In fact, Ye Lan's birthday is next month, and the dress she was looking at was originally Jiang Ning's birthday present for her.

Now that the relationship between the mother and daughter is in such a mess, naturally the gift cannot be given out.

So when Jiang Ying asked for that dress, Jiang Ning had nothing to hesitate.

On the contrary, Tang Qingyun and Su Nian were a little depressed. They agreed that Jiang Ning should take this opportunity to embarrass the mother and daughter.

When Jiang Ying accompanied Ye Lan in to try on the dress, Tang Qingyun exploded like a balloon.

"Junior Sister, is there something wrong with you?"

"That's right, I'm so angry with you that my liver hurts!" Su Nian also echoed.

Jiang Ning waved her hand, and a secretive smile flashed across her face.

"Two ancestors, what's the point of this embarrassment that no one has witnessed?"


Soon, Ye Lan's joyful voice came from the locker room——

"Oh, this dress is tailor-made for me. I thought I had to adjust it a little bit, but I didn't expect it to fit so well!"

Jiang Ying didn't hesitate to praise her, "Mom must be the one who attracts the most attention tomorrow!"

"Yingying, hurry up and see if you like it, let's buy it together!"

"Ms. Ye, this one on you is already an exception. I really don't have the authority to move another one for you!" Tang Qingyun couldn't help but responded loudly.

Ye Lan muttered a few words in it, probably cursing.

Jiang Ying felt a little regretful, but she could guess what Jiang Ning was thinking.

If I go to ask her again, I am afraid that her posture will be very different from before, so the most correct way is to stop in moderation.

Tang Qingyun was not merciless when he brought Ye Lan to pay the bill.

Since the other party just said that he was willing to pay three times the price for ready-made clothes, he unceremoniously quoted three times the price.

Buying a dress in six figures, Ye Lan turned blue when she swiped the card.

When the mother and daughter left, Jiang Ning noticed that Jiang Ying's gaze had passed the flower fairy dress in the window many times.

She squinted her eyes and said meaningfully: "I suddenly remembered something!"

Su Nian asked what was the matter.

Jiang Ning replied quietly: "Jiang Ying once gave me a glass necklace!"

A glass necklace that caused her to be sent abroad by the Jiang family.

"What do you mean?" Tang Qingyun asked.

On Jiang Ying's sixth birthday, Jiang Tianhua gave her an emerald necklace as a birthday present.

But Jiang's family forgot that Jiang Ying's birthday was also Jiang Ning's birthday.

At that time, Jiang Ning first arrived at Jiang's house, and she was not used to the life of such a big family. She lived in fear every day, and she didn't even dare to speak loudly.

She will not please her parents, even if the other party is her own.

So even if she returned to the Jiang family, she would have no sense of existence.

However, on her birthday, Jiang Ying generously gave her the "Emerald" necklace.

Looking back now, Jiang Ning can only blame himself for being too ignorant at the time, for treating such a crude beer bottle glass as a treasure.

At the dinner that day, when Jiang's adopted daughter appeared wearing a poor-quality glass necklace, someone mocked Jiang Tianhua——

"Mr. Jiang, it's better not to raise a daughter like this!"

Many people thought that he let his adopted daughter wear fake jewelry because he was reluctant to buy good jewelry for his adopted daughter. As a result, he and Ye Lan were so embarrassed that they couldn't lift their heads.

This is not the key point, the key point is that Jiang Ying firmly insisted that the necklace she gave to her sister was the one given by her father.

So where did the emerald necklace go?

Ye Lan has always suspected that Jiang Ning secretly gave her the gambler brother, that's why she always said that she was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

After Su Nian and Tang Qingyun heard this story, they both felt that their three views had been refreshed.

"Damn it, that dead Bai Lian is so scheming at the age of six!" Su Nian said angrily, patting the table.

Tang Qingyun asked solemnly, "Why haven't you mentioned it before?"

Jiang Ning shrugged, "I'm afraid of your reaction now!"

