Luo Xi walked to the big bed in the bedroom. Looking at the pale face of the man on the bed, she felt distressed.

In fact, she and Hua Jing knew from beginning to end that Lu Zhijie had been setting up a big game for so many years.

It sounds crazy, so crazy that it’s unbelievable.

Lu Zhijie knew that what he did would hurt his son, so he asked Hua Jing to take care of his son before his plan started.

Hua Jing asked him: "Aren't you afraid that Xiaoyu will hate you if you do this?"

Lu Zhijie replied: "Even if I didn't do this, he would still hate me. I betrayed his mother. This is an indisputable fact."

When Luo Xi said this to Jiang Ning, his tone was full of regret.

On the side, Wei Lan and Shen Mu listened very carefully.

Wei Lan can also capture some useful information through these words, which can be used when providing psychological counseling to Lu Yu in the future.

As for Shen Mu, he was completely confused, so he stepped forward curiously and interrupted: "So Lu Yu doesn't get along with Lu Zhifeng and Lu Zhigang, but he doesn't get along with the entire Lu family?"

Luo Xi glanced at him, "You go home first, I will go back and explain to you later."

Shen Mu was unhappy and insisted that Lu Yu was now his brother-in-law, and he could not just sit idly by and ignore his brother-in-law's affairs.

Luo Xi ignored him, but continued to tell Jiang Ning everything she knew.

"I only know that my uncle hates his old man and the whole Lu Group.

"For the safety of his aunt and Xiaoyu, he gritted his teeth and chose to marry a woman he didn't love, and had a child with a woman he didn't love, and that's how he completely deceived the old man.

"In the Lu family, he has always pretended to be aloof from the world and not show off in the company, in order to make everyone who is eyeing the Lu family drop their guard against him.

"He has his own surveillance system behind the scenes and can learn everything about the Lu family..."

When Luo Xi said this, Jiang Ning couldn't help but interrupt her.

"Uncle Lu did this, what does he want?"

"He wants to destroy the old man's most important thing, the Lu family.

"He doesn't want Xiao Yu to carry the thing that killed his mother!" Jiang Ning glanced at the man on the bed and fell into silence for a moment.

She always thought that Lu Yu was hiding deep in the Lu family, but she didn't expect that the person who hid the deepest was actually the most inconspicuous Lu Zhijie!
From a certain perspective, Lu Yu is really similar to his father.

Is the behavior of the father and son a kind of way to the same goal?

The ridiculous thing is: their enemy turned out to be their closest relatives!
The man on the bed's eyelids trembled, but unfortunately he still didn't wake up.

Wei Lan recorded the conversation between Luo Xi and Jiang Ning while drawing up a new healing plan.

"By the way, Jiang Ning, he hasn't woken up for three days, is he starving?" Luo Xi asked suddenly.

Jiang Ning was stunned and couldn't change the topic in time.

"I'm losing nutrient solution!" Shen Mu stepped forward and answered.

Luo Xi nodded and asked extremely worriedly: "He won't sleep like this forever, will he?
"What this child has endured in his heart is really unimaginable to others.

"Now that his world has collapsed, he won't be so depressed, right?"

She was actually asking Wei Lan, but Jiang Ning replied very firmly: "No!

"How could my husband be crushed so easily?"

"Jiang Ning, Xiao Yu has been unable to open up to others, largely because of her mother's experience.

"Now he can finally accept a relationship, I hope you..."

Luo Xi hesitated and wanted to say that he hoped the other party would not hurt him.

Now that Jiang Ning's true identity has been exposed, and their marriage has been a contract from the beginning, she is really not sure whether Jiang Ning has any intentions in this marriage.

"Sister Luo Xi, don't worry, Lu Yu and I...

"The relationship between us will not end with a contract, but it will probably end with a contract——

"A lifelong contract!"

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