The tea cup Liu Banxian had just picked up fell to the ground.

He didn't bother to pick it up, but said with a gloomy face: "Is Mr. Meng talking about his own business or someone else's business?"

"Of course it's your own business!" Jiang Ning responded slowly.

She boldly speculated that Liu Banxian was Huang He, and mentioned the Jiang family just to see his reaction.

The current reaction did not deviate from her expectations.

In order to further test, she directly blamed Meng Jinsheng for what Jiang Yaoping and Jiang Tianhua had done back then.

"It was really helpless to abandon my biological son back then. Now that I have become successful, I still hope to find my biological son.

"Master Huang has clairvoyance and can foresee the future. He must know the whereabouts of my son, so I will find him at all costs."

What Jiang Ning said scared Su Nian beside her. She looked at the pain and regret on the other person's face, and for a moment she forgot that she was just telling nonsense.

However, this nonsense made Liu Banxian anxious.

He stood up and pointed at Jiang Ning's nose and said angrily: "What exactly do you want to know? What is your relationship with the Jiang family?"

At this point, he waved his hands again and again, "No, no, no, what you said can't happen at all!"

Seeing that he was so guilty, Jiang Ning became even more convinced of her bold speculation.

"Master Liu, don't get excited. It's impossible in your eyes, but this is my personal experience."

Huang Longhai, who was picking up the broken pieces of the cup, also showed a look of ruined outlook. He stood up and muttered to himself: "Can we survive the company crisis by throwing away our son?"

Then he turned to look at Jiang Ning: "Mr. Meng, do you believe this kind of nonsense?"

Jiang Ning chuckled, "I don't want to believe it either, but the fact is that after I did this, the company's situation did turn around."

"Hmph, you just farted and caught fire. It's a shame that you came back to find that liar. How can such a person dare to come out after having deceived someone once?

"I think you shouldn't waste your efforts. That person must have found a place to hide, and he won't show up until he dies."

After speaking, he raised his chin at Liu Banxian beside him, "Really? Master."

Liu Banxian's face suddenly changed from green to green, and then he nodded and said yes.

"Mr. Meng, no matter what your motives are for coming to me with such an outrageous story, I can tell you clearly: I don't know Huang He, and I have never heard of the theory of 'exchanging children for glory'. .”

After saying these words, he said hello to Huang Longhai and left.

Huang Longhai personally sent the person to the door, and when he returned to the living room, his face was obviously a little unhappy.

"Mr. Meng, Master Liu is a distinguished guest that I spent a lot of money to invite. I just saw your sincerity and asked him to come out to see you. But what did you say that was outrageous?"

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"Oh my God, this is so problematic! The story you told is too outrageous. The master felt that he was being teased. Now he is very angry and threatens to leave. I can't persuade him no matter how hard I try.

"Mr. Meng, Mr. Meng, you have caused me so much trouble! I still have to rely on Master Liu for many things!"

Hearing that the half-immortal was leaving, Jiang Ning quickly took out her cell phone and sent Fu Ye a message and location without thinking of replying.

Even if this Liu Banxian is not Huang He, he must be inseparable from Huang He, so he must first lock in the target.

Huang Longhai was still mumbling outrageous things, and the look of reproach on his face became more intense.

Su Nian couldn't stand listening anymore, so he said angrily: "Uncle Huang, Jiang...Why is what Uncle Meng said so outrageous? Isn't it because Liu Banxian said that I can prosper the Huang family? What?
"Just because the Huang family married me, your Huang family will become rich? If you tell me this, others will think it's outrageous!"

"You..." Huang Longhai was stunned and his face turned black.

But soon, he put on the posture of an elder and said, "I said Nian Nian, my uncle doesn't like hearing what you say.

"The marriage between the Su and Huang families was proposed by your Su family. I just believe in the horoscopes, so I invited Master Liu to come over and show it to you two juniors.

"You match my family's horoscope Feihong, so we have the word 'prosperity'. Moreover, this 'prosperity' not only prospers my Huang family, it can also prosper your Su family. It can also bring happiness to your grandpa, right?" "... "

Jiang Ning arranged for Fu Ye to send someone to keep an eye on Liu Banxian who was leaving Huang's house. When he came back to his senses, he was amused by the name "Feihong".

"Nian Nian, your fiancé's name is Huang Feihong?"

Su Nian pursed his lips and let out an angrily "Ang".

She expected to receive ridicule from the other party, but she didn't expect that she actually wanted to "rob the bride."

Jiang Ning pondered for a moment, and then said quietly: "Huang Feihong, this name sounds a bit high in martial arts, and it is not suitable to miss you. I think this marriage needs to be discussed."

Su Nian was surprised, "Huh?"

Huang Longhai was already very angry, but when he heard these words, he couldn't hold back at all.

"Meng Jinsheng, who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to interfere in my family affairs?"

"Who interfered in your family affairs?" Jiang Ning said disapprovingly.

"What? Nian Nian is not suitable for my Feihong family, so is it suitable for you? I'm warning you, don't do anything in front of my daughter-in-law. This marriage has been decided by the Su family and I long ago.

"If you interfere, you will offend me and the Su family at the same time. Can you afford the consequences?"

"Boss Huang, I would like to ask you, if the Meng family wants to have this daughter-in-law, what do you think the Su family will choose?"

Huang Longhai was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, getting out of control.

When he stopped laughing and spoke, his words were full of pride and contempt.

"Mr. Meng, I know you are definitely richer than me. Unfortunately, the Su family doesn't just look at family background when looking for in-laws.

"I'm not satisfied with you saying that the marriage between our two families is already a certainty!"

"Okay, let's wait and see! See if I can remove the nails from your board."

Jiang Ning's voice changed and she became a little tired, and she no longer wanted to waste any more time here.

Just as she was leaving with Su Nian, Mrs. Huang blocked the door with her silly son.

"Nian Nian, since you're here, you have to have dinner before leaving! It's just a good time to spend more time with my Feihong and cultivate our relationship!"

After Mrs. Huang finished speaking, she immediately winked at the silly son beside her. The latter stepped forward to pull Su Nian's hand with a silly smile on his face, and kept shouting "wife".

Su Nian looked embarrassed.

She can't break up with the Huang family yet, because doing so would be directly like breaking up with the Su family.

Given her current situation in the Su family, it would do her no good to break up.

After hesitating for a moment, she agreed bravely.

She originally wanted to ask Jiang Ning to stay with her, but before she could make this request, Mrs. Huang apologized to Jiang Ning and said, "It's really rude, Mr. Meng. There is a family dinner at my house today, so I won't do it." You are here to stay!

"I'll send a driver to take you back."

Jiang Ning's face turned dark, and she glanced at Su Nian beside her with some worry, and saw that the other person's face was gradually becoming sad.

But in this situation, she couldn't find a reason even if she wanted to stay.

A black Mercedes-Benz had stopped in front of several people. After getting out of the car, the driver opened the back seat door and stood respectfully beside the car.

"Madam, the car is ready."

Immediately, Mrs. Huang said to Jiang Ning with a smile: "Mr. Meng, please get in the car!"

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