Chapter 266 Encounter in the elevator
Jiang Ning agreed to Fu Chen and asked him to seriously consider his heart, so he did not let Fu Ye get involved for the time being.


However, Jiang Xiaoqi accidentally ran into the man who came to see Fu Chen when he returned to the hospital for a review a week later.

The moment the elevator door closed, a small white hand grabbed the elevator door.

Fu Ye, who was in a hurry, frowned and looked at the door with a somewhat unkind look.

Jiang Xiaoqi walked in nonchalantly, panting and saying sorry several times to the other party.

"Which floor is it?" Fu Ye asked coldly.

"11th floor, thank you."

Jiang Xiaoqi raised his head as he spoke, and happened to meet the gaze reflected on the elevator door.

She recognized this man, but she didn't know if he would recognize her.

After all, he had a face exactly like Jiang Ning's, so he could guess at least 70%.

The silence continued, and the gaze did not move for a second.

Jiang Xiaoqi felt an inexplicable feeling of suffocation, as if the back in front of her was giving her too much pressure.

One minute seemed like an eternity to her.

After finally waiting for the number on the display to jump to 10, the elevator lights went out with a bang.

Jiang Xiaoqi let out countless curses in her heart because such a small probability event happened to her.

The next moment, a strange idea flashed through her mind.

At this time, she didn't feel suffocated. Instead, she was thinking that Jiang Ning must not let Jiang Ning know what happened today, otherwise she would definitely define such a small probability event as fate.

She doesn't want to have such a fate!

In the dark and cramped space, the silence continued like this.

It wasn't until five or six minutes later that Jiang Xiaoqi suddenly realized a problem.

The elevator broke down. Why were the two people riding in the elevator so calm?
cough cough-

Jiang Xiaoqi coughed a few times, and then asked in a low voice: "Hey... you are close to the button, can you ring the help bell?"


"Uh... can you hear me?"


"Tsk, I asked you, can you say something?"


No matter what Jiang Xiaoqi said, she always received endless silence in response.

"Wai Wai Wai Wai... don't scare people! Are you still there?"


This lifeless silence made Jiang Xiaoqi feel creepy.

She walked forward in the dark, waving her hands and trying to touch the man who was in the same space as her just now.

After a while of groping, the space parallel to her arm was completely empty.

The goosebumps all over Jiang Xiaoqi's body instantly fell to the ground, and he almost lost control and screamed.

As she strode towards the elevator door regardless, she tripped.

Fortunately, there wasn't much space here, and she could just hold the elevator door with her hands to avoid falling.

"I said, why are you like this! Is it fun to tease others?

"I don't care about you because you are Senior Brother Jiang Ning, but if you enjoy teasing me like this, don't blame me for being inhospitable..."

Before the last word "qi" could be uttered, the man's tempered voice interrupted her——

"Shut up!"

Listen carefully, these two syllables seem to have a slight vibrato.

Jiang Xiaoqi was slightly startled, then pursed his lips and said nothing, but secretly cursed "psycho" in his heart.

She cautiously groped her way to the elevator door and hurriedly fumbled for the help bell in the darkness.

"It's so dark, which is the help bell?"

It was originally just a muttering to myself, but unexpectedly there was a response from the darkness——

"cell phone!"

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't react for a moment and asked casually: "What cell phone?"

"Use your phone, idiot!"

"..." Jiang Xiaoqi opened his mouth, but was unable to say anything to refute.

She took out her phone and turned on the screen, and couldn't help but murmur again.

"You are smart, why don't you take out your phone?"


The help bell rang, and luckily someone answered on the other end.

After learning that someone was trapped in the elevator, the hospital's logistics department quickly arranged for elevator maintenance personnel to go there.


On the other side is the office of the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Fu Chen knew that Jiang Xiaoqi was coming back for a review today, so he had already found an excuse to sneak over from his department.

Waiting left and right, when the appointment time passed and no one came, the man couldn't help but become a little anxious.

The old Chinese medicine director who was over seventy years old raised his head and looked at him through the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Xiao Fu, you have been in the hospital for so long, and I have never seen you care so much about anyone or anything!
"Is it worth spending so much effort for her?"

Fu Chen stood at the door of the office and stretched his neck to look deep into the corridor. At this time, he replied without looking back: "It's worth it!"

"What? This little girl is your girlfriend?"

"Maybe she's my fiancée."

These words shocked the old director and Fu Chen himself.

There was a sudden commotion at the end of the corridor, and someone seemed to be saying that the elevator had fallen.

Upon hearing this, the man at the office door immediately rushed out like an arrow.

Warning tapes have been set up at the elevator entrance on the 11th floor, and the entrance is blocked by people who want to take the elevator.

Fu Chen pushed through the crowd, got under the warning tape and slapped the elevator door.

"Jiang Xiaoqi, Jiang Xiaoqi, are you in there?"

The voice that responded to him came not from the elevator, but from the crowd behind him.

"Oh, if you fell from such a height, you must have fainted. You can't hear me even if you scream!"

"That's right, you might as well go directly to the first floor and have a look..."

"First floor? You must have fallen to the second floor below, right?"

Everyone said something to each other, which made Fu Chen furious.

He didn't even care that he was still wearing a white coat, turned around and yelled at the crowd: "Shut up! Get out!!!"


Everyone saw him looking like he was mourning, and no one cared about him, so they all moved to both sides to make way for him to pass.

In fact, the elevator did fall, but it only fell one floor.

Jiang Xiaoqi and Fu Ye were trapped in the compartment between the 10th and 9th floors, and rescuers had already launched emergency rescue.

Jiang Xiaoqi actually heard Fu Chen's voice upstairs, but because of a frightened guy in the elevator, she had no time to pay attention.

Fu Ye had severe claustrophobia, so he squatted down when the lights in the elevator went out.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoqi adjusted the brightness of the phone to the maximum, but it still could not alleviate the man's fear at all.

The claustrophobic fear and the falling sensation just now made him feel dizzy, making him even more out of control emotionally.

A tall man, nearly 1.9 meters tall, was curled up in a ball in the corner.

Jiang Xiaoqi wanted to get closer to calm him down, but he seemed to have set up a barrier for himself.

As soon as she came even slightly closer, he would lose control and yell, "Don't come here."

"I won't go, but can you raise your head first? Look, there is a lot of light in the elevator now!"


"And listen, the ding-dong-dong sound outside must be the rescuers breaking down the door. Just calm down and wait!"


Fu Ye buried her face between his knees, seemingly deliberately plunging her world into darkness.

In his current world, the girl's voice was ethereal.

He felt that the voice beside him was the summons of the devil, trying to trick him out of the claustrophobic black world and fall into an even darker abyss...

Jiang Xiaoqi pulled her hair with a headache. She only blamed it on not taking the psychology course seriously at school.

After thinking for a moment, she finally decided to try to get close to the other party using the method she had learned in previous classes.

She took a long breath and murmured in a low voice: "I calmed this guy down, I should be able to pass the psychology course..."

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