Chapter 267 Just be jealous

Fu Chen ran to the negative second floor, but there was not even a human figure below.

Just at this time, two uniformed security guards and nurses came out of the exclusive elevator next to them pushing a gurney. The gurney was also covered with a white sheet.

"What a pity, he is so young!" one of the security guards said.

"Hey, misfortunes are coming, it's all about fate..." Another security guard shook his head and sighed.

The gurney passed behind Fu Chen, and the sound of sighs reached his ears without missing a word.

His whole body was frozen in place for a long time as if someone had tapped his acupoints.

It wasn't until the gurney was about to turn into a certain passage that he caught up with it at a sprint speed of 100 meters.

"Xiao Qi, Jiang Xiao Qi..."

The stretcher encountered an obstacle while moving. The security guard and the nurse were stunned for a moment as they looked at the man who was out of control of his emotions.

"Young man, he is yours..."

Before the security guard could finish asking, Fu Chen barked at everyone like a mad dog.

Seeing how heartbroken he was, several people took the initiative to step aside and watch the life-and-death parting drama, but these people had somewhat weird expressions on their faces.

Maybe Fu Chen never dreamed that some of the most outrageous things would happen to him, but these things really happened.

At that time, all he could think about was Jiang Xiaoqi's death in the elevator accident, so he subconsciously thought the person on the push bed was Jiang Xiaoqi, and he didn't even have the courage to lift the sheets and take a look.

He lay on the bedside, tears and nose running down a lot, and he said what he had not yet had time to say.

It would have been better if he didn't say these true confessions. Once he did, the security guard next to him looked at him with a ghostly look.

Finally, a young female nurse couldn't stand it anymore, so she stepped forward and patted his shoulder and whispered: "Doctor Fu, are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person?"


When the nurse saw that the other party was still immersed in pain, she simply stepped forward and lifted off the sheets.

Lying on the bed was a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

"Doctor Fu, he is the one from the garden..."

The nurse did not continue. She knew that the other party must also know the disabled young man who had been living in the hospital garden, and he had personally helped the other party contact the rescue agency before.

Fu Chen's ferocious facial features were difficult to open and close, and his expression was even more difficult to describe.

After being stunned for a long time, he awkwardly raised his hand to cover the person with the sheet, then stood up and said: "I'm planning to change my career to be an actor recently. There is such a scene, yes, this is the scene, pass!"


"Also, contact the people at the rescue station quickly."

"This has already been contacted," the nurse replied.

"Okay." Fu Chen waved his hand, "I've finished rehearsing my play, let's get going!"


Looking at the man's back as he walked away, the young female nurse couldn't help but murmured: "What's Dr. Fu's zodiac sign? Why are you so divided!"

Fu Chen took a few steps and then turned back to ask about the elevator accident.

The security guard asked him to go up to the 10th floor and take a look.


When Fu Chen walked to the stairs on the 9th floor, he saw the rescue team members. He quickly stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

"Don't worry, the people inside are fine, the door will be opened soon."

As soon as the rescue team finished speaking, the elevator door was indeed pried open with a clang, but the scene inside could not help but make the onlookers a little embarrassed.

The man who looked strong was huddled in the corner, and the girl squatted beside him, hugging him and patting his back like a child.

Fu Chen rushed to the elevator door and happened to witness this scene. He suddenly froze in place again.

The originally dark elevator lit up again.

Jiang Xiaoqi quickly raised his head and looked upward, and then saw a face that was darker than the elevator just now.

"Fu Chen? You..."

Jiang Xiaoqi opened her mouth to say something, but saw the man turned around and left without hesitation.

She frowned, and then let go of her arm around Fu Ye. The rescuers lowered the rope ladder and successfully rescued the two trapped people.

Soon, Fu Ye realized his gaffe, apologized to Jiang Xiaoqi immediately, and politely asked the other party if he was scared.

Jiang Xiaoqi waved her hand and said "It's okay", and then immediately ran to the stairwell aside.

When she saw Fu Chen turning around and walking away, it seemed that there might be some misunderstanding, and she always wanted to explain.

Fu Ye frowned slightly and followed him, his face also thoughtful.

He seemed to have heard the name "Fu Chen" from the girl just now.

Jiang Xiaoqi didn't know that Fu Chen had been waiting for her in the gynecology department, so she went straight to Fu Chen's office on the 15th floor.

Her steps were hurried, not paying attention to the person following behind her.

When she ran to the 15th floor panting and was about to walk to the office at the south end of the corridor, a familiar figure was walking towards her.

Seeing her running up in such a hurry, Fu Chen felt a hint of surprise in his heart.

However, this joy had not lasted for a minute when Fu Yezheng poked his head out of the stairs.

Seeing these two people coming up together, he subconsciously thought that Jiang Xiaoqi was anxious to clearly reject his overtures and strangle the flames of their ambiguous relationship in the past few days.

"Fu Chen, I just..."

Jiang Xiaoqi was immediately interrupted as soon as he started talking.

Fu Chen glanced behind her and said expressionlessly: "I'm going to check the ward now, you can do it yourself!"

He dropped these words coldly and didn't even look at the other person.

When passing by Fu Ye, he paused for a moment and said to him in a voice just loud enough for the two of them to hear: "Don't treat her as anyone's substitute."


Fu Ye hesitated on the spot, and then turned around to look at the retreating figure for a long time, and sensed some kind of message through the loneliness that shrouded the figure.

His eyebrows were arched, and there was a bit of doubt in his heart, but also a bit of joy.

Fu Sinian has been having some trouble lately, and he's been very aggressive in urging his brothers and sisters to get married.

If Fu Chen's relationship finds a home, then his pressure will be relieved a lot.

After a moment, when he turned around, he saw Jiang Xiaoqi still standing there stupidly.

Although only his back could be seen, this thin figure looked somewhat depressed.

After thinking for a moment, he stepped forward and asked quietly: "Are you and Achen together?"

Jiang Xiaoqi denied it and explained that she was a patient he helped.

"Then he likes you?" Fu Ye asked again.

"How is that possible? He likes me but doesn't care about me?"

"I'm jealous when I see you with me."

Fu Ye smiled, with a bit of anger on his face.

Seeing the man in front of him switching between three states in a short period of time, Jiang Xiaoqi was speechless.

She couldn't help but wonder: Are the claustrophobic coward in the elevator, the man who returned to being a gentleman after getting out of the elevator, and the 38-year-old man with a bit of a gossip in front of her really the same person?
Seeing her expression, Fu Ye guessed half of her thoughts.

"You are Xiaowu's sister, and you must also be my sister. Just tell me what's on your mind!"


"Tell me, A-chen likes you, or do you like A-chen?"


"Do you need me to help you explain to Achen?"


"Don't worry, I'm not a gossip."

Jiang Xiaoqi finally couldn't help but respond to the nagging in his ears——

"There is nothing between him and me that you think, goodbye!"


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