Chapter 280 Repaying oneself with one's own body
Li Si subconsciously looked back, then broke into a cold sweat.

"Uh... hehe... I'm back! The thing you asked me to send has been sent out!"

Fu Ye walked to the bedside and put down the vest bag in his hand. His light gaze, like a sudden gust of wind, blew towards the man at the end of the bed.

"Who let you in?"

"Uh... I just wanted to come in and use the restroom."

"Who gave permission?"

Because of the girl who was taken in by the room, Li Si almost forgot what kind of big devil the owner who took her in was.

He stammered, "Yes, yes, I'm sorry, I... I'm a little anxious."

"Get out."

These three words granted Li Siru amnesty.

He quickly said "got it" and then stepped on the melon rind and ran away.

The sound of the door being closed was heard, and Fu Ye said to the girl in a calm voice, "Ignore him."

At this moment, Tang Ning's eyes were fixed on the two vest bags on the bedside. Although the bags were covered with several thick layers, she could still see clearly what was inside from the open bags.

Those things made her face feel as hot as a red-hot iron plate, and she even heard the sizzling sound of oil on her face.

Fu Ye lowered his eyes and followed the girl's gaze, then quickly turned his face away.

Somehow, he felt a little nervous, so nervous that he stuffed his hands into his pockets, and then pretended to be calm as he walked to the window and looked outside.

"Well, Phelps said the medicine he gave you would cause some kind of disorder, so he asked me to prepare something for girls.

“I’ve never bought anything before, so I asked the salesperson to take everything.

"Whether you can use it or not, keep it ready."

He said this just because he didn't want the girl to feel embarrassed and be discovered.

Tang Ning whispered "thank you".

The drip was not finished yet, so she didn't dare move and just sat there quietly.

It was not known whether Fu Ye intended to stay or had forgotten to go out for a moment. In any case, he stood at the window like a telephone pole.

Tang Ning waited until the water in the drip was finished, then removed the needle and quietly got out of bed.

When I walked behind the man at the window, I didn't know how to talk to him.

Ask him to leave? This seems to be someone else's territory.

Just as she was thinking about it, the man suddenly turned around and was frightened by the figure in front of him.

"No, why are you so silent? You scared me."

At this moment, Fu Ye's irritability was mixed with a hint of helplessness. He clearly wanted to lose his temper but he couldn't do it at all.

When he saw the girl's flushed face, he suddenly realized that he should go out.

"Oh, you've finished the infusion, right? I'll go get Phelps over for you."

Tang Ning followed the man with her eyes, revealing some other emotions.

At this moment, she seemed to have made some kind of decision.

"Sister, why is Uncle Ye sometimes nice and sometimes mean?" Tang Wan said with a pout.

"Wanwan, can I take you back to grandpa?"

The little guy's eyes lit up when he heard the voice, "Really? Is sister going back too?"

"Sister has something important to do, so I'll take you back first."

"But I want to be with my sister."

"Sister is going back to S Continent, do you want to follow her?"

"Sis, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. I've figured out some things and decided on one thing."

"What is it?"

Tang Ning gave the little girl a happy smile she had never given before, then walked up to her and pinched her chubby little face.

"Don't worry about it, little brat. Just agree to let me send you to your grandpa."

"But I want to follow my sister!" Tang Wan looked at her aggrievedly, and asked in a muffled voice, "Do you think I'm too much trouble and don't want me anymore?"

"Wanwan, besides grandpa, you are my only relative in this world. How could I not want you?"

"But if you can give up your grandpa, why can't you give up me?" Tang Ning was speechless for a while, but looked at the little guy's face with amusement.

"Little brat, my sister is going to get married in two years. Will you follow me?"

"But you're not married yet?"

Tang Ning frowned and smiled secretly, "Well, but in order to marry the person I want to marry, I have to make myself a better person in the next two years!"

"So you want to abandon me to get married? Are you attracted to Ye Shushu? No, no, he can be my father, how can he be my brother-in-law?"


Tang Ning said nothing more, then picked up the vest bag on the bedside table and went to the bathroom.

As she took out the things in the bag one by one, her face turned red and her heart was beating wildly.

It is really hard to imagine how such a cold and aloof man could lower himself to buy sanitary pads and girls' underwear?

Tang Ning didn't believe in fate, but this time she firmly believed that it was destined.

She murmured, "I should repay the favor of saving my life with my own body!"

Now that she is not yet 18 years old, it is a bit early for her to repay the favor with her body, but she can at least help the other party solve his current troubles.

She is very familiar with Yan Fei's organization.


Inside the office.

Fu Ye browsed through the photos in the Fu family's task system, his sword-like eyebrows twisted together.

The priceless pen broke in two in his hand, and the ink spilled all over the table.

"Jiang Ning, damn it!
"I'm usually so good to you, and now that something happens, do you have to call me all over the world?"

When Tang Ning came out, she saw the man cursing and hitting her with a pillow.

Such a contrast surprised her and made her chuckle involuntarily.

"Brother, it turns out that your inner self doesn't match your outer appearance at all!"

Fu Ye put away the pillow awkwardly and looked up, "What's the matter?"

"Something." The girl nodded solemnly.


"No matter what you want to know about Yan Fei, I can tell you in detail!"


Fu Ye was not only a little surprised, but even unconsciously revealed a hint of contempt in his eyes.

In fact, the other party had mentioned this just now, but he just took it as a joke.

A girl who is not even an adult yet has the audacity to say that she knows the detailed information of an internationally famous underground organization. Her credibility is really negative.

Tang Ning didn't care about the other party's attitude, but confessed her identity truthfully.

"Brother, you should have heard of the Yun family that is in opposition to Yan Fei, right? Yun Xiaohe, he is my grandfather!"

The moment the words fell, the swivel chair that Fu Ye was sitting on suddenly tipped over.

"Brother, are you okay?" Tang Ning nervously stepped forward and tried to support the other person.

Fu Ye raised his hand to stop him.

"Who did you just say you are to Yun Xiaohe?"

"He is my grandfather, but the relationship between him and I is a little complicated, so I won't go into details for now."

"That's what you said, but how do you know Yan Fei's internal information?"

"I told you that Wanwan and I escaped from Yanfei."


Fu Ye took a lot of effort to crawl out from under the chair, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"Yun Xiaohe is your grandpa, why are you so miserable?"

When facing this man, Tang Ning was no longer humble and timid. Instead, she took the initiative to step forward and helped him up, and even kindly helped him brush the dust off his trouser legs.

"I just told you, my relationship with Grandpa is a little complicated."


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