On this night of staying at Xishan Dijing, Jiang Ning truly found her sister and learned some things about that year from her sister.

According to Zhao Xiaoqi——

When she was six years old, a man who claimed to be Uncle Huang found her in the orphanage and told her the reason why she was abandoned by her parents. He also told her everything about having a twin sister.

"Not only that, the person surnamed Huang also said that our sister's position was replaced by a country girl. My sister was taken back to the Jiang family, but was kicked out by her parents a month later. The reason was because she was afraid of hurting the country girl. Heart."

When he said this, Zhao Xiaoqi habitually clenched his fingers and his expression turned into a grin.

She lowered her head and used both hands to ravage the two three-dimensional Donald Duck legs on her pajamas.

Jiang Ning thought through what she said, and asked with some confusion: "Jiang Xiaoqi, since you knew about my existence from the beginning, why didn't you come to me directly then?"

"Please, you are in S state. The living expenses Jiang Tianhua gave me are not enough for me to go abroad."

After Zhao Xiaoqi finished speaking, she turned around, tilted her head and asked, "What did you just call me?"



"If you don't take my surname, why should you take the surname of hundreds of families?"

"Jiang Xiaoqi, it sounds really like the dog you raise."

"Go to the household registration office tomorrow. You will officially change your name to Jiang Xiaoqi. You are not allowed to have any opinions. If you have any opinions, you will not act on them!"


"Okay, keep talking."

"It's all said and done. In the past two years, I have been looking for the guy named Huang from back then, but this guy just seemed to have disappeared from the world."

After Jiang Xiaoqi finished speaking, she noticed that Jiang Ning's face suddenly became a little tense, and quickly asked her what was wrong.

"How much living expenses does Jiang Tianhua give you every year?"

The topic jumped a bit, causing Jiang Xiaoqi's thinking to be completely unable to keep up.

She scratched her head to determine whether the other party's question was literal or had a hidden meaning.

Seeing that she remained silent, Jiang Ning repeated the question.

Jiang Xiaoqi answered truthfully, but Jiang Ning exploded when she heard the answer.

So the one year's living expenses Jiang Tianhua gave his biological daughter was not enough for Jiang Ying to buy a bag?

"If you don't have money, won't you find a way to contact me?"

Jiang Ning said that she was indeed in a state of poverty during the first few years when she first arrived in S Continent, but if she knew that there was a sister in the country, she would definitely find her at all costs.

"Okay, there's no need to talk about this now, let's look forward!"

For Jiang Xiaoqi today, finding her sister means she has the whole world.

But there was one thing she said she wanted to do together with her sister.

Jiang Ning asked what was going on.

"Find the man named Huang back then and find out why he used such a vicious method to break up the Jiang family!"

Jiang Xiaoqi said that although she disdains everything about the Jiang family now, if it hadn't been for the man named Huang, their fate would not have been so misaligned.

"I'm already checking." Jiang Ning responded.

When she came back from Xianyun Village that day, she and Lu Yu started investigating Huang He.

The sisters sat side by side on the bed talking until late into the night.

Until Jiang Ning was so sleepy that she couldn't even lift her eyelids, so she fell asleep on Jiang Xiaoqi's shoulder.

Jiang Xiaoqi looked sideways at her, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

"Good night, Jiang Xiaowu."

After she said this softly, she gently laid the other person down on the bed, carefully tucked the quilt in for her, and lay down next to her with her arms as pillow.

The dream in the second half of the night was very dreamy——

There were only two sisters in the dream. They seemed to have returned to their childhood, with countless colorful bubbles flying around them.


Early the next morning.

Jiang Xiaoqi received a call from her master, saying that the relevant personnel of Yan Fei had been controlled and asked her to quickly go to their work station to meet up.

She glanced at the girl sleeping soundly next to her, then carefully got out of bed and went outside to answer the phone. After roughly understanding the situation, she said she would be there a little later.

"There's no need to be late, you can go ahead." Jiang Ning said standing at the door of the bedroom.

Jiang Xiaoqi looked back and then replied to the other end of the phone: "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

Seeing the other person put down his phone, Jiang Ning yawned and said, "When you finish your work, talk to me about your work."

"You all know that I am a member of Interpol, but I am still an intern. I can become a full-time officer after everyone in the Yanfei organization is arrested."

"Well, let's talk after you're done."

Jiang Ning didn't ask any more questions at this time, because that's not all she wanted to know.

Jiang Xiaoqi puffed up his cheeks and said, "Okay."

A grunting sound suddenly sounded, and the two of them cast strange looks at each other at the same time.

"Are you hungry?" Jiang Xiaoqi asked.

"It's your stomach and my son that are growling, not my hunger." Jiang Ning responded with a shrug.

Jiang Xiaoqi was a little speechless, and then muttered to himself: "What's the point of being embarrassed about being hungry? It all depends on this!"

Due to the rush of check-in, the things in the apartment were really limited.

Jiang Xiaoqi searched around the kitchen and couldn't find any useful ingredients.

She walked around from behind the bar, "How about I go out and buy you... uh... some breakfast for me and my nephew?"

Jiang Ning walked to the living room and dug through the suitcase that Lu Yu sent yesterday, and then said with some disappointment: "You go about your business first, buy breakfast for yourself on the way, I'll order takeout!"

Before Jiang Xiaoqi could go out, the doorbell rang.

Jiang Ning still maintained a trace of vigilance, walked over to the door and shouted loudly: "Who is it?"


Hearing this voice, Jiang Ning quickly opened the door.

A refreshing breath of mint mixed with a strong smell of sesame cakes hits your nose. Of course, the smell of sesame cakes is even more tempting.

The man stood tall and straight outside the door. The high-end customized iron-gray suit outlined his perfect figure. The white shirt underneath and the lapel pin with blue diamonds on the collar added a touch of elegance to him.

Lu Yu hadn't worn such formal attire for a long time, and he must be wearing it today to attend some important event.

But Jiang Ning didn't notice his perfectly tidied hair, nor did she care about the elegance and elegance of his body, nor did she care about his eyes that were so gentle that they almost made water...

All her attention was focused on the other person's hand, on the oil paper bag that was extremely inconsistent with his outfit. The three words "Lin Zhi Ji" on the bag had been smudged with oil flowers.

When Lu Yu discovered that her surprise at this time was not because of his arrival, but because of the sesame seed cake in his hand, a hint of helplessness and resentment instantly appeared in his gentle eyes.

Jiang Ning only accepted the bag of sesame cakes, and she didn't care that much whether the man followed into the house.

However, she didn't close the door when she returned to the house, leaving Lu Yu standing at the door with a bitter look on his face.

Enter, lose face;

Retreat, unwilling to give in.

In the end, Jiang Xiaoqi handed him a step.

"Master Lu, I have a few questions to ask you about Lu Yan. Is it convenient for you?"

Before she could finish her words, two long legs strode into the house.


Jiang Ning turned around with half a piece of sesame seed cake in her mouth and said vaguely: "Xiao Qi, aren't you going out soon? Why are you asking?"

"Ah, yes, so I have to trouble Mr. Lu to see me off later!"

Jiang Xiaoqi looked at the man walking towards the dining table with a playful smile, "Is it convenient?"

Lu Yu's face didn't look good, and his attitude of rejection was obvious.

However, the next second, the sound of "brother-in-law" made him change his words.


Jiang Ning looked at her side as if she had seen a ghost. She was so shocked that the biscuits fell out of her mouth.

She hasn't changed her words about her biological sister yet, so why does she say "brother-in-law" so easily? (End of chapter)

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