A month later, Lu Liting died in the ICU ward.

In the last month of his life, he no longer knew what earth-shaking changes had happened to the Lu family.

He also didn't know that even if his grandson didn't have his last will and testament, the other party would still be able to control the entire Lu family.

Today, the Lu Group is basically completely controlled by Lu Yu alone. The forces that Lu Zhifeng and Lu Zhigangpei had cultivated had long been uprooted by Lu Yu.

Jingshan Palace, main building.

There is a huge black and white photo of Mr. Lu in the main hall. However, what is placed on the altar table under the photo is not some sacrificial objects, but piles of data reports and Lu's internal information.

Gao Yue and Liu Yun knelt in front of the altar table, crying and howling——

"Dad, take a look. This is the good grandson you insist on bringing back. He is so ambitious..."

"We were all deceived by his careless appearance. It turns out that he has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger for so many years. His ambition is to swallow up the entire Lu family, swallow up the entire Lu family, and drive out all of us uncles and aunts. go out……"

"Yes, dad's body is still cold, and this evil beast says he wants to clean up the house!"

"Oh, Dad, how could you just let it go? Liu Yun and I won't say anything else, but that scoundrel wants to drive your beloved Xiao Shu out of the Lu family. It's really rebellious... …”

Lu Yu was sitting on the three-person sofa in the living room, with a smile on his face and a pair of indifferent eyes showing coldness.

Probably because he really couldn't bear to hear the accusation behind him, he turned his head in a daze.

"Okay, aunties! Grandpa is gone, what are you two complaining about here? Doesn't this affect his early attainment of bliss!"

Gao Yue ignored it and continued to cry: "Dad, did you hear it? Did you see it? This is how he treats us elders!"

On the single sofas on both sides, Lu Zhifeng and Lu Zhijie sat on each side. At this time, their expressions were also clouded.

No one expected that the final winner of the Lu family would be this most inconspicuous playboy.

Originally, I asked my nephew to come back today because I wanted to have a final negotiation, but judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the negotiation will not be possible.

Amidst Gao Yue and Liu Yun's continuous accusations, Lu Yu finally got up impatiently.

"In this case, I won't delay the eldest uncle and the second uncle from accompanying the two aunts here to fulfill their filial piety! We will talk about the company later."

Lu Zhifeng pondered for a moment, then got up and chased outside the door.

"Lu Yu." He stopped the person.

"Is there anything else?" Lu Yu did not turn around.

"Do you really have to be so ruthless in what you do?"

"Jue? Is this word really suitable for me?"

Lu Yu turned around as he spoke, and said in a long tone with a smile but not a smile: "Do you want to say goodbye? Do I have two uncles and aunts?"
"Huh? Have you forgotten how you designed me?
"How did Jiang Ning and I get married? Have you forgotten?"

Lu Zhifeng's face stiffened, and he pretended to be calm and said, "Didn't you fall in love with her and have a date in the hotel?"

"Yes, do you believe it?

"Didn't you find a young girl to accuse me of rape?"

"That's nonsense. I think you have delusions of being persecuted."

"Whether it is yes or no, you just need to know it in your own mind!"

Lu Yu left without hesitation after saying these words, letting the other party shout "stop" several times behind him.

When he came out of the main building, he subconsciously glanced at the annex building to the west, only to see Mo Liangsheng holding Lu Yi and walking towards the commercial vehicle on the other side of the road.

He frowned and walked quickly towards the two of them.


The two stopped and turned around. Lu Yi shouted "Brother" with red eyes.

"Master Lu." Mo Liangsheng nodded slightly as he rushed towards the person.

"What's wrong with Yiyi?"

"Qin Shu just kidnapped the young lady and threatened Mr. Lu. She was frightened."


Lu Yu looked at Lu Yi carefully and saw a thin blood mark on her neck, which looked like it had been pressed by a blade.

Immediately, he said to Mo Liangsheng: "Take Yiyi to Xinghai Bay."

There was a hint of surprise in Mo Liangsheng's eyes.

He thought that according to Lu Yu's temperament, although he would not transfer his hatred for Qin Shu to Lu Yi, he would still reject this sister to some extent.Now it seems that is not the case.

He treated Lu Yi somewhat sincerely.


Mo Liangsheng responded and took Lu Yi into the car.

Qin Shu's hysterical shouting came from the villa——

"Lu Zhijie, you shameless bitch!
"You have worked really hard for so many years, and the world owes you an Oscar.

"What kind of ecstasy soup did that bitch Hua Ping give you to make you remember a dead man for the rest of your life?
"You bastard, you only deserve that kind of bitch..."


A crisp sound ended the sound and brought Lu Yu back to his thoughts.

He was stunned and hesitantly stepped onto the steps of the villa.

Since discovering Lu Zhijie's secret, he has not returned to the Lu family yet.

Jiang Ning said: "It takes time to re-examine some things!"

It's been a month, maybe he can face his father again——

The man who has endured this for most of his life!

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Lu Zhijie's emotionless voice -

"Qin Shu, you and I are each other.

“When it comes to Oscars, you are the one who deserves it the most!
"You can change yourself from Shu Qing to Qin Shu for that old guy Mo Huaizhi, why can't I do something for Xiaoping?"

Lu Yu walked in expressionlessly, his eyes falling directly on the disheveled woman.

Qin Shu happened to be looking towards the door, with a strange smile on her face.

"Lu Zhijie, I will never let you go, or your Lu family!


"Do you think Lu Yi is your daughter? Let me tell you, she is not, she is a bastard created by Mo Shoucheng and I!
"Surprise? Unexpected?

"You know who Mo Shoucheng is, right? Mo Huaizhi's eldest son!"

Lu Yu's heart sank when he heard this.

If what she said is true, then the current relationship between Mo Liangsheng and Lu Yi is a big joke.

Although the two did not express it publicly, he could vaguely feel Lu Yi's dependence on Mo Liangsheng, and he also knew that Mo Liangsheng was waiting for Lu Yi to graduate from college.

Will this be Qin Shu's final trump card?

Lu Zhijie didn't notice the person coming behind him at all, and slapped Qin Shu hard.

"You are the complete bitch!
"If Lu Liting hadn't treated you like his daughter, would you have climbed into the old man's bed?"

Qin Shu seemed to be smiling, but his eyes were more calm.

As her eyes rolled around, her unique charm was revealed.

"Yes, who told you, Lu Zhijie, that you are not a man?

"You don't want to touch me, but there are many people who are willing to touch me!

"Want to know who else is there? It's in your Lu family. Do you want to take a guess?"

Qin Shu looked behind him meaningfully, then stepped forward and whispered into his ear.

Although Lu Yu couldn't hear her voice, he read the word "Lu Yan" through lip reading.

"Lu Zhijie, is this a shame? This is the retribution your Lu family deserves!" Qin Shu said calmly, still looking calm.

She obviously wanted to irritate the other party by saying this, but the fact was that Lu Zhijie was indeed irritated by her.

"Bitch, go to hell..."

Lu Yu wanted to step forward to stop him, but unfortunately it was too late.

The knife that was originally held by Qin Shu had been pierced into her chest, smearing a large area of ​​bright red on her light-colored coat.

... (end of this chapter)

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