Jiang Ning never expected that Jiang Yaoping would call in person.

The attitude of the other party on the phone was very friendly, and the opening remarks were even more solicitous, which sounded extremely sincere.

"Xiao Ning, grandpa knows that you have resentment in your heart, but you don't even recognize grandpa?"

"No, I'm busy with schoolwork recently, so I don't have time to see you!" Jiang Ning replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Jiang Yaoping lives in a resort in the suburbs. For those who don't have a car, it takes more than half a day to go back and forth, so she hasn't visited since returning home.

Of course, the main reason is that someone is always obstructing it secretly.

"Since you don't have time to come and see me, I'll just go and see you!"

Before Jiang Ning could understand what he meant, he heard the other party ask, "Are you at school? I'm at the gate of Yunda."

She was startled, and then replied, "I'll go right away."

At the school gate, Jiang Yaoping stood alone under a certain camphor tree leaning on a crutch.

He was not in a car, nor was he accompanied by bodyguards, and he was wearing the most common woolen jacket and slacks, and a gray baseball cap.

Seeing the girl walking limping in the distance, he immediately spread his legs and walked quickly to meet her.

"Girl, what happened to your leg?"

Jiang Ning frowned, feeling embarrassed to look at the other party.

"Accidentally sprained." She responded softly.

Immediately, he looked around again and asked why he was the only one.

Jiang Yaoping smiled and said, "I've heard about you at school, and I'll come to see you in a luxury car, for fear of causing you more trouble."

Jiang Ning was a little moved, she knew that the old man was sincere.

It's a pity that her interaction with the other party was limited to one month when she was taken back to Jiang's house when she was six years old.

In the following ten years, he was only his grandfather in name.

Having not seen each other for so many years, Jiang Ning didn't know how to get along with each other for a while.

During the silence, only embarrassment remained around the two of them.

In Jiang Yaoping's heart, he felt indebted to this granddaughter, and he tried his best to keep her in Jiang's family.

But in the end, he agreed with his son and daughter-in-law because of his face.

"Xiao Ning, since you're back, go back to Jiang's house. I'll take care of your parents."

Jiang Ning knew what the other party wanted to say, so there was no need to let this topic continue.

When Jiang Tianhua pushed her on the bed of a business partner as a bargaining chip, her emotional value for the Jiang family had already retreated to a negative number.

"Grandpa, I will often go back to see you in the future."

Jiang Yaoping is so shrewd, how could he fail to understand the meaning of this sentence.

He had heard about some of Jiang Tianhua's behaviors from his subordinates a long time ago, and he had scolded his son badly on the phone.

Putting yourself in the shoes of others, it is difficult for anyone to accept and forgive this kind of thing.

He didn't force the other party, but said a few words of comfort in a gentle voice.

The two stood at the school gate and chatted for about ten minutes. After Jiang Yaoping answered the phone, he left first.

Jiang Ning didn't go back to the dormitory, but called Sun Mengying to tell Sun Mengying that she had gone home first.

She sat at KFC across the road and waited for Su Nian to pick her up.

Just before three o'clock, the eye-catching red supercar stopped by the side of the road.

When Su Nian was sitting in the car and was about to make a phone call, the passenger door was pulled open.

Jiang Ning got into the car, "Old Town, EA studio."

Su Nian yelled while turning the steering wheel, "You bloody woman, you really treat me like a taxi!"

Jiang Ning fiddled with her phone with her head down, "Well, it's still free!"

Su Nian died.

Four 10 minutes later, at the entrance of the EA studio.

Jiang Ning saw a familiar white Bentley, and her eyebrows twitched involuntarily.

Su Nian turned off the car and was about to get out, but there was no movement around her.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Jiang Ning raised her chin, "Ms. Ye's car."

After the words fell, Su Nian's face became a little excited.

"Wow, Jiang Xiaoning, here comes the opportunity to slap you in the face, get out of the car and let's go!"

Jiang Ning: "."

EA is a private custom brand that has exploded in the world in the past two years. Its products include not only clothing, but also various jewelry.

Because it is privately customized, the target customer group is relatively small. In foreign countries, it is mainly sought after by some high-society ladies and wives.

Introduced into the country last year, apart from some noble daughters and rich families, female stars in the entertainment industry are also mainstream consumer groups.

With more customer groups, the customization cycle will be extended, so to customize a set of EA clothing in China, you need to make an appointment two months in advance;

If you still need to match jewelry, the appointment cycle is half a year.

In the low-key and indifferent studio, the chief designer of the store is personally receiving the distinguished guests.

"Ms. Ye, Ms. Jiang, I'm really sorry, I really didn't find anything related to the two of you in EA's customer information."

Ye Lan's expression was a bit ugly. She emphasized many times that she was not an EA customer before, but today she is willing to pay a high price for a finished dress.

Probably because the communication was fruitless, her attitude has become less friendly.

Jiang Ying said to the designer with a smile on her face, "Do you think this is okay? Give me the contact information of the owner of the dress my mother likes. Let's communicate with the other party and see if it works."

"You can customize clothes at EA, who do you think cares how much more you spend?" Su Nian couldn't help but taunted as soon as he entered the door.

It doesn't sound like it sounds good, but it's the truth.

The store designer glanced at the door, and a strange look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Jiang Ning squinted her eyes and gave the other party a hint.

When Ye Lan turned her head to look at the door, a look of unhappiness appeared on her face.

"Sister? Are you here to buy clothes too?"

Jiang Ying acted very affectionate, and then said with a disappointed face: "It's a pity that EA doesn't sell ready-to-wear, and customization needs to be booked two months in advance!"

"Jiang Xiaoning, do you know them?" Su Nian asked knowingly from the side.

Jiang Ning knew that her best friend wanted to vent her anger for her, but unfortunately she obviously didn't understand her situation now.

Just when she didn't know how to answer, Ye Lan said coldly: "Miss, we don't know each other."

After the words fell, the designer on the side suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered: "Fortunately!"

"Fortunately what?" Ye Lan was puzzled.

"It's a good thing you two don't know Miss Jiang!

"Otherwise, I have to give Ms. Jiang face, but if I give Ms. Jiang this face, I will definitely refute another client's face. It's a dilemma!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Ning's scalp became tense.

She cast a warning look at the man beside her, but said with a gentle smile on her face: "Designer Tang is serious, I just have a little friendship with the respected teacher, how can I have such a big face?"

"Miss Jiang is humble, my master has always admired Miss Jiang's talent."

"I am over-flattered"

The two sang together, and they looked at Ye Lan's mother and daughter dumbfounded.

Although Tang Qingyun didn't know the two of them, but just now he heard Jiang Ying's voice of sister, he could guess six or seven points.

He had known that Jiang Ning had an excellent mother, and he had always wanted to see how excellent she really was. Today, seeing is better than hearing a hundred things.

Jiang Ying rolled her eyes, then pulled Ye Lan aside and muttered a few words in a low voice.

It probably meant that he wanted to use Jiang Ning's face to buy a dress first.

"Tomorrow is grandpa's birthday banquet, and mother is the hostess of Jiang's family. Of course, she has to dress more luxuriously, and she can't let the other wives overwhelm the host."

Ye Lan has always taken it seriously when it comes to the issue of face, and now she feels that what her daughter said is very reasonable.

"But you asked me to beg her? I can't do it!"

"As long as my mother agrees, I can ask my sister, she treats me well!" Jiang Ying said.

"I'm afraid I'll wrong you!"

"As long as my mother is happy, I will not be wronged."

After hearing this, Ye Lan looked at her daughter with a full face of emotion. After all these years, the pain has not been in vain.

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