The butler was stopped.

Lu Yi asked the police to meet the person in charge of Lu Zhijie's injury case, and said that he had a way to prove Lu Zhijie's innocence.

The lame police officer hesitated for a moment, and then asked her to wait in the small conference room.

Jiang Ning asked her what her plans were, and warned her not to mess around, let alone lie to the police station.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, I can also do something for my father and brother."

After waiting in the conference room for about 5 minutes, two police officers appeared together with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu frowned immediately when he saw the person coming.

"What are you running here for?"

After speaking, he looked at Mo Liangsheng again, his eyes looked a bit strange to him.

He remembered Qin Shu's words before and what she had revealed about Lu Yi's life experience.

But he doesn't believe that yet.

After all, Lu Yi is very similar to him and Lu Zhijie, both in appearance and personality.

Mo Liangsheng couldn't accept such a strange look, so he couldn't help but ask, "Why does Mr. Lu look at me like this?"

"I want you to take a good look at Lu Yi. Why do you let her come here and cause trouble?"

"Brother, I'm here to prove dad's innocence." Lu Yi interrupted.

Lu Yu raised his eyes and looked at her, "What can you prove if surveillance can't prove it?"

"I have surveillance from another angle!"

Lu Yi's casual words changed the expressions of everyone present, especially the housekeeper who was stopped by Mo Liangsheng.

"Miss Lu, you can't talk nonsense in the police station. If you make a mistake, you will be legally responsible!"

After the housekeeper finished speaking, the two police officers who came in with Lu Yu looked at him with some dissatisfaction.

"It's not your turn to say this."

The housekeeper shut his mouth, but there was some inexplicable panic in his eyes.

One of the police officers turned on the surveillance camera in the conference room, took out the recording pen from his pocket and put it on the table.

"Ms. Lu, you just said you could provide surveillance from another angle?"

"Yes." Lu Yi nodded seriously.

Immediately, she took out her mobile phone from her small bag and clicked on an APP on her mobile phone.

"Approximately what time did the incident occur?" she asked.

The police officer called up the surveillance screen previously extracted from Lu's house, confirmed the time on the screen and gave an answer.

Lu Yi adjusted the time back to that period, and immediately showed a relieved expression on his face.

She handed the phone to the police officer and muttered: "I knew it must be my mother who was doing it!"

Jiang Ning and Mo Liangsheng hurried forward.

The scene provided by Lu Yi was shot facing the sofa in the living room, which is a scene recorded and restored from the perspective of Lu Zhijie and Qin Shu facing each other.

From this scene, we can clearly see that Qin Shu grabbed Lu Zhijie's hand and stabbed the short knife into his chest.

While everyone's attention was on the surveillance screen, the housekeeper gently opened the door of the conference room.

However, a strong force pulled him back.

The younger police officer ridiculed: "What's the matter? Now you don't want to teach us about the consequences of perjury?"

The housekeeper was detained by the police on suspicion of perjury and his contact with the outside world was cut off.

Lu Zhijie was immediately released.

No one expected that something that was originally thought to be complicated would be solved so easily in the end.

When coming out of the police station, Lu Yu held Jiang Ning and walked side by side with Lu Zhijie.

Both father and son looked like they had something to say but didn't know how to say it.

After brewing for a long time, Lu Zhijie finally asked Lu Yi what the surveillance was about.

"I secretly found someone to install it. Since I overheard what Lin Ying said last time, I suddenly thought of my mother and her always like to get together to chat when no one is at home. I suspected that they wanted to design it again. Brother, just...used this stupid method."

"It's all thanks to your stupid method this time." Lu Yu responded from the side.

"So I'm still of some use to you, right?"

"of course."

After speaking, Lu Zhijie raised his hand and rubbed the girl's haggard little face, and a faint mist appeared in the deep eyes.

He is now more fortunate that when his daughter went back to the monitoring, she did not go back to what Qin Shu said before.If Lu Yi heard his mother use such a tone, saying that her daughter was a bastard she created, he could not imagine what kind of blow it would be to a girl who was still a child.

Lu Yu looked at them with half-squinted eyes, but hesitated to speak.

Jiang Ning saw some clues from the side, so she excused herself to go to the bathroom and asked Lu Yi if he could accompany her.

"Okay, I'll accompany you!"

"Little Mo, you..."

Without waiting for Lu Zhijie's instructions, Mo Liangsheng took the initiative to follow the two girls.

At the moment, only the father and son were left staring at each other, and no one took the initiative to speak.

The silence lasted for nearly 2 minutes, and finally Lu Zhijie spoke up first.

"There are so many things going on in the company recently, do you have time to spend with Ningning?"


"Ning Ning and the child, are everything okay?"

"it is good."

"The due date..."

Lu Yu didn't want to talk to him about useless nonsense, so he suddenly asked a question without thinking -

"Do you believe it?"

Lu Zhijie frowned, "What do you believe?"

"Lu Yi."

"What do you think?"

"I think she is very similar to you, both in personality and appearance."

Lu Zhijie nodded and chuckled.

"Someone once said that about you and me."

"You still have not answered my question."

"When I married Qin Shu, I wanted you and your mother to live a peaceful life. I never thought about having a de facto marriage with Qin Shu;
"But you know the old man. In order to force me and Qin Shu to consummate our marriage, he threatened me with your mother many times.

"I know the old man means what he says, just..."

Lu Zhijie talked a lot, but didn't get to the point.

Lu Yu was a little impatient, "I don't want to hear what you said, I'm talking about Lu Yi's life experience!"

Lu Zhijie was silent for a moment, then took out his cell phone from his pocket.

While fiddling with her cell phone, she responded: "I actually know that there is always someone outside her, and I have also doubted Lu Yi's life experience, so I have done this paternity test a long time ago."

After saying that, he handed the phone over again.

Lu Yu next looked at the results, and his tense face suddenly relaxed for a moment.

His reaction surprised Lu Zhijie.

"You don't reject Yiyi?"

"She's my sister, why should I reject her?"

"I thought you were interested in my future marriage..."

"I don't deal with the situation, you scumbag, but your daughter is innocent!"


"I opened the locked room in Xinghai Bay, and I know that you have...never forgotten her.

"I misunderstood you!" Lu Yu added.

He thought it would be difficult to say these words, but now it seems that it is not difficult to say them.

At the same time, he also felt a sense of relief.

Lu Zhijie looked at his son with some relief, his eyes slightly moist.

"A Yu."

"She is in Yuyun Mountain in Lucheng."

Lu Yu guessed what he wanted to ask and gave the address of the cemetery where Hua Ping was located.

"Maybe she has been waiting for your explanation too!"


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