Lu Jingrui and Fu Chen followed Jiang Ning back to Xinghai Bay.

But not long after the three of them entered, Lu Jingrui received a call from his brother.

A gust of northern wind from the twelfth lunar month immediately blew through the receiver——

"Why are there other men in my family?"

Lu Jingrui clutched the phone and ran to the yard to answer it.

His tone was as low as that of a child who made a mistake, "Brother, hit me when you come back!"

Lu Yu asked him sharply what happened.

"My sister-in-law was injured and stabbed six times."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Yu almost jumped up on the spot.

"Who did it?"


Lu Jingrui recounted what happened in the hospital just now, and finally added: "Actually, I think the injury in her heart is more serious than the injury in her body."

"What's going on with Jiang Ying now?"

"Sister-in-law said that she had a jade item in her hand, but she refused to take it out."

"What do you want?"

"Brother, you've wronged me. I've already performed an endoscopy on that woman, and she just resisted."

Hearing the sound, Lu Yu immediately formed a deep Sichuan character between his brows.

He knew very well what the other party meant by "endoscopy", and he also knew that few people in this world could endure such pain.

But Jiang Ying, an ordinary girl, actually carried it through like this?
Perhaps there is only one explanation for this—

A seemingly ordinary girl may not be ordinary.

"Don't you find this strange?"

Lu Jingrui said it was of course strange, so he also prepared to investigate further.

"You don't need to investigate what you asked me to investigate before. I just confirmed that the woman's mind was indeed manipulated by some means. The current situation is not very good."

He briefly explained Ye Lan's situation, and then asked the other party what to do next.

Lu Yu said that he would wait until the results were found, and wait until he came back to talk about everything.

Just now, Lu Jingrui's words made him feel a lot.

He said that Jiang Ning's heart hurts more than his body.

However, will the truth that is about to come out next become something that hurts her even more?

Imperial Hospital, rooftop terrace.

Lu Yu stood alone in front of the guardrail smoking a cigarette, the messy things in his mind were deeply intertwined.

While thinking about dealing with the internal affairs of the Lu family as soon as possible, at the same time, he must always pay attention to the problems of the Jiang family.

For a moment, he seemed a little unable to handle it, and also regretted choosing to attack Lu at this time.

Suddenly, Lu Zhijie's voice came from behind unexpectedly——

"If you can trust me, you can go back to Yunzhou now."

He turned around, his sharp eyes full of inquiry.

Even though he knew that the other party was not on the opposite side of himself, if he said that they were allies, he still had 1 people who didn't believe it.

"Why do you think I trust you?" Lu Yu's voice remained cold.

Regarding his son's attitude, Lu Zhijie laughed it off.

After a while, he showed a rare and serious attitude, and said to the other party almost word for word: "I have never failed your mother in my life!"

"Are you worthy of mentioning her?"

"I know you can't believe it for a while, but you can prove what I said by yourself."


The two fell silent at the same time, and Lu Yu half-closed his eyes and looked directly at each other.

After a long time, Lu Zhijie suddenly added: "Confirm from your aunt."

After the words fell, some emotion flashed in Lu Yu's eyes.

Hua Jing is Hua Ping's biological sister, so it is absolutely impossible for her to speak to the scumbag who abandoned her sister.

But Lu Zhijie actually asked him to go to Hua Jing to confirm?

"What do you mean?"

"Originally, I didn't intend to tell you this from my own mouth, but I know that you have already become suspicious.

"Rather than asking you to troubleshoot me, I might as well give you a direction directly."

Lu Yu frowned.

"That's all I have to say, and the rest is up to you to decide."

After Lu Zhijie finished speaking, he raised his hand, but saw his son took a step back vigilantly.

With a wry smile, he stepped forward and patted the other person's shoulder, then turned and left without saying a word.

When he walked to the door leading to the room, he suddenly said again: "Ayu, no matter how you think of me all these years, and whether you believe what I said, I still want to tell you——

"My heart has never failed your mother.

"Although you hate me, I'm really lucky to have a son like you."


Lu Yu stood there and looked at the back of the other party thoughtfully, and took a long time before picking up the phone again.

A moment later, Rococo's crisp voice sounded from the other end——

"Crooked, who!"

"Coco, why are you?"

"Cousin, who are you looking for?"

"Your grandmother."

The little guy didn't seem to be very interested, so she dragged out her voice, and then Lu Yu could only hear the other end shouting for grandma.

About 1 minute later, Hua Jing's voice came from the receiver.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?"

"Lu Zhijie said he was an ally with me, and asked me to ask you to confirm it."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, there was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

"What are you hiding from me?"


"Auntie, talk!"

Hua Jing remained silent, she didn't know where to start with some things.

"Auntie, you and my cousin are the only people I trust, so can't you tell me the truth?"

"Why did Lu Zhijie suddenly think of telling you this?" Hua Jing asked back.

"So he was lying?"

"No, he hates the Lu family and Lu Liting even more than you do."

Lu Yu was stunned.

"Xiao Yu, do you know why Lu Liting doesn't trust his son, but instead trusts you, his grandson?"


"Actually, you are hiding deeper than him, or he has been covering you all the time."

The more Lu Yu listened, the more confused he became. He asked Hua Jing to speak more bluntly.

The other end was silent for a moment, then sighed: "There are some things that cannot be explained clearly.

"There is a locked room at the east end of the third floor of Xinghai Bay. If you have a way to open that door, maybe you will be able to know what you want to know."


In the cold wind of early winter, the thin figure on the terrace stood like a sculpture in the wind.

In Lu Yu's chaotic thoughts, it seemed that some fog was being pushed away.

When he was about to leave the terrace, Mo Liangsheng suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Third Young Master."

Seeing the visitor, Lu Yu's eyes lit up.

This man who violated Lu Yi, why did Lu Zhijie keep him by his side?

How dare he appear in front of his eyes in an open manner?
"It seems that you are quite capable."

"Third Young Master misunderstood."

Lu Yu sneered, "Misunderstanding? Do you think if it wasn't for Yiyi's reputation, would you still be able to talk to me here?"

"I will be responsible for Miss Lu."

Seeing the other party's serious face, Lu Yu couldn't help but smile.

"You? Responsible? What are you responsible for?
"Or do you mean that you are responsible for marrying Yiyi? Do you think you are worthy?"

Although he never had any views on family status, he might allow his sister to marry someone who violated her no matter what.

Mo Liangsheng's expression was indifferent, and the corners of his mouth curled up like nothing.

"Third Young Master, it's up to you whether you deserve it or not.

"If you insist on talking about whether you are worthy or not, do you think you are worthy of Miss Fu?"


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