Chapter 258 The disappeared diamond ring

Jiang Ning ate the cake intently, and most of the 6-inch cake was quickly finished.

She touched her swollen belly and burped, then pushed the cake to the man opposite.

"I can't eat anymore, so finish it off."

The man's two beautiful eyebrows knitted together, and his gaze towards the other side became extremely complex.

She clearly saw the message from Jiang Xiaoqi, why did she still pretend to know nothing?

And the ring he put in the cake was not buried that deeply. Why didn't she eat it?
"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you want me to finish such a big cake?"

Jiang Ning blinked at him, looking innocent.

Hearing this, Lu Yu quickly shook his head and took the rest of the cake.

He stared at the messy-looking cake plate for a while, then picked up the small spoon at hand and scooped it out one by one.

Even after the entire cake was dug out, the dove egg was still missing.

"Honey, why are you eating a cake like you're plowing the fields? Are you afraid that I'll hide a mini bomb in the cake?" Jiang Ning teased with a chuckle.

Lu Yu couldn't say anything, and his inner roar became louder: Where is the ring?

It would be unscientific to say that such a big object could be swallowed.

If it was just a girl holding something in her mouth to tease herself, her pronunciation would not be so clear.

Lu Yu was a little anxious.

If she swallows the ring, will it have any impact on her body?

After a while, he tried to remain calm and asked the other party: "How does the cake I made taste?"

"Want to hear the truth or lies?" Jiang Ning asked.

"Of course it's the truth."


Jiang Ning shook his head violently, "It tastes bad, very bad."

Lu Yu was speechless for a while, but looking at the playful look of the girl with cream on the corner of her mouth, he could only smile helplessly.

"Is it really so unpalatable?"


"Then you can still eat so much?"

"So you didn't see me devouring it! I didn't even want to chew it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yu's back suddenly stiffened.

So does this explain why she didn't get the ring?
"I'm full, let's go for a walk!" Jiang Ning suddenly stood up and said.

Lu Yu still felt something was wrong, and he had a strong intuition telling him——

The ring was hidden in the girl's mouth.

In order to confirm his idea, he decided to search it himself.

"Okay, I'll accompany you!"

Jiang Ning raised her eyebrows but did not object.

As soon as the two of them reached the door, Lu Yu asked in a warm voice: "Is the cake not delicious because it's not sweet enough?"

After speaking, he directly blocked the other person's voice without giving him a chance to open his mouth.

A long kiss that yielded nothing.

Jiang Ning looked at his slightly disappointed and nervous expression, and while laughing secretly, she licked her lips seriously and responded: "Well, it's sweeter now!"


The night in Xinghai Bay is very quiet, and the starry sky in winter is not that bright. Only the warm light and shadow of the street lamps cast their long shadows on the ground.

Jiang Ning chased her shadow with an unprecedented joy in her heart.

The man followed her with a look that was both doting and at a loss.

He was still thinking about the missing ring.

Suddenly, the girl turned around and asked him with a sly smile: "Husband, have you ever heard of an old-fashioned way to propose marriage?"

"In what way?"

"The man hid the engagement ring in the cake, but the unsuspecting girl swallowed the ring. Later, the ring scratched her stomach wall and caused gastric bleeding. In the end, the ring was removed through surgery!"

Hearing the sound, Lu Yu's already dark complexion blended into the night without any disobedience.

"Maybe the ring is too small." He responded quietly.

"No, at least the thing that can scratch the stomach wall must be pigeon eggs."


The two stopped their steps at the same time, and two sharp eyes collided.

The corners of Lu Yu's lips raised slightly, "So what do you want to say?" "Did you hide the ring in the cake?"

"Hmm, so you're hiding? Are you kidding me?"

"No, I swallowed it!"

The moment he finished speaking, the man's face, as black as the bottom of a pot, turned pale in fright.

"Don't joke around."

"I'm not kidding, I actually swallowed it!"

"I'll take you to the hospital."


On the way to the hospital, Lu Yu drove the car so fast that it almost flew into the air. On the way, he did not forget to call Jiang Xiaoqi and angrily scolded Jiang Xiaoqi for the bad idea he had given him.

Jiang Xiaoqi was so confused by the scolding that he only heard clearly the sentence "We are going to the hospital."

She couldn't care less, so she asked the other party which hospital he should go to.

"Sixth courtyard."

It was already past ten o'clock at night when Jiang Xiaoqi arrived at the hospital, and she found Lu Yu outside the operating room.

"What do you mean? Why do we need surgery?"

Lu Yu walked around the operating room like an ant on a hot pot. His usual demeanor that remained unchanged even when the mountain collapsed was gone.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Jiang Xiaoqi grabbed him.

"You had a bad idea and asked me to hide the ring in the cake, but she swallowed it!"

The man's roar shouted out the nurse from the operating room.

The fat middle-aged female nurse shouted at the two of them with a straight face: "Keep quiet outside the operating room!"

Jiang Xiaoqi rushed forward and grabbed the nurse to ask about the situation.

"What age is this? There are still people proposing in this old-fashioned way. The key is that the other party is still pregnant!"

As the nurse spoke, she did not forget to glare at the man behind her, "It's okay to get on the bus first and then pay for the ticket. To pay for the ticket, you have to go out of the way. You really don't consider your wife's physical condition at all!"

Lu Yu's face was gloomy, and the sound coming out of his mouth could freeze one's blood.

"So how is she now?"

"We found the ring. It's stuck in the esophagus. The operation won't be over soon. Please stay quiet!"

After the nurse finished speaking, she turned and returned to the operating room.

Jiang Xiaoqi looked up at the words "Under Surgery" on the door, and couldn't tell what was strange about it.

"Can you swallow such a big ring? Why is her throat so big?"


Operating room.

Fu Chen sat on the operating table with his long legs crossed, and his strange eyes fell on the girl in the anesthetist's exclusive seat.

"I said, Xiaowuzi, is this going too far?"

"However, that boy should be sorry for Xiao Wu first." Fu Ye's voice sounded sinisterly in the corner.

The next moment, everyone looked at him at the same time.

Fu Chen: "You have a lot of information. Is there anything else I don't know?"

Fu Yi: "To be more specific, if that guy is really sorry for my little kid, I will send him to see his wife!"

Jiang Ning: "Senior Brother, do you mean what you said literally?"

Fu Ye was silent for a moment and uttered a muffled syllable.


Jiang Ning suddenly stood up, "Be specific!"

"He was actually very nasty to a greasy middle-aged man."

The moment Fu Ye finished his words, Fu Chen and Jiang Ning prolonged their voices at the same time——


Regarding the report on the Internet about "Lu Yu kissing a mysterious middle-aged man", Jiang Ning has explained clearly, and everyone has accepted it.

Fu Ye was the only one who believed that Lu Yu could be mean to a middle-aged man, and he didn't rule out that he didn't reject him at all in his heart.

This statement also made Jiang Ning unable to refute, and could only emphasize to the other party again and again——

"He already knew it was me by then!"

Fu Ye: "It's hard to believe."


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