The old woman's words made Lu Jingrui feel a little empty.

What bullshit about the past and present life, that jade piece was obviously something his brother had been wearing since he was a child.

I heard that I later gave it to a little sister, and I will recognize her by pointing to this token in the future.

"No, no, no, no, that's wrong..." Lu Jingrui muttered to himself.

"This is what my sister-in-law is looking for. Why is she looking for my brother's stuff? Could it be..."

It was as if he had discovered a new continent, and his whole body became surprised and delighted.

Fate, this is destined fate!
Agitated, Lu Jingrui lost his footing and staggered towards A Biao who was beside him.

The controller in A Biao's hand was knocked to the ground, and the aircraft in the ruined temple just hit the bald head on the head.

The old woman's face was brought into the frame.

Immediately, the two people inside hurriedly ran out.

Baldhead gave orders to his men guarding outside.

"Find me the person hiding in the dark immediately."

"You don't need to look for it, the young master is here!"

Lu Jingrui came out of the darkness slowly, his eyes fixed on the old woman in the linen robe.

Although the old woman has a stooped figure and a head full of white frost, her face that still reveals beauty despite her age still has an air of unparalleled elegance.

This face once amazed the world!

"The princess of country T, who has been missing for decades, hides in this barren place, and even becomes a godmother? You say your way is so wild, how will your dying old man feel if he finds out?" Lu Jingrui seemed He spoke with a non-smile.

The old woman was startled, and a few doubts appeared in her dark eyes.

"who are you?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really hard to find a place after wearing iron shoes!"

Lu Jingrui shook his head and walked forward, stopping one meter away from the old woman.

"His Majesty Spencer once placed a reward of tens of millions and ordered a global search for the whereabouts of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

“I have been looking for him for more than 20 years, but there has been no news.

"I received the mission four years ago, and the end of the year is just the deadline for the mission. I originally planned to give up, but I didn't expect the princess to treat me well and insist on letting me accept the billions of dollars in reward!"

The old woman frowned and said with a look of astonishment: "Are you K from Jingyu League?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald man next to him was so frightened that everyone fell out.


Found it so soon?
Lu Jingrui shook his head.

Before the bald man could breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the other person say again: "I am J, and K is my brother."

The old woman smiled disdainfully.

"Jing Yumeng, who is omnipotent in heaven and earth, actually became someone else's lackey for a mere billions in bounty. Aren't you afraid of being laughed at if word spreads about it?"

"Eh? No, no!
“I, Jingyu Meng, am not short of money, but I just like to challenge tasks that others cannot!

"So if I bring the princess back today, then the reputation of our Jing Yu League will surely be improved to a higher level! Hahaha..."

Lu Jingrui got into trouble with the other party about his life experience and almost forgot about his own mission.

A Biao reminded him in a low voice behind him: "Boss, jade piece!"

"Oh, yes." Lu Jingrui recalled, and stretched out his hand to the old woman and said, "The jade piece in your hand belongs to my brother, you have to return it to me! Otherwise..."

"What else?" the old woman interrupted.

Lu Jingrui raised his eyebrows and responded in a long tone: "Otherwise, it would be according to Jing Yu League's style of conduct, you know."

"What basis do you have for saying this thing belongs to K?"

"This is a fact and requires no evidence."

"I dare say that none of you know the purpose of this jade piece, so why would you want to take it by force? How about we make a deal?"

Lu Jingrui sighed, "What bothers K the most is making deals with others."

After finishing speaking, he immediately added: "I advise you to take the initiative to return the things, otherwise I can guarantee that you, including your entire royal family, will be destroyed!" Begging the other party not to turn the blame on yourself.

The two sides confronted each other for a long time.

“I have no objection to the destruction of the royal family!

"I can die, but I won't hand it over until I die!"

The old woman held the jade piece in her hand, and the emerald color shone with a strange green light in the thick ink-like night.

After saying this, Lu Jingrui began to be curious about other things.

For example, the old woman said before that this jade piece is a token that connects the past and present lives. She needs to use this token to restore someone's past life memory.

He was patient and at the same time softened his attitude and asked the other party for advice.

Lance, the princess of country T, claims to be a lonely soul looking for her lover in the world.

More than twenty years ago, this lonely soul found her lover in her previous life, and this lovely person already has her own family in this life.

Lance forcibly seized the love, deported the man's wife and children, and put the man under house arrest.

Lance's father, King Spencer, sympathized with the man and tried to secretly let him go.

As a result, not only did the man fail to leave, but he also disappeared together with Lance.

Everyone only knows that the princess of country T is missing, but they don't know how she disappeared.

At this time, Lu Jingrui learned the truth about 20 years ago from Lan Siben.

Lance stroked the jade piece in his hand and said, "I am sure that Morsa is my lover, but he has lost his memory!"

Seeing how she showed her true feelings, Lu Jingrui felt a little sympathy, but he couldn't agree with her actions.

For her own unrealistic fantasies, she broke up a family and put an innocent man under house arrest for more than 20 years...

Thinking about it, she seems a little too crazy.

"Princess Lance, I admire you for being so crazy about love, but have you ever thought that your approach is simply... something wrong!"

"You also think I'm a lunatic, don't you? As long as this jade piece is in my hands, I can quickly prove that I'm not crazy!" Lance argued.

"No, no, that's not what I meant."

Lu Jingrui waved his hands, and explained: "Even if what you said is true, you and that bastard were lovers in a previous life, but this isn't your previous life, okay?

"He has his own wife and children, and his own happy family. How can you break up a family because of your own obsession?"

Lance suddenly froze.


Yunzhou, Xinghai Bay.

The locked room on the east side of the third floor has been opened.

The cramped small room is filled with various paintings, whether it is a sketch or an oil painting, there is always only one protagonist in the painting.

If you look carefully, these static paintings can be connected into dynamic pictures.

Every frame, every picture, is showing the girl's light dancing posture.

There are also some purely static paintings, showing the quiet beauty of a girl when she is in a daze; the peaceful and beautiful sleeping face of a girl; the gentleness when arranging flowers and plants in the garden...

These paintings restore every detail of the girl's body to perfection, and the pictures are even more vivid.

It seemed as if she was standing quietly in the middle of the room at this moment.

Lu Yu was in a daze.

He didn't even know that there were so many shadows of his mother hidden in the villa he often visited.

So what does this tell us?
Jiang Ning came up and asked the man to go down to eat. She was shocked when she saw the portraits in the room.

The signatures of those paintings are all ZJ, which is Lu Zhijie's initials.

Judging from the date, in the past 30 years, there have been newer works every year and every month.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Ning said softly: "Your father really loves your mother!"

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