Chapter 279 When Everything Ends

Jiang Ning was not surprised by Lin Ying's appearance, but she did not quite understand her behavior.

This woman had actually been controlled by Pei Xiangnan and Wu Fei for a long time, but for a long time she had not revealed anything about her relationship with Qin Shu or Lu Yan.

However, at this moment she put everything between them aside.

From the day she was invited to Jingshan Palace by Qin Shu, everything that happened between them was reconstructed in detail.

Including what her relationship was with Qin Shu, what happened between her and Lu Yan, and finally even her own ambitions were made public.

"I don't feel like I've done anything wrong, and what I've done hasn't constituted a crime, so there's nothing to deny.

"From a businessman's perspective, I am just using whatever means necessary to achieve my goal. I want to get close to the Lu family and become the mistress of the Lu family. Is there anything wrong with that?

"With my family background, am I not worthy of the Lu family?

“Whether the owner of the Lu family is Lu Yu or Lu Yan, it’s the same to me, but who knows that the old man in the Lu family has only identified Lu Yu as the heir.

“So even if I’m with Lu Yan, I can’t get what I want, so of course I have to work harder.

"If you don't succeed, you'll die!
"Now I lose, I admit..."

The faces of the reporters present were more interesting and excited than each other.

"I thought such a bloody plot only appeared in TV dramas, but I didn't expect that the disputes among wealthy families in real life could also be so bloody."

"So what is Qin Shu?"

"Can we understand it this way? Qin Shu's original intention was to use Lin Ying to control the Lu family. Unexpectedly, on that night of conspiracy, Lin Ying got mixed up with Lu Yan by mistake. Later, she had to redeploy and wanted to change the heir to the Lu family?"

"It doesn't seem right. It's too complicated."

The reporters talked a lot and then asked questions non-stop.

In a series of events, there were some inside stories that even Lu Zhifeng didn't know.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, he thought of leaving the venue while no one was paying attention.

Lu Zhifeng left through the dedicated channel connecting to the backstage, looking back to see if there was any media catching up with him.

Suddenly, a tall figure blocked his steps.

Lu Zhijie stood in the middle of the aisle in a suit and tie with a serious expression.

"Brother, it's time to put an end to this matter."

"You, you...didn't you have a stroke?"

Lu Zhifeng began to stutter because of nervousness, and vaguely realized that everything that had happened recently might be a big chess game set up by Lu Yu and his son.

“I didn’t have a stroke, how can you be so unscrupulous?

"Brother, in Dad's eyes, I am the most useless of the three of us brothers. After all, I have been depressed for such a long time because of a woman.

"But do you know why Dad insisted that Ayu inherit the Lu family? Do you think he really did it because Ayu's ability is better than all of you?
“Of course I admit that this is partly the reason, but more of it is because the old man owes Ah Yu.

"He can't pay it back no matter what he uses, so he can only use the entire Lu Group to pay off the debt!"

After Lu Zhijie finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and played a recording, which was also a detailed conversation they had when the old man was still alive.

In the recording, Lu Zhijie asked the old man whether he regretted breaking up him and Hua Ping, and the old man said frankly that he did not regret it.

“If you had married that woman, there would be no Lu Group today.

“Ayu said something very right: Only when you make yourself strong can you have the right to make your own choices.

“In order to strengthen the Lu family, I forced you to marry the daughter of the Qin family. It seems that you have sacrificed a lot, but I have also lost your father-son relationship with me, right?
“I can only say I’m sorry about that woman’s death.

"I also feel guilty about Ayu, so I will leave him what I think is the best thing." I know he doesn't need it, but this is the only thing I can do.


The real-time surveillance footage of the channel was connected to the press conference site, and the conversation between Lu Zhifeng and Lu Zhijie and the recording were also transmitted throughout the venue through the loudspeaker equipment.

“Brother, I don’t care what you and Qin Shu are planning in private, but I ask you to stop immediately before things get out of hand.

"Here is a check for $80 million and a one-way ticket to New Australia City. The flight takes place in four hours. You don't have much time to think about it."

Lu Zhifeng looked at the envelope handed to him and suddenly smiled sarcastically.

"Lu Zhijie, do you take me for a fool? 80 million? New Australia City! One-way ticket. Are you asking me to run away?

"Are you kidding me? I haven't committed any crime, and I don't owe any debts, so why should I run away?"

Lu Zhijie raised his hand. "Whether you believe it or not, I'm doing this for your own good. Lu Yan, your son, maybe you don't know him well. I don't want you to be implicated by him in the end."

"Do you think I am you? You don't even understand your own son! Lu Zhijie, I don't care what you and your son are planning. I can tell you clearly that I will not give up Lu's so easily."

Soon, the term "Yanfei Organization" popped out of Lu Zhijie's mouth.

Lu Zhifeng burst into laughter when he heard this.

"Brother, I think you are desperate and dare to say such outrageous words. Aren't you afraid that I will sue you for defamation?"


Jiang Ning told Lu Zhijie about the Yan Fei organization. She just wanted to delay Fu Ye before he sent the evidence over.

No matter what, today would be the day to end everything. She left no way out for herself and didn't have to worry about alerting the enemy.

She had already agreed with Cheng Li that if Lu Yan escaped temporarily, Interpol would arrest him directly at the airport.

The evidence may be late, but it will never be absent.


On the other side, the city of Sarati.

Fu Ye returned to his office carrying two large vest bags. At this time, he didn't know that the video footage of his large purchases had been spread throughout the Fu family's work system.

Seeing that Li Si was not in the office, he didn't think much about it and walked towards the invisible door with the bag.

In the lounge.

Li Si was standing at the end of the bed with his arms folded, his eyes directed at the girl with a slightly sharp look.

"Hey girl, what is your relationship with our Master Ye? How could you let Master Ye buy those women's products for you?
"No, sister, how old are you this year?

"Although our Master Ye has been single for a long time and may not be able to resist girls who come to him, as his friend, I absolutely cannot watch him commit a crime!

"So don't blame me for having an attitude problem. I have to find out what the hell you do!"

Tang Ning's already fair complexion became even paler. She responded timidly, "Brother Ye felt sorry for me in the hospital, so he picked me up."

She used the word "pick up" and put herself in the most humble position.

Tang Wan beside him pouted and wanted to say something, but her arm was pulled hard.

The little guy was a little annoyed, but his look, which had just shown a bit of loss, suddenly brightened up when he saw something.

"Uncle, you are finally back! This bad uncle bullied my sister!"


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