Chapter 199 Showdown

Lu Yu was suddenly at a loss for words.

Two men of similar height faced each other in the wind, and their auras were evenly matched.

“Third Young Master, some issues cannot be taken at face value.

"A lot of times, eyes can be deceiving!
"Like San Shao, who has been hiding in the Lu family for so many years, everyone regards you as a swinger, but that's not the case, is it?"

Lu Yu finally saw the problem from the sharp eyes of the other party, and asked him bluntly who he was.

"Mo Liangsheng." The other party replied.

"I'm not asking for your name."

"My grandfather's name is Mo Huaizhi."

This thunderous name stunned Lu Yu for a long time.

Mo Huaizhi's grandson, who was once all-powerful and a rival to Lu Liting, actually came to Lu's house to be a bodyguard?
And it's been so many years!
At the beginning, the dispute between Lu and Mo was like life and death.

Because the businesses operated by the two companies almost overlap, as the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Later, when the two were competing for a piece of development land, Lu Liting learned of the bid price in advance through illegal means, and stepped on Mo Huaizhi with a slight advantage.

The Mo Group has been going downhill since that day, until it was annexed by the Lu Corporation.

In other words, half of the current Lu Group is the former life of the Mo Group.

Mo Liangsheng has been in the Lu family for so many years, and his purpose has to be doubted.

"Mr. Mo's grandson? So Mr. Mo has been living in the Lu family for so many years, but he has been cheating on himself? The beastly thing you did to Yiyi is your first step to take revenge on the Lu family?"

"I'm not that shameless."

The two started a new round of staring at each other, one with probing eyes and the other with calm eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Liangsheng said: "You're half right, I'm trying to take revenge on the Lu family, but it's not just revenge on the Lu family.

"Miss Lu's incident was just an accident, and I'm also very guilty.

"But I said that I will be responsible to Miss Lu, and I will be responsible to her."

In fact, Mo Liangsheng has been in the Lu family for so many years, and some of the Lu family's inside information in his hands is already enough for him to bring down the Lu family.

The reason why I didn't do that was because of the uncertainty factor of Lu Yi.

A man with a cold nature follows the warm and sunny girl all day long, his heart is inexplicably softened by moistening things silently.

He thought: When the girl grows up and becomes sensible, let her be exposed to those sinister things, maybe it won't hurt her that much.

After Lu Yu heard what he said, he became even more shocked.

"You mean you like Yiyi?"

"I do not deny."

"You also said that you are not shameless, how old is Yiyi?"

"Have reached legal marriage age."

"You are really shameless."

"Miss Fu married by Young Master Lu is not a few years older than Yiyi."


After Lu Yu was speechless for a while, he suddenly asked why the other party came to tell him these things now.

"Don't you think you can ask me to help you with the Lu family?"

"I'm not that naive."

"I'm most annoyed by other people's tricks."

"I just want to tell you why Lu always puts me under his hands."

Originally, Mo Liangsheng promised Lu Zhijie that he would not tell anyone about their private agreement.

But now that everything is almost clear, he feels there is no need to hide his allies.

"Boss Lu is the one with the least presence in the Lu family, but he is definitely the one with the most ambitions.

"Others can't see through it, but the old man is as clear as a mirror in his heart, which is one of the reasons why he skipped over his son and directly wanted his grandson to inherit the Lu family.

"Now that the old man is in such a situation, Mr. Lu actually has a good chance to control the Lu family, but now there is an unstable factor."

Lu Yu knew that the unstable factors mentioned by the other party were about him, so he was too lazy to answer the question for the moment.

"Third Young Master, actually..."

As soon as Mo Liangsheng uttered his voice, he was hit hard on the bridge of the nose.

"Are you crazy?" he growled, holding his nose.

It was rumored that Lu Sanshao turned his face faster than turning a book, and it was true.

"You shameless bastard, why do you still have the face to stay in the Lu family!
"Lu Zhijie gives you face, but I won't give you face."

Lu Yu's words made Mo Liangsheng realize that there might be someone coming behind him, so he resumed his respectful training as a bodyguard.

He stood up and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I know Third Young Master loves my sister, and I am willing to be responsible to Miss Lu, but..."

"You too?"

"A Yu is right, you deserve it too?"

Qin Shu's harsh voice came from behind, and Mo Liangsheng turned around quickly.

"Third lady."

Qin Shu ignored him and asked Lu Yu in a friendly manner why he didn't go downstairs.

"Grandpa is like this now. Everyone is discussing who will take care of the Lu family. You are grandpa's most promising successor. How can you be absent?"

"Aunt Qin knows that I have no interest in inheriting the Lu family." Lu Yu replied expressionlessly.

"Hey, this is not something you are interested in or not. To put it harshly, this is your obligation as a member of the Lu family."

"Grandpa has so many children and grandchildren, and I am not one of them who has this obligation.

"Aunt Qin also knows who I am, so it's fine if I set up an entertainment company, but if I run such a large group, do you think I can do it?

"If the country that grandpa worked hard for is ruined, then I will not be a sinner of the Lu family?"

Qin Shu smiled, and there was already a bit of edge hidden in that gentle and virtuous smile.

"Ayu, there are no outsiders here, should we open up and talk about it?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, then raised his chin behind her.

Qin Shu turned his head and realized that the other party was implying that Mo Liangsheng was an outsider.

"Maybe he's not an outsider, but someone your father specially arranged for me. Since I can have a showdown with you today, I'm not afraid of these eyeliners anymore."

After the words fell, Mo Liangsheng's face showed a bit of shock that could be captured.

What she said meant that she had been exposed in front of her from the very beginning?
Lu Yu still looked indifferent, and what fell on the other party was his insightful gaze.

"I'm surprised, you will choose to showdown with me at this time."

"The cards have been revealed, is there anything else to hide? Mr. K!"

Qin Shu's people had already found out Lu Yu's hidden identity, so she came to have a showdown with him immediately.

"Mr. K is good at acting and has been able to deceive his family for so many years."

Lu Yu looked straight at her, with an evil curve on the corner of his mouth.

He recently relaxed the concealment of his identity overseas, and he didn't expect the other party to take the bait so quickly.

"To each other, Ms. Qin! But..."

But when he learned of Mo Liangsheng's identity just now, he found that the whole thing became more interesting.

Maybe Mo Liangsheng himself didn't know that he still had a little grandmother by his side.

"But what?" Qin Shu asked coldly.

"However, Mr. Mo's grandson is still here. Even if he wants to take back the Mo Group, he should do it. As the junior, you don't have to fight like this, right?"

Lu Yu revealed Qin Shu's identity slowly, then turned to look at Mo Liangsheng.

"One of you is working as a bodyguard in the Lu family, and the other is the third wife, so you have reached the same goal by different routes!"

Mo Liangsheng's face was as cold as a glacier bursting.

He looked at Lu Yu half-believingly until Lu Yu shrugged at him.

"I know it's hard for you to accept, but this is the truth!"


(End of this chapter)

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