Lu Yu felt that this was the worst time he had been tricked, and he blamed himself for trusting Pei Xiangnan too much.

He opened his mouth to say something more, but a sweet breath was injected into his mouth.

The helicopter hovering in the sky suddenly swooped down and wavered for a long time before returning to normal flight.

In the car outside the backyard of the villa.

Pei Xiangnan stared at the car screen with a look of bitterness and hatred.

He couldn't help but think: The woman the boss fell in love with was indeed no ordinary woman.

No girl would be able to hold back in this scene, but she, Jiang Ning, accepted it so calmly?
After a long time, the men and women in the picture finally separated.

The girl's baby-fat face was filled with a gentle smile, and her obsidian-like eyes seemed to reflect the starry sky on a summer night.

She just raised her little head and looked at the man in front of her, her pink lips raised high.

"Whether you prepared it or not, I like it very much!
"Actually, this has a pretty good meaning. Meeting you is the greatest luck in my life!"

The soft and sweet voice sounded in the night after the tranquility was restored, like the spring breeze blowing through the wheat fields.

Lu Yu froze on the spot, looking at the girl with a slightly complicated look. He was trying to determine whether what the other party said was irony.

Jiang Ning took a step forward, gently wrapped her hands around the man's waist, and still raised her little head playfully.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not kidding!

"With you, I don't need too much romance, because life doesn't need to be too romantic. From now on, all that will accompany us is nothing more than daily necessities.

"What I want is simple -

"An ordinary life is enough with you!

"I don't ask you to remember our anniversary, as long as you can remember what I like to eat, be willing to take a detour for me to buy my favorite sesame seed cakes every day when I go home, and be willing to serve you when I wake up hungry in the middle of the night. I cook a bowl of dark food...

"If you can do these trivial things in life that are easily ignored, I will be very satisfied!"

The man's long arms were wrapped around her waist, and his lowering eyes were doting and extremely firm.

He threw down two words sonorously——

"I can."

The two hugged each other and smiled, torturing Pei Xiangnan who was watching from a distance.

"Mom, I want to fall in love!"

Pei Xiangnan hummed to himself in the car for a while, and then finally made up his mind and pressed the controller in his hand.

The gorgeous fireworks finally lit up the entire night sky.


At the same time, outside Xinghai Bay.

Sitting in the rental car, Jiang Xiaoqi finally smiled with relief when she saw the fireworks rising into the sky, and then ordered the driver to drive.

She did not go back to Xishan Dijing, but went back to the youth hostel she had rented with her friends. After returning, she immediately sent a message to Lu Yu——

[Don’t say it was me who gave you the idea! 】

The other party didn't reply for a long time, and she didn't send any more unnecessary nonsense. Instead, she picked up the computer and went back to the room to join the video conference of their police team.

They arrested Gao Yue and a traitor in the police force a while ago. Although Gao Yue had no direct contact with the Yanfei organization, they still extracted a lot of important information through her confession, and confirmed that Lu Yan was also in Yanfei. Organization, and most likely hold important positions.

After hearing this, Jiang Xiaoqi offered to contact Lu Yan.

"I can use my relationship with Jiang Ning to get close to the Lu family."

"No, Gao Yue already knows your identity, and Sun Shu is your partner. How can you guarantee that he has not disclosed your information to Yan Fei's people before?"

The person who raised this objection was Jiang Xiaoqi's new partner Wu Yue. Although the young man is young, he is thoughtful and has a very high IQ. He is proficient in many things that others in the group do not know.

His opinion was also agreed by team leader Ma Yongxin.

"Qi, Wu Yue is right."

"Master, this is wrong." After Jiang Xiaoqi finished speaking, he explained: "If Sun Shu really exposes me, then no one in our entire group will be spared."

After a pause, she added in a small voice: "And I believe that if he exposes anyone, he will not expose me." "Why?" Wu Yue was a little curious.

Jiang Xiaoqi blushed a little because Sun Shu, whom everyone said was the traitor, once confessed his love to her.

She has been thinking about it these days -

If he had accepted Sun Shu's confession, would he have exposed his identity to him in advance?
In this way, can she obtain some important information in advance? Or can she break into Yanfei's organization earlier?

After hesitating for a moment, she reported the situation to her team members.

Ma Yongxin frowned and considered for a while, and then agreed to let her try to contact Lu Yan.


Star Bay.

It is not known whether Lu Yu's preparation is a surprise or a shock but it is still in progress, and it has reached the stage where "Chef Lu" personally makes dessert for his wife.

Behind the kitchen bar, the slender figure was busy handling some ingredients.

Jiang Ning looked at it with a smile at first, until she saw the message Jiang Xiaoqi sent to this man...

Huge amounts of information began to pour out.

Lu Yu, Jiang Xiaoqi, any ideas?

She recalled the seemingly intimate behavior of the two at Xishan Emperor Jing, and wondered if it was possible that the two had deliberately put on a show in front of her.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Xiaoqi sent another message——

【How about it? Did she torture you to extract a confession? 】

[I was in a hurry for the meeting just now, and I forgot to tell you: If she asks, don’t explain so quickly, let her jealousy fly for a while first! 】

[Also, the angrier she is, the more you have to pretend to care about me! 】

click -

The phone screen is cracked.

Jiang Ning sneered inwardly: Sure enough, my sister is here to trick her!
She thought for a while, then picked up her phone and replied "I know" to the other party, and then deleted all the information records.

Behind the bar, Lu Yu raised his head and saw the girl sitting at the dining table, holding her chin in her hand and looking at him.

He smiled softly, then lowered his head and continued playing with the ingredients on the bar.

A diamond ring the size of a dove egg was beaten into heavy cream, with two mint leaves floating on the surface of the cream as decoration.

The appearance of the naked cake produced by Chef Lu was a little bad, but he tried the taste and it was edible!
The cake was delivered to Jiang Ning. She didn't show much expression, but calmly picked up the knife and fork at hand.

"Well, my husband made the cake himself. Do you want me to send it to Moments first?"

Lu Yu looked at her expectantly, and explained quietly: "Although it's a bit ugly, I prepared the taste according to your taste. I don't dare to brag about how delicious it is, but it will definitely taste good."


Jiang Ning responded, put down the tableware she had just picked up, and used her mobile phone to take a full picture of the cake in front of her.

Immediately, she posted a message on WeChat Moments, with a somewhat teasing copy.

[My husband made this cake by himself, I hope I won’t get upset! 】

When Lu Yu picked up his phone to check it, he found that the screen was broken.

"Ah, your phone blew up just now!" Jiang Ning explained from the side.


There was an obvious look of distrust on the man's face, and a certain nerve in his brain became inexplicably tense.

He picked up the phone calmly and then used a certain software to check the phone usage records.

Soon, those deleted messages were exposed to his sight again.

"..." (End of this chapter)

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