Chapter 262 A match made in heaven

The things Meng Yi said happened so long ago that Su Nian couldn't even remember them.

"Just because I gave you a lollipop, you like me?"

Meng Yi's lips curled up, "What you gave me was a lollipop with saliva..."

Su Nian stuck out her tongue, "A child is willing to give you what he eats, how determined he must be!"

Meng Yi suddenly kissed her heavily, and then looked at her with a mysterious smile.


"So what?" Su Nian blinked at him with confused eyes.

"So that candy melted in my heart."


The atmosphere suddenly fell into silence again.

Su Nian digested it secretly for a while, and then had new questions again.

"You liked me so early, why didn't you tell me earlier? And I remember that you always had fun teasing me since I was little!"

"I've been waiting for you to grow up, but..."

But during the summer vacation when she first entered college, she brought back someone she called her "soul mate."

Looking back now, Meng Yi seems to be a little annoyed.

"I regret that I gave in for a moment and didn't snatch you over at that time."

If he had been more domineering at that time, maybe his girl would not have experienced that huge pain.

Su Nian lowered her eyebrows and said nothing, and her eyes that were shining just now dimmed slightly.

If there was a regret medicine, she would like to take one for herself.

Other people's first love is sweet with a hint of sourness or bitterness, but her first love is like taking out her heart and giving it to the other person, only to be crushed and thrown into the salt water in the end...

It was during her sophomore year that the school organized volunteers to conduct charity activities in the southwest border town. Unexpectedly, the volunteers encountered a kidnapping case the day after they arrived.

Su Nian remembered that it was He Zilu's birthday. She wanted to prepare a surprise for him, so she made a reservation at a local specialty restaurant in advance.

After the school group activities ended, she pestered He Zilu to accompany her to the restaurant.

Later, an armed robbery occurred in the restaurant. When the special police arrived, she had been taken hostage, and it was her man who was full of joy who pushed her into the hands of the robbers.

At that moment, she felt like she was being pushed into a bottomless quagmire, and deep in the quagmire there was a demon's big hand desperately pulling her down.

She was only 19 years old that year, and her mind was filled with sweet first love.

But when her sincerity was trampled on, she simply didn't want to live anymore.


She bit the hijacker's arm regardless and wanted to die.

If the special police had not arrived in time, the bullet would not have just grazed the skin of her right shoulder...

Su Nian fell into long memories, and suddenly felt inexplicably ridiculous.

"Meng Datou, you are indeed a coward. You have always been a coward."

Meng Yi frowned and asked her what she meant.

"You knew the reason why He Zilu and I broke up early on, right?" Su Nian asked.

He didn't deny it.

"He Zilu was expelled from school for no reason. You were the one behind it, right?"


"Later he couldn't find a job..."

"also me."

"So why would you rather hide behind and do things to help me vent my anger, but you always maintain an attitude of looking down on me on your face?"

This is something Su Nian can't understand.

If you like someone, isn't it the best time to take advantage of her when she is most vulnerable?

But this man didn't do that!
"I know you too well, you don't like to be pitied."

Su Nian was slightly startled.

Meng Yi continued: "I wanted to wait for you to slowly repair that heart, but I didn't expect your temperament to change."


"Then I thought: Just change. You change and I change. When we both get tired of playing, maybe you will realize that we are a perfect match."

These words made Su Nian completely confused.

What does "you change and I change" mean?
Could it be that this playboy was created by himself?
"Su Nian, ask yourself, do you really feel nothing about me for you all these years? Don't you know? There is actually nothing between me and the girls around me!" "... "

"If you insist on saying that you can't feel it, it means you have been avoiding it."

After saying that, Su Nian immediately denied it: "I didn't."

"Then why don't you dare to face me?"

"I just don't want to see your face looking down on me."

Su Nian said this, but knew in her heart that this was not the case.

She didn't want to dwell on this with the other party anymore, so she abruptly changed the topic.

"Uncle Meng gave me so many shares, aren't you afraid that I will take the money and run away?"

"You can't run away."

The moment Meng Yi finished speaking, he picked up the girl next to him and walked towards the stairs.


a few days later.

Jiang Ning suddenly received a call from Fu Chen reminding her to have a prenatal check-up. The other party also told her to let Lu Yu come with her.

Hearing this instruction, Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat.


"What? What's wrong with asking your husband to accompany you to a prenatal check-up?"

Because it was not yet the day for Jiang Ning's prenatal check-up, Lu Yu went to the company early as usual.

Moreover, these days are the most critical time for the Lu family dispute, and Jiang Ning does not want the other party to hold him back at this time.

"You have something to say, but he's not free today."

"I didn't even have time to accompany my wife for her prenatal check-up. She's not qualified."

"Fu Chen, don't make trouble for me. Today is not the day for my prenatal check-up, so what do you want to do?" Jiang Ning said angrily.

The next moment, Fu Sinian's voice came from the phone——

"Girl, listen to me and let him accompany you to the hospital."

Jiang Ning thought the old man was still testing Lu Yu, and became a little angry.

"Grandpa, I think this is okay. Do you want Lu Yu to give up the entire Lu family for me?"

"I'm doing this for your and his own good."

"Grandpa, if you are good to me, wish us a long life together instead of always thinking about what he can do for me."

"You stinky girl, don't regret it if you disobey me."

"No regrets." Jiang Ning responded forcefully.


On the other end of the phone, in the corridor outside the hospital office.

Fu Sinian put the phone back into Fu Chen's hand and took out his frustration on his granddaughter.

"For such a big man, he didn't even find a wife. It's really embarrassing for me, old man Fu."

Fu Chen looked confused, "Grandpa, what do you mean about me? I have always been a celibate."

"You are alone, you are alone! Do I agree that you are alone?"


"I order you to get married to me within a month, otherwise don't call me grandpa in the future!"

The old man dropped these words, then left from the corridor angrily with his hands behind his back.

Fu Chen was confused and muttered: "What's wrong!"

When he turned around, he happened to catch a glimpse of a gray-black figure from the corner of his eye.

His expression was startled, and then he frowned with some understanding.

When I suddenly see this face, I feel really confused sometimes.

He still hasn't gotten used to the fact that Jiang Ning has a twin sister.

Fortunately, the two sisters have quite different personalities, so it's easy to tell them apart when they get along.

"Jiang Xiaoqi! Are you okay?"

Jiang Xiaoqi looked a bit weird, as if he didn't dare to laugh openly when he saw something interesting.

She pursed her lips and said softly: "I'm looking for Dr. Huang."

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