After a while, Tang Qingyun suddenly realized her intention of mentioning this matter at this time, so he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Do you want to treat this person in the same way?"

"Eldest brother understands me!"

Tang Qingyun laughed out loud, and then took the flower fairy dress in the window off the mannequin.


Ye Lan took Jiang Ying to choose a dress at another private custom studio nearby, and suddenly received a call from Tang Qingyun.

The other party said on the phone that he could help her get a custom dress in private, but the price was relatively high.

Ye Lan thought to herself that the money was spent anyway, so it doesn't matter if I spend more.

Tomorrow's birthday banquet has almost invited wealthy businessmen from the entire Yunzhou City. If my daughter can meet with a certain young master and make a good marriage, what's the point of spending this little money?
She agreed immediately, and said that she would go back immediately.

"No, don't come to the studio, I'll send you an address to meet there!" Tang Qingyun said.


Just as Ye Lan hung up the phone, she received an address from the other party. She dragged Jiang Ying to the cafe mentioned in the message.

Jiang Ying felt that this was a bit strange, and reminded the other party to be careful of liars.

"Yingying, you don't understand! Designers like Tang Qingyun who help other people do a lot of private work. Just now, I paid three times the price for clothes, and he just set his sights on my wallet! "

"But mom, I don't want to spend so much money on clothes, let's not let people slaughter me!"

"My dear, the princess of the Jiang family deserves a unique evening dress!"


When the two entered the coffee shop, Tang Qingyun waved to them from the corner.

Ye Lan said that she has limited time, so she shortened the meeting time as much as possible.

"My time is more valuable."

As Tang Qingyun said, he put a gift box on the table, opened it and said bluntly: "For the sake of Ms. Ye who just spent 3 times the price, this set will be given to you at the market price!
"But because this dress was designed by Qingchen himself, the market price is also in the six figures!"

The skirt in the box made Jiang Ying's eyes shine, and it was designed by Qingchen herself, which made her even more excited.

"Mom, Qingchen is the chief of EA, it is said that to find her design, you need to make an appointment at least half a year in advance!"

The implication is very simple -

Even if it costs six figures, it's worth it.

Now that her daughter said so, Ye Lan transferred the money to the other party without hesitation.

At the same time, Jiang Tianhua looked at the two purchases on the bank's text message, with a somewhat distressed look on his face.


Su Nian drove Jiang Ning back to Xinghai Bay's villa.

Looking at this magnificent and inhuman garden villa, Miss Su can only express her admiration.

"It seems that your fake husband treats you well! Do you want to consider developing it into a real one?"

Jiang Ning originally didn't intend to let her best friend in, but she insisted on begging for a glass of water.

Su Nian was looking around the huge living room with her arms folded, without any intention of drinking water.

"Hey, to be honest, I've heard of that person Lu Yu. Although he's famous and has scandals from time to time, the evaluation of him by people in the circle is different from that of the outside world. You can consider throwing him Already!"

"Sister, I'm not interested in that kind of pompous, unrefined man!"

Outside the french windows to the west, the man who was squatting on the ground studying a few fresh green plants heard these words verbatim.

Pretentious?No self-restraint?

Lu Yu was almost laughed out of anger.

Just as he was about to enter the house, the conversation sounded again——

"Jiang Xiaoning, don't you still think about that person?"


"Just by looking at your expression! Don't you, sympathy is not love, okay? Wake up, dear!"

"Su Nian, if I say no, then it's not."

The word Chuan between Lu Yu's eyebrows gradually formed.

This girl still has someone hidden in her heart?
When Jiang Ning was mentioned about old people and old affairs, her mood was a little chaotic for a while.

"Nian Nian, do you think I'm the kind of person who falls in unrequited love without even knowing their name?"

Su Nian shook her head, "That's not true!"

Jiang Ning sighed, "That's fine, so don't mention that person again!"

"But why do you go to Mandon River every September..."

As soon as the place name "Manden River" was spoken, the phone ringing outside stopped the conversation.

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