Jiang Ning was too lazy to explain too much, and bluntly said that she wanted to borrow cash.


A hundred-yuan note hit the palm of my hand.

Su Nian waved his hand generously, "No need to pay it back!"

Jiang Ning frowned and looked at the opposite side with disbelief, "Are you sending beggars away?"

"Don't you want cash?"

"Do you think I owe you this 100 yuan?"

"Then how much cash do you want?"


As soon as the voice fell, Su Nian choked on a mouthful of water and coughed violently.

After finally regaining her composure, she wiped her mouth and made a faint sound.

“Who do you think would carry so much cash with them these days?”

"I believe you have it in your card."

Su Nianpi said "haha" with a smile, and then asked: "Don't you have one?"

"It's inconvenient to use my account."

Jiang Ning felt that if the Liu Banxian mentioned by the other party was really related to Huang He back then, then he would not be unprepared when he, the daughter of the Jiang family, came to him.

Therefore, she cannot approach him as Jiang Ning.

Su Nian didn't quite understand.

"If you go with this face, how can he not recognize you? Now you, Miss Jiang, are a well-known legend!"

"You can rest assured, I won't let him recognize it."


Su Nian thought about it secretly for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement, but with an additional condition.

"If Liu Banxian is really a liar, you must drag him to the Su family."

"it is necessary."

"make a deal."

In the afternoon, Jiang Ning followed Su Nian to three banks in a row, and finally rushed to Huang Landlord's house in the east of the city carrying a large bag of cash.

Su Nian drove the car to the villa built by the wealthy man.

With the title of future young mistress, her journey has been smooth.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the Huang family's luxurious main building.

Su Nian glanced out the window worriedly, then turned to the back compartment and asked, "Ning, how can you prevent others from recognizing you..."

Before she finished speaking, she opened her eyes wide and said with horror, "You...when did you come? Jiang...where's Jiang Ning?"

The "man" in the back seat raised his hand to straighten his hair, and said with a slight smile, "Well, look, I don't even recognize my best friend anymore, who else can recognize me?"

Su Nian was stunned and a little confused, "You... aren't you Meng Datou? Why... why is it Jiang Ning's voice?"

The "man" raised his eyebrows, "I didn't expect that I was just putting on makeup, but I could be so lethal to you!"

A minute later, Su Nian finally understood.

She curled her lips and muttered: "Is this makeup? It's clearly a long-lost art of disguise! But why do you want to turn yourself into a man? And it has to be Meng Datou?

"Besides, Landlord Huang also recognizes Meng Datou. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall. Let me see what you can fill up when you get off the car soon!"

Jiang Ning smiled enigmatically and replied casually: "Time is tight. I didn't have time to design a high-end face for myself, so I borrowed Meng Yi's popular face."


The two were chatting in the car when Huang Landlord's silly son ran to the car with a scrawny greyhound.

dong dong dong-

"Daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, you are here! Hey, wife, come and see the dog my mother bought for me! Isn't it cute?"

Su Nian had a black streak on his head.

When she thought that the Su family wanted to marry her to such a stupid thing, she could not help but grit her teeth.

Jiang Ning had only heard that the son of a wealthy landlord in the east of the city had a bad mind. He originally thought that "bad brain" had a deeper meaning, but he didn't expect that it was just a literal meaning. "Nian Nian, everyone is here to greet you, so get out of the car quickly."

Su Nian ignored her, but thought of something again, and asked in a low voice: "You are pretending to be a man, how can you hide your belly?"

"Tsk, you don't have to worry about this. Get out of the car quickly."

After Jiang Ning said that, she opened the door and got out of the car without hesitation. Unexpectedly, before she could stand firm, the stupid son rushed over and pushed her aside.

"Who are you? Why are you in my wife's car?"

With an unprepared push, Jiang Ning staggered back several steps and almost fell into the green belt behind her.

Fortunately, after Su Nian got out of the car, she had quick eyes and quick hands and ran forward to help her steady.

But it was okay if she didn't help him, but this help made his stupid son angry and let go.

Probably the noise outside spread into the house, and Landlord Huang and Mrs. Huang ran out from inside at the same time to put an end to the farce.

When Mrs. Huang saw that the visitor was Su Nian, she immediately greeted her with a smile, and then pretended to scold her son.

The silly son looked aggrieved, pointed at Jiang Ning and said loudly: "Mom, it's this ugly ghost who is hugging my wife."

Mrs. Huang glanced in the direction of his finger and shouted: "Come with Niannian, you are her friend."

Jiang Ning felt the coldness in Mrs. Huang's eyes and couldn't help but sneer in her heart.

This rich lady looks not simple, she has the potential to be an evil mother-in-law.

Not to mention that her son was a fool, even a normal person could not let Su Nian marry into such a family.

Mrs. Huang stepped forward and took Su Nian's arm affectionately, and asked with a gentle face: "Nian Nian, why didn't you come with your family? This is..."

Su Nian had only met Mrs. Huang once. She was a little repelled by the stranger's touch, so she calmly withdrew her hand.

"Auntie, this is my little Meng Yi."

"My father, Meng Jinsheng." Jiang Ning quickly added.

After the words fell, Su Nian, who had just stepped onto the steps, staggered, then turned to look at the serious-faced "man" beside him.

She suddenly understood why Jiang Ning chose a particularly rustic high-end suit and why she tucked her shirt into her trousers without hiding her belly at all.

What I want is this middle-aged beer belly!

But after seeing her outfit clearly, I still didn't understand what her identity meant.

Mrs. Huang's expression changed slightly, and she opened her mouth with a somewhat embarrassed tone.

Although Meng Yi's father has lived overseas all year round, the name Meng Jinsheng is well-known in China.

"It turns out that Mr. Meng has returned to China! But why are you and my family Nian Nian together?"

Jiang Ning waved her hand, "Niannian and Quanzi grew up together, and I watched her grow up. Now that I heard that she is getting married, I came here to visit first."

After saying that, she turned her eyes to the man squatting aside and petting the dog.

"Mrs. Huang, is this Mr. Ling?"

Just as Mrs. Huang was about to answer, Huang Longhai, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Meng, let's go inside and have a cup of tea first."

As he spoke, he winked wildly at his wife, who realized what he meant and quickly invited him into the house.

The silly son who was holding the dog also wanted to follow him into the house, but was kicked out by Huang Longhai.

"Mr. Meng, Nian Nian, you guys sit down for a while and I'll cut some fruit for you."

Mrs. Huang led the two of them to sit down and immediately turned around and left. However, Huang Longhai sat down opposite them holding a purple clay pot.

"Mr. Meng, Nian Nian, you drink tea, drink tea!"

Jiang Ning and Su Nian looked at the man opposite with strange expressions. They saw him holding up the teapot in his hand, putting the spout into his mouth and taking a sip of tea. Then he picked up two small cups from the coffee table and drank the tea. The tea was poured into the cup.

Immediately afterwards, he pushed the two cups in front of the two of them.

"Come, try the Dahongpao I just brewed."

Jiang Ning felt nauseated.

I’ve seen greasy middle-aged men, but never this greasy one!

Looking at Su Nian, he puffed his cheeks and looked like he was about to vomit.


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