Meanwhile, Ra Clubhouse.

Lu Yu originally came here to ask Meng Yi for a favor, but he didn't know what was wrong with him, and he sneezed several times just by saying a word.

"This trick has always worked, so there must be another girl talking about me, hahaha..."

Meng Yi rubbed his nose with a proud look on his face.

Lu Yu looked away coldly, with a bit of disgust.

Just as he was about to speak, the other party's cell phone rang.

Meng Yi made a shut-up gesture and picked up the phone, but the moment he saw the caller, the expression on his face flashed like a revolving door.

He quietly raised his eyes and glanced at it, countless dramatic scenes flashed through his heart.

for example--

Mrs. Lu inspects the post;
Or maybe Mrs. Lu wants to use eyeliner to stare at her husband?

No matter what, he would never believe that the other party was just looking for him.

After some secret speculation, he decided to avoid Lu Yu and answer the call.

The moment the call was connected, Jiang Ning's anxious voice came from the receiver——

"You are Su Nian's childhood friend, so you shouldn't refuse to save him even if you die, right?"

Meng Yi was confused and asked what the other party meant.

He didn't know about Su Nian and the Huang family, so he couldn't help but feel that it was a bit fanciful.

"How could she listen to her family and marry that fool?"

"It's a long story. Anyway, hurry up and grab someone from the Huang family." Jiang Ning almost roared on the other end.


After a period of silence, Jiang Ning quickly explained briefly.

It was okay if he didn't explain it, but Meng Yi was even more confused when he explained it.

"No, why is there anything about my dad here? Why didn't I know about my dad returning to China?"

"I, I, I! I'm pretending to be your dad! It's an emergency, it's a long story, so just think of it as doing me... a favor to my husband.

"But now you go to Huang's house and snatch Su Nian out for me, otherwise I'm afraid she will really become that fool's wife!"

Jiang Ning was anxious, and Meng Yi was even more anxious.

In desperation, he suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "Jiang Ning! You two are so idle, aren't you? Did that guy drag you to play a big adventure and come to punish me if you lose?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an inexplicable murderous look behind him, and then the phone in his hand was taken away.

Lu Yu grabbed the phone and listened for a while, then said quietly: "If what you said is true, I will solve it."

The other end was stunned for about half a minute, and then responded: "Really."

"it is good."

Lu Yu hung up the phone and put the phone back into Meng Yi's hand.

"What Ning Ning said is true. You go to Huang's house first."

"What the hell, that guy Su Nian has liked to tease me since I was a kid, and now he's teaming up with your wife to tease me!

"Who doesn't know what kind of person Huang Longhai is? It's okay if I go to the Huang family and rob someone. If I can't rob someone, do I, Meng Yi, still need my face?"

Meng Yi still looked disapproving, and after speaking, he turned around and returned to the box.

"Lao Lu, hurry up and tell your story first. I have an appointment after I hear it."


Lu Yu did not enter the box again, but leaned against the door and rushed inside: "The situation of the Su family is similar to my family. A while ago, Mrs. Su was critically ill. Miss Su's uncle and third uncle found a marriage for her, saying that they could provide Happy Su family."

"How come I didn't hear about it?" Meng Yi frowned.

"In addition to paying attention to the relationship between female celebrities and the rich second generation, what else have you paid attention to?"


"Since you don't want this opportunity for a hero to save the beauty, then I'll call Pei Ziyu and ask him to hug the beauty back so that he can owe me a favor."

Just as Lu Yu took out his mobile phone from his pocket, a strong wind blew beside him.

When he turned around, only Meng Yi's voice echoed through the corridor——

"I'm going~~

"That dandy boy is worse than the stupid son of Huang Landlord's family! I'll go, I'll go!"


The only seven-star hotel in the city. Jiang Ning, who was dressed like a middle-aged man, had been looking around for more than ten minutes, but unfortunately he couldn't even see the taxi.

The Huang family's driver was Meng Jinsheng, so she couldn't ignore some details.

Living in a seven-star hotel is consistent with Meng Jinsheng's status.

Dusk fell, and the night sky, which was already filled with dark clouds, suddenly gathered mist.

Looking up, it seemed like a cold rain was coming.

The north wind howled, making her shiver.

In the end, she couldn't bear the cold and had to call Lu Yu.

Before the call was made, the familiar Maybach slowly passed by.

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat.

Soon, Lu Yu got out of the car and looked around, then lowered his head to check his phone.

As he repeatedly raised his head and lowered his head, Jiang Ning guessed what was going on.

This man probably installed the location on her mobile phone.

But seeing the other person's confused look at this moment, she felt playful.

After thinking for a moment, she cleared her throat and stepped forward.

"Xiao Yu."

The man's expression froze when he raised his head, and his cold eyes scanned the "middle-aged man" in front of him from head to toe.

The high-end black suit is quite satisfactory, showing the stability of a successful middle-aged man.

Under the open top is a standard white shirt, and the golden I-shaped belt buckle under the round "beer belly" is particularly eye-catching.

Lu Yu looked at this face that was eighty-nine times similar to Meng Yi's, with unconcealable shock on his face.

However, this shock was only fleeting, and the next second he returned to his normal calm state.

He looked at the other person carefully without revealing anything, and asked politely: "Who are you?"

"Xiao Yu, you don't recognize me? I'm your Uncle Meng!" Jiang Ning answered him seriously.

However, the lingering smile in that voice betrayed her.

Lu Yu raised the phone in his hand and glanced at it, and immediately understood what was going on.

Since your wife is a bit naughty, let her be a bit naughty.

"Uncle Meng, have you had plastic surgery?"

Lu Yu recognized Meng Jinsheng and naturally knew what he looked like.

Although Meng Yisheng appears to be a talented person, his genes are a perfect copy of his mother's.

As for Meng Jinsheng's appearance, it can only be described in four words - it's hard to describe in one word.

As soon as this sentence came out, Jiang Ning also reacted immediately.

It's possible that she and others have never met Meng Jinsheng, but how could Lu Yu not know him?

Seeing that she remained silent, Lu Yu called "Uncle Meng" again seriously.

Jiang Ning was inexplicably agitated, feeling like she was being turned against him.

She lowered her eyebrows, and from the corner of her eye, she just caught a glimpse of a media car parked beside her, followed closely by a luxury nanny car and media cars that followed.

I guess some big star is staying at the hotel.

The reporters who got off the media car, armed with long guns and short cannons on their shoulders, almost surrounded the hotel lobby door.

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes and suddenly raised her voice and shouted "Lu Yu".

Of course, her voice is still male at this time.

This voice really attracted the attention of some media, and everyone's eyes fell on it.

Lu Sanshao's face was exposed to the camera, which not only aroused admiration but also attracted a lot of attention.

Especially at the current stage when the Lu family dispute is intensifying, his appearance immediately took away the reporters' interest in interviewing a big-name celebrity.

Those long guns and short cannons moved towards them...

Jiang Ning suddenly smiled evilly, then reached out to clasp the back of the man in front of her and kissed him without hesitation.


The equipment in the reporters' hands fell to the floor.


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