Lu Yu walked into the house.

Surrounded by a room full of paintings, he felt dizzy.

It turns out that what Lu Zhijie said was true. He had been hiding in the Lu family longer than himself!

"Actually, Uncle Lu came to see me before, and he advised me to leave you early.

"Then...then he told me the story of him and your mother."

Jiang Ning followed the man, ready to support him when he was crumbling.

She knew that in fact, this man was always tough on the outside, and sometimes he was as fragile as a child on the inside.

He was suddenly asked to accept this kind of outcome that he never dared to imagine, and it was naturally difficult for him to face it calmly.

Lu Yu wanted to speak out, but his upper and lower lips trembled for a long time but he couldn't utter a syllable.

"Lu Yu, please say something!"

Jiang Ning tugged on his arm hard, but unfortunately she only received endless silence in response.

Immediately, her gaze followed the end of the other person's gaze.

In the most inconspicuous corner, there is a painting with a bloody background that is particularly eye-catching, even dazzling.

Sunset, bridge, woman, blood...

That was Lu Yu's lingering nightmare, and it was also an incurable pain in his life.

But now, that tragic scene broke into his sight again in this way.

For the first time, he felt that the whole world was spinning...

"Lu Yu? Lu Yu! Lu Yu..."

The last sound in my ears was the girl's anxious cry.

He wanted to respond, but another mysterious force dragged him into another dream.

It was a real and lengthy dream.

In the dream——

He was carried on his father's shoulders to watch the fireworks at an amusement park;
He went to the zoo to see tigers while sitting on his father's neck;

His father said to him: "Xiaoyu, from now on you must be as powerful as the king of beasts, so that you can protect your mother!"

He was sick and lay on his father's chest, listening to him singing familiar nursery rhymes...

It's a pity that my father's face is always blurry.

When the scene changed, Lu Zhijie's face appeared.He appeared in a suit and tie at the orphanage and stretched out his hand to the boy huddled in the corner.

"Xiaoyu, daddy will take you home!"

Behind him was a beautiful woman holding a pink and jade-carved little milk baby in her arms.

The boy looked at the woman and the little baby, with a look of fear mixed with a bit of coldness.

Lu Zhijie said to him: "She will be your mother in the future.

"But if you don't want to call her mom, you can call her Aunt Qin.

"She has your sister in her hand, Yiyi!"


The scenes in the dream changed over and over, and the sleeping man's expression also kept changing.

in the bedroom.

Jiang Ning watched with solemnity as Fu Chen completed a systematic examination of the man on the bed.

Soon, Fu Chen turned around and said, "Actually, you know that there is no problem with his physical function. It is mainly due to the drowsiness caused by psychological factors."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the big bed and said lightly: "You two are really comparable in experience, but his psychological quality is far behind you!"

Jiang Ning glared at him.

Not everyone's psychological quality can be trained to be as tough as hers.

Even if it's Lu Yu or K, he's no exception!
After sending Fu Chen away, Wei Lan and Luo Xi appeared in Xinghai Bay.

"Jiang Ning, what happened to Xiao Yu?" Luo Xi pulled Jiang Ning and asked with concern on his face.

After speaking, he turned his head and glared at Wei Lan, complaining that the other party refused to tell her anything.

"Sister Luo Xi, Lu Yu was just competing with her." Jiang Ning responded quietly.

"What do you mean?"

“He suddenly discovered that he hated the wrong person, and the person he had resented for so many years had always protected him in his own way.

"The sudden truth overwhelmed him."

The moment Jiang Ning finished speaking, Luo Xi said in surprise: "So, he opened the room in the attic?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "Yes."

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