Chapter 263: Dizzy from pain

The Dr. Huang mentioned by Jiang Xiaoqi is the director of gynecology and a doctor she has known since she was in Kyoto.

I came here just to ask her to prescribe some medicine, but I didn't expect to meet this person in the gynecology department.

Fu Chen didn't realize that he was still in the obstetrics and gynecology department at this time, and he said to the other party as if he were the director of the department: "Sister Huang went to the inpatient department for ward rounds. If you have anything to say to me."

After saying this, the corners of Jiang Xiaoqi's mouth twitched.

"No, no need." She whispered.

"Why are you so polite? You are Xiao Wu's sister and also my sister. Come on, come on. If you don't feel comfortable, let me show you."

Seeing the man's enthusiastic look, Jiang Xiaoqi felt that he was stimulated in some way.

She quickly raised her hand and kept an arm's distance away from him.

"Then I'd like to thank you first, but no need. I'll go to the office and wait for Dr. Huang. Also, I didn't hear a word of the conversation you had with that grandpa just now."

After a simple question and answer, Jiang Xiaoqi felt embarrassed that he had no way to escape.

"Don't feel embarrassed in front of the doctor. This is a normal physiological phenomenon. Does it hurt too much?" Fu Chen asked.

She originally came here to get painkillers from Director Huang.


"Oh, invincible is lonely, no wonder he is single." Jiang Xiaoqi muttered to himself.

"Kidney, what kind of kidney? Why come to the gynecology department if you have kidney pain?" Fu Chen interrupted her sharply.

Fu Chen suddenly looked at the girl in front of him seriously, and soon his eyebrows furrowed with a slight "Chuan" character.

Fu Chen heard the word "single", so his voice rose slightly.

"the next day."

Jiang Xiaoqi gritted his teeth and nodded slightly.

"Huh? Kidney..."

These words obviously meant that there was no three hundred taels of silver in this place, and it also made Fu Chen's face darken for a moment.

"What did you say?"

"When is your period?"

Fu Chen glanced at him and choked: "I am omnipotent."

"Where does it hurt?"

After all, she was a young girl, and her face turned as red as a ripe cherry when discussing physical issues with a grown man.

"It doesn't matter if you hear me."

Jiang Xiaoqi quickly shook his head, "I said my kidney hurts."

He noticed the other person's pale face and the fine beads of sweat on his plump and delicate forehead.

Jiang Xiaoqi curled her lips and asked, "Are you a gynecologist?"

As soon as he heard the painkillers, Fu Chen's eyebrows immediately furrowed even more tightly, and he felt a little bad in his heart.

If you just want painkillers, you can buy them at any drugstore, so why go to the hospital?
Unless the painkiller in her mouth was independently developed by Huang Yafei's team and has not yet passed clinical trials.

He looked sideways at the other person, and the result was as he expected.

"Jiang Xiaoqi, her medicine has not passed clinical trials at all. You can't take it randomly."

"Brother, I have been eating it for several years."

"Are you having trouble with your brain? Do you think if there is nothing wrong with her medicine, why can't it pass the clinical trial?"

"I don't care if it passes clinical or not, as long as it works for me."

At this time, Jiang Xiaoqi's pain intensified, and his voice became much weaker.

In fact, Huang Yafei told her that the drug had not yet passed clinical trials, but sometimes she had to solve her stomach pain problem in order to perform her tasks without being affected.

At first, Huang Yafei did not agree to give her that kind of medicine, and clearly told her that doing so was against the rules. Later, she approached him again and again, and even took the initiative to write a report like "voluntary contribution to medical experiments" and promised All adverse consequences caused by the trial are her own responsibility.

I have been using this medicine for nearly two years and it has become a monthly necessity.

Now that Huang Yafei is away, Fu Chen can't get the medicine.

He planned to persuade the other party to try to use traditional Chinese medicine for a period of time, and he could also help introduce a powerful traditional Chinese medicine master.

Unfortunately, before he could speak, the girl suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

...When Jiang Xiaoqi woke up, his whole body was still in pain, and he had no idea where he was.

In the buzzing ears, there seemed to be quarrels coming intermittently.

"Huang Yafei, you are so courageous. Are you so sure that your unproven medicine that has not passed clinical trials can't harm people?"

"Dr. Fu, I know you are an all-around medical genius hired by the hospital with a high salary, but please don't jump to conclusions before you understand everything."

"Don't make the despicable thing you did so fresh and refined. Just because you feel sorry for her, you gave her medicine against the rules? Then why did you ask her to write a letter of commitment?"


"Don't you just want to give yourself a guarantee? Ask yourself, when she asked to try the medicine, you were not happy at all? The moment she took out the promise letter, were you extremely happy?

"In order for the medicine developed by your team to come out as soon as possible, would you care about this girl's life or death?"

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with my medicine. I developed this special painkiller just to save girls like Xiaoqi who suffer from menstrual periods. Besides, Xiaoqi has been taking medicine for two years, so there's nothing wrong with it!" "

"Is this okay?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong. She fainted today just from pain."

"Why do you feel dizzy? There are thousands of girls with dysmenorrhea. How many of them can go into shock due to pain?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean you have no idea?"

"Fu Chen, if you have something to say, just say it."

"You are dependent on the medicine. Pain relief is purely nerve numbing. Do you understand?"

When Fu Chen and Huang Yafei were arguing fiercely on the balcony of the ward, the door was violently pushed open.

"What's wrong with Xiao Qi?" Jiang Ning burst into the ward with an anxious expression.

The huge movement interrupted the conversation on the balcony.

Fu Chen asked Huang Yafei to think about it, then turned and returned to the ward.

"She fainted from menstrual cramps."

Jiang Ning frowned and walked to the bedside, muttering: "Why does she also have this problem?"

After hearing this, Fu Chen immediately remembered that Jiang Ning had this problem before, and casually asked her how she got better from that problem.

"Uh... It seems like after getting together with Lu Yu..." Jiang Ning responded, touching her bulging belly.

The girl on the hospital bed opened her eyes and said weakly: "Your theory is wrong. Not all dysmenorrhea patients will get better after marriage."

"Regardless of others, if I get better like this, you must be the same."

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she suddenly remembered something. She quickly patted her thigh and stood up, saying, "Fu Chen, help me call Senior Brother and ask him to come over."

"What?" Fu Chen asked suspiciously.

Looking at the girl's cunning look, he seemed to have guessed something.

"Jiang Ning, please don't mess around. She is not senior brother's cup of tea."

"It's up to senior brother to have the final say." Jiang Ning responded with a smile.

"I assure you she is not, so don't make any unnecessary moves." Fu Chen waved his hands repeatedly.

"Are you going to fight or not?"

"If you don't hit me, you'll get scolded if you hit me."

"If you don't hit me, I will."

Jiang Ning took out her phone as she spoke, but was snatched away by a big hand.

"Why are you fighting? Senior brother is dating a girl."

After Fu Chen finished speaking, he immediately added: "Grandpa arranged it."

The two of them exchanged words with each other, and finally the topic of the chat was clearly exposed.

Jiang Ning: "I think senior brother and Xiao Qi are suitable. If they like each other, grandpa will definitely have no problem with it."

Fu Chen: "Don't mess around. She is not my senior brother's cup of tea. Senior brother will not fold the same face twice."

As the "theme character", Jiang Xiaoqi lay helplessly on the hospital bed. He tried to stop their chatting but was unable to do so. He could only bite his molar teeth and spit out a few words——

"Thank you so much!!!"

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