Looking from the angle where Lu Yu was standing, he could clearly see that it was Qin Shu who plunged the knife into his chest.

However, based on the location of the surveillance camera in the living room, how exactly what happened cannot be clearly restored.

Qin Shu's face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she screamed as if she was trying to hold her breath: "Lu Zhijie killed someone..."

The housekeeper and nanny rushed over and witnessed the so-called truth.

Ambulances and public security vehicles rushed to Jingshan Palace at the same time, one took away Qin Shu and the other took away Lu Zhijie.

The nanny followed into the ambulance, while Lu Yu and the housekeeper were taken to the police station as witnesses.

Lu Yu knew very well that everything that happened now was within Qin Shu's plan.

The blind spot of the surveillance, the two witnesses, the housekeeper and the nanny, and the time when the ambulance and police car appeared...

It all clicked just right.

What he didn't know was Qin Shu's wound. After resuscitation, he concluded that it was only one centimeter away from damaging his heart.

Qin Shu was sent back to the ward after rescue.

In view of this case, the police specially arranged for two police officers to guard outside the ward.

Such a big event happened in Jingshan Palace, Gao Yue and Liu Yun also rushed to the hospital in panic.

The conversation between the two was also recorded by the police.

Lu Zhijie, his son, and the housekeeper were taken into the inquiry room one after another, but the three people's stories were different.

The last person to be questioned was Lu Yu, and the first question asked by the interrogator was what was his relationship with Lu Zhijie.

"It's not important." Lu Yu replied.

"Please answer my question seriously."

"He's my father."

"What is the relationship between the woman he stabbed and you?"

"He didn't stab the person."

"Whether we will have the results of the investigation or not, you can answer our questions now."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, and a cold light shot out from his deep eyes.

After pondering for a moment, he replied expressionlessly: "She is my stepmother in name only. We have a bad relationship!"

"Mr. Lu, you know that there is no direct evidence to prove that your father did not stab anyone, and the surveillance footage at home cannot restore the entire process due to angle problems, so the witness testimony is crucial now, and I hope you will be more serious."

"Comrade police, I tell you very seriously and responsibly: I saw with my own eyes that Qin Shu deliberately angered Lu Zhijie and when he forced Lu Zhijie to attack her, he plunged the knife into his own chest!"

"But another witness said otherwise."

According to the butler's testimony, when he arrived at the scene, he happened to see Lu Zhijie plunge the knife into Qin Shu's chest.

"And our colleagues have also obtained testimony from the nanny in the hospital, and the content is consistent with what the previous witness said."

Lu Yu adjusted his sitting posture, and then asked: "In other words, there is no new evidence to prove that Qin Shu committed self-harm and framed the crime. Lu Zhijie's crime of intentional injury will be determined, right?"

The police officer sitting opposite him hesitated and answered in the affirmative.

"What about the surveillance recordings? From the recordings, we should be able to judge their emotions and status at that time."

"The recording is damaged, and our colleagues in the technical department are trying their best to repair it."

Lu Yu curled his lips and smiled, "It was so damaged at the right time."


star bay.

Jiang Ning didn't know what happened in Jingshan Palace until Lu Cheng sent her a message.

The message wasn't clear, so she called the other party back.

"Jiang Ning, the third uncle should be temporarily detained now. Ayu was taken to the police station as a witness. The matter is a bit complicated.

“The current situation is that the evidence of Uncle San’s injury is conclusive. If Ayu continues to insist on exonerating him, he may be detained on suspicion of perjury.

"Think about what moment the Lu family is in, what will happen if Ayu is detained?

"I'll tell you this, it's up to you what to do with the rest!"

Jiang Ning was a little surprised to hear what he said, "Why are you telling me this? If someone wants to mess up the Lu family, wouldn't it be good for you?"

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Miss Jiang, I thought you knew me thoroughly when I chased you!"

"You want me to say that you are a love brain? You would give up everything for Miss Wei?" "Yeah."


"Zhizhi is in trouble, I'll die first!"


After putting down the phone, Lu Yi ran over to her with a worried look on her face and asked her if something big had happened in Jingshan Palace.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Jiang Ning comforted the frightened Lu Yi, but asked Mo Liangsheng to talk to her in the backyard.

"Sister-in-law, don't avoid me and say, I can bear it!"

"Miss Jiang, just say it if you have anything to say." Mo Liangsheng said from the side, "There are some things she must face! All we can do is minimize the damage."

The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a long time before briefly recounting what Lu Cheng had just told her.

"I have to go to the police station now. Lu Yu cannot be detained."

"Sister-in-law, I'll go with you."

Lu Yi stepped forward and took Jiang Ning's arm with an extremely determined attitude.

"Yiyi, do you want to go to the hospital first?"

What Jiang Ning thought was that no matter what Qin Shu did, she was Lu Yi's biological mother after all.

However, her proposal was strongly opposed by Mo Liangsheng, "Ms. Jiang is a mother who can even kidnap her own daughter for her own purposes. I dare not rule out that she will do other more extreme things."

Jiang Ning thought about it and asked Mo Liangsheng to stay at home and watch her.

A moment later, when Jiang Ning changed her clothes and was about to go out, she found that Mo Liangsheng and Lu Yi were already waiting by the car.

"Sister-in-law, just let me go. I have something to prove dad's innocence."

"Miss Jiang, please let her do something! Qin Shu's incident has always made her feel guilty." Mo Liangsheng pleaded.

"Let's go then."

Half an hour later, the police station.

As soon as the three of them entered the police reception hall, Lu Yi saw with sharp eyes the housekeeper who was going through the formalities and preparing to leave.

"Uncle Yi." She stepped forward and patted the other party's shoulder.

The housekeeper was startled, and showed a hint of panic when he saw the person coming.

Lu Yi wouldn't notice this expression, but Mo Liangsheng and Jiang Ning caught some of it.

"Why are you here, miss?"

"Uncle Yi, haven't you seen how mom went crazy at home?

“When she held the knife against me, my father didn’t do anything to her.

"How could he hurt mom when I left?"

"Miss, it's just because you left that you don't know what happened next. And Mr. Lu probably didn't want you to see what happened next, so he asked you to leave first!"


"Miss, you can't confuse right and wrong just because you favor your father. Your mother is still lying in the hospital!"

"You are the one who is confusing right and wrong. You should be arrested by the police!"

Lu Yi's voice directly attracted the police patrolling the hall.

"What's wrong?" A somewhat lame middle-aged police officer came over and asked.

"Police uncle, this man lied and committed perjury, you should arrest him!"

As soon as she said this, Jiang Ning quickly stepped forward and pulled her back.

"Yiyi, you can't talk nonsense."

The housekeeper glanced at Jiang Ning, and then said in a sinister tone: "Miss, you can't listen to an outsider's instigation of discord! This is the police station. If you lied for someone else, you will have to take the blame for someone else!"

After speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

Mo Liangsheng blocked him and said with an indifferent expression: "Since Miss Lu said you lied, I can't let you leave so soon!" (End of Chapter)

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