Jiang Xiaoqi and Lu Yu left the apartment at the same time.

In the descending elevator, no one made a sound, but each other consciously or unconsciously observed each other through the reflection of the elevator door.

Lu Yu felt that this girl did look similar to Jiang Ning at first glance, but after a closer look, he found that their temperaments were completely different.

Perhaps due to the different environment in which he grew up, Jiang Ning developed a more complicated temperament, which was difficult to judge at first sight;

But this Xiao Qi is completely opposite to her. Even though he is deliberately disguised, his single character is still clear at a glance.

The silence lasted until one second before the elevator opened.

"What's the purpose of approaching me?" Lu Yu suddenly said.

"I know you are dissatisfied with me, so I will take this opportunity to please you." Jiang Xiaoqi said bluntly.

The two walked out of the elevator one after another, and the atmosphere fell into silence again.

Meanwhile, the penthouse balcony.

Jiang Ning held a glass of milk and looked downstairs until the two figures, one tall and one short, appeared in sight.

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't bring any luggage, so the clothes she was wearing were provided by her.

A long taupe woolen coat, revealing a small leg wrapped in black trousers, and wearing black Martin boots to walk with wind.

She followed Lu Yu, always keeping one step away.

Lu met the black Maybach on the roadside, and she also opened the Maybach's back seat door.

After watching the vehicle leave, Jiang Ning returned to the house.

She called Su Nian to make an appointment and said that she wanted to ask her for help if she had something to do.

After agreeing on a time and place, Jiang Ning tidied up a little and went out.

On the other side, the speeding Maybach suddenly braked suddenly.

The man driving the car stared at the rearview mirror with dangerously cold eyes.

The inertia of the brakes caused the girl's forehead to hit the back of the front seat hard, and she was rubbing her forehead with a grin on her face.

Two words hit like hail in front of me——

"get off."

"I'm not here yet!"

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't know why he had to drive her out of the car because he wanted to give the other party some advice.

Immediately, she added: "And I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Go down." The man showed no mercy.

"Then give me a reason." Jiang Xiaoqi had a tough attitude.

"Don't think that because you look 99% similar to Jiang Ning, you just want to replace her!"

This voice that was as cold as coming from the depths of a thousand-year cold pool made Jiang Xiaoqi feel a chill, but the next second she felt helpless.

"Do you think I gave you the proposal just now because I have a crush on you? Want to take Jiang Ning's place?"

"I don't think so, but please keep an appropriate distance from me. I'm giving you a ride for the sake of your 'brother-in-law'."


Jiang Xiaoqi was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to respond, but she didn't get out of the car.

After thinking for a moment, when she was able to organize her words, the car door was suddenly opened from the outside.

"Please get out of the car." There was a slight anger on the man's face.

"Give me five minutes and listen to the full version of my suggestions before you decide whether to kick me out of the car or not!"

"I don't need your advice. Get out of the car!"

Jiang Xiaoqi was indifferent and even took out his mobile phone and promised to call Jiang Ning.

"I told her you kicked me out of the car like a dog!"


"Five minutes, just five minutes." Jiang Xiaoqi stretched out her fingers at the man and asked him to get in the car with a flattering look. Of course, she didn't forget the "brother-in-law" that the other man was using.

Lu Yu's cold eyebrows almost knitted together, but luckily he didn't drag the other person out of the car.

He held the car door, his voice and expression full of impatience.

"Let's put it this way, you still have four minutes and fifty-nine seconds." Jiang Xiaoqi's head was filled with black threads, but he still carefully explained his plan to the other party in full.

Finally, she added: "Also, even if all the men in the world die, I will not covet Jiang Ning's man.

"Don't you feel that you are not valued by her, so I just want to say that I will get closer to you and see if she will be jealous!

"I have figured out her temperament now. She just feels that you belong to her completely, so she dares to ignore you like this!

"It's also my fault that you gave her too much sense of security, and you also made her control her so tightly.

"But I can tell you for sure that once she smells a sense of crisis, she will definitely tie you to her belt."

Lu Yu stared at her with an inquiring look on his face for a while, and finally asked her why she did this.

Jiang Xiaoqi chuckled, "To be honest, I don't really want her to live with me. I also have my own personal life, and I've long been used to being alone. Suddenly receiving care from my sister is hard to adapt to. "

This was half true and false. She really didn't want to live with Jiang Ning at the moment because she still had a debt to settle with someone, and this debt had to be settled without Jiang Ning's knowledge.

Lu Yu thought about it for a moment, and this suggestion made him very excited.

Finally the two reached an agreement.


At noon, a western restaurant in the city.

Su Nian hugged a backpack and hurriedly ran to sit opposite Jiang Ning, then picked up the lemonade in front of her and drank it all in one gulp.

"Did you just finish running a marathon?" Jiang Ning handed her a tissue with some disgust.

Su Nian took the tissue and tucked it at the corner of his mouth, "My brothers have started acting like monsters recently, and I'm a little busy."

The situation of the Su family is somewhat similar to that of the Lu family——

Not long ago, the old man of the Su family was seriously ill. Su Nian's uncle and third uncle came up with a damaging plan, saying that they wanted to marry the only daughter of the Su family to the stupid son of the Huang Landlord's family in the east of the city.

Su Nian said angrily: "Those two sanctimonious bitches bribed Liu Banxian from Baita Mountain, and Liu Banxian went to Huang Landlord's house to say that the only granddaughter of the Su family in the west of the city is me!

"He said that if I marry into the Huang family, it will bring happiness to the Huang family."

Jiang Ning was a little confused, "Aren't you here to celebrate your old man's birthday?"

"Just hear me out."

Su Nian waved his hand, then reached out to pick up the milk in front of the other person and took a sip, then continued: "So I said they are sanctimonious, what a disservice!

"After Liu Banxian told Huang Landlord's family about this incident, Huang Landlord took the half-immortal to the Su family's door. As a result, Liu Banxian said that the magnetic field collision between me and that fool could wash away each other's bad luck.

"You said that the half-immortal was also a Taoist. How could this Taoist be so wicked?

"You actually want to ruin a young girl's life for a little money..."

Su Nian kept accusing the half-immortal, but countless fragments were flying in Jiang Ning's brain.

Half immortal? What a familiar word!

"Nian Nian, Nian Nian!" Jiang Ning raised her hand to interrupt her, and then asked her for the contact information of the half-immortal.

Su Nian looked at her with some confusion, "Where do I have anyone's contact information?"

"What about your uncle and third uncle? Or Su Jin and Su Jian?"

"Those two are dealing with father and son? Do you think they can bring their acquaintance with Liu Banxian to the table? Are you stupid?"


"But why do you ask?" Su Nian asked.

"Inquiry about something." Jiang Ning answered truthfully.

She had a strong intuition that this Liu Banxian might be related to the Huang He who had framed the Jiang family.

“Then you can just go directly to Landlord Huang’s house.

"Oh, and if you want to ask people about things, you have to be prepared to count the votes. This Liu Banxian has been crazy about poverty recently."

"What do you mean?"

"That guy said he was some kind of reclusive master, but it turned out that he had been reclusive for so many years, and recently he suddenly came out to take orders and make money crazily, and he was the kind of person who wouldn't meet him until he paid.

"There probably hasn't been much business coming to my door recently, so that guy has been hiding at Huang Landlord's house!"

The corners of Jiang Ning's mouth twitched and she spread her hands in front of the other party.

"What?" Su Nian asked with a wary look.

"Borrow some money."

"No, Mrs. Lu! Mr. Jiang!"


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