by a rough, furious voice.

"Come in while I'm working, looking for death, right? Are all the people at the door dead? Get the hell out of me!"

When the people outside the shed heard the sound, they immediately ran into the steel shed with their heads down and squatted in the middle of the shed.

The man on the upper seat was half exposed, his muscles were covered with tattoos with extremely strange patterns.

The woman next to him ran out the back door wrapped in a blanket.

"What an urgent matter, you dare to spoil my good deed!" the tattooed man said angrily.

The young man who broke into the steel shed just now responded tremblingly: "Z... state owned by Z... two forces are... searching on the dark web... checking us..."

The tattooed man laughed contemptuously.

"Country Z? What the hell am I supposed to do? Look at the shattered power of country Z and check me out, a big black tiger? Are you out of your mind?"

"No no no no... that's not the case."

The young man shook his head vigorously and stuttered.

"It's... country Z, but... it's not... not country Z."

The tattooed man was impatient, walked up to the other side in a few steps and slapped him.

"Grandma, I'm the most annoying stutterer, why the hell straighten my tongue, speak clearly, speak clearly!"

"To be precise, those two forces come from Continent S and North Africa respectively, but their origin is in Yunzhou, country Z. Their related to the jade piece in your hand."

After the young man was beaten, his speech became sharper, but what he said shocked everyone present.

Whether it's continent S or North Africa, any small dark force is definitely above their power.

But they have never been involved with those two, why did the other party suddenly investigate?
"You said their goal was the jade piece in my hand?"

"Brother Hu, according to my investigation, you were cheated by that stinky woman."

"Speak the key."

The tattooed man called Brother Hu walked aside and pulled a chair over, and told the young man to sit down.

"What do you mean that woman in Yunzhou lied to me?"

The young man sat down in trepidation, and told about the major events that happened in Yunzhou recently.

"Brother Hu, the woman who gave you the jade piece is not the original owner of the jade piece, she stole it."

"I don't care how she came here, I just see the token to do things."

The young man shook his head again and again, "Wrong, wrong, the current situation is very likely that the woman's things were stolen from Continent S or North Africa."

As soon as the words fell, that Brother Hu changed his face, and the subordinates beside him also showed a bit of fear.

"Brother Hu, the things you found after inquiring should be more or less the same." One of the subordinates said.

What followed was a voice of seconding.

"Bao inquire, can you find out more specifically?" Brother Hu asked.

"Time is running out, I can't find out the specifics, and those two forces are involved, my people dare not have large-scale activities."

Brother Hu rubbed his head, and cursed in his mouth: "Damn, what's the matter?"

After thinking about it for a while, he ordered the Bao Inquiry to find out the details of the whole incident, and then called the two most trusted subordinates to his side.

"Fatty, take a group of people to Yunzhou, and find a way to bring that woman back to me.

"If she really stole something from the boss, then we can hand her over and save a lot of trouble."

The fat man left immediately after responding.

"Winter Gua, go to the Southwest Mountain and invite the Godmother over here. I have something to ask her."



Yunzhou, a mental hospital on the outskirts of the city.

Jiang Ying was determined, as if she had made up her mind that she would rather die than hand over the jade piece.

Jiang Ning didn't have the energy to spend any more time with her, so she had to leave temporarily.

Before leaving, Yan Qing asked her if she wanted to take a look at Ye Lan.

"Look, look, what are you looking at? Didn't you see that my sister-in-law is already exhausted?" Lu Jingrui howled at the other party.

Yan Qing hesitated to speak.

Jiang Ning was indeed very tired, but she followed Ye Lan to the ward because of her inner suspicion.

In the cold ward, the incandescent lights are particularly dazzling.

Ye Lan was lying on the hospital bed. Apart from the horrific wounds on her face, her complexion also made people feel extremely horrified.

The pale and sickly face was covered with cobweb-like blood vessel lines, dark reddish black in color, and they appeared and disappeared with the person's own breathing.

Jiang Ning was startled, and quickly turned around and asked, "What's going on?"

"This happened suddenly in the afternoon! So I don't need to check the things you asked me to check!" Yan Qing said.

"So, she was really under that?"

"Well, no accident, it probably came from the fake daughter's handwriting. I'm investigating where it came from."

While the two were talking, Lu Jingrui walked to the hospital bed without saying a word, lifted the quilt, and roughly tore off Ye Lan's clothes.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing?" Yan Qing asked behind him.

Lu Jingrui groped around on himself, and then asked the other party to bring him a knife.

"What are you doing?" Yan Qing asked puzzled.

"Don't you guys want Gu Tau? Hurry up."

Although Jiang Ning was puzzled, someone brought him a scalpel.

Seeing that Lu Jingrui aimed his knife at Ye Lan's neck, Yan Qing hurriedly stopped him.

"No, what on earth are you going to do?"

Lu Jingrui waved his hand away, "Don't worry, I don't want her life."

Yan Qing cast a questioning look at Jiang Ning, who nodded.

Before Lu Yu told her that Lu Jingrui was someone she could trust, she believed it.

A silver light streaked across Ye Lan's neck, and the blood oozing from the slender wound turned black.

Lu Jingrui took a tissue from the bedside and took some blood samples, and then sent someone over to help Ye Lan treat the wound.

"Lu Jingrui, with this little blood sample, can you find out the source?"

"Sister-in-law, you're right to believe me. But I have to tell you some bad news first. According to my judgment, she has been poisoned a little bit."

Jiang Ning frowned, looking at the hospital bed with complicated eyes.

"Is there a solution?"

"There must be a solution, but she has lost too much vitality, and it is estimated that there are not many days to solve it!"

Looking away, Jiang Ning hummed lightly, and then walked out of the ward without saying a word.

Outside the ward, Fu Chen was waiting outside with a serious face, hesitant to speak.

Just now he received a call from the hospital that Jiang Tianhua's condition is not very good.

At this moment, he was wondering whether to tell Jiang Ning the news.

But Jiang Ning had guessed a thing or two seeing his expression, so she asked directly: "Is something wrong with Jiang Tianhua?"

"The situation is not very good, the 48-hour dangerous period." Fu Chen responded.

"Oh, what's the reason?"

"Blood pressure spikes, leading to severe blood clots."


"you want to go……"

"I'm tired, I don't want to go to the hospital tonight, can I go home and rest?"

Fu Chen looked troubled.

"You can go home with me if you don't worry!" Jiang Ning added.

"it is good."

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