In any case, tonight is the Jiang family's banquet, and it is inappropriate for others to cause some violence.

However, Lu Yu scuffled Qin Zihao regardless of his appearance.

Jiang Ning briefly dealt with the cream on her chest and hurried forward, "Lu Yu, stop, this is someone else's dinner party!"

As she spoke, she beckoned to the security not far away to stop her.

But the young master of the Lu family, and the most "famous" young master fought, let alone the security guards at the scene did not dare to fight, even Jiang Tianhua, the protagonist of the dinner party, didn't know what to do.

Lu Yu looked particularly crazy tonight. He was sitting astride Qin Zihao's plump beer belly, giving him a left uppercut and a right uppercut with both hands.

"You mess with me? I'll beat you until you regret being born!"

Some people said that they didn't know whether Qin Zihao was too stupid and naive, or if he was so bold that he dared to provoke that big devil openly!
Now no one can save him unless an angel comes.

Jiang Ning's verbal dissuasion was in vain. Seeing that bloodshed was about to happen at the scene, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and prepare to stand up.

Just taking a step forward, a gust of palm wind brushed against her ears unexpectedly.

There was a crisp sound, which almost caused the time to be paused.

Lu Yu also stopped beating people, and frowned and looked to the side.

"What a white-eyed wolf that you can't raise well!" Ye Lan shouted angrily.

She stood in front of Jiang Ning, her beating hand was still shaking with anger.

"Jiang Ning, touch your own conscience and tell me, how does the Jiang family treat you? Why do you always make a fuss at home every time you come back?"

"Mom, it's not my sister's problem. What are you doing?" Jiang Ying stepped forward to comfort the angry woman.

As she said that, she looked at the other side apologetically, "Sister, don't be angry with your mother. She hasn't slept well for many days recently in order to prepare for today's dinner, and she is still in a state of tension!"

"Yingying, don't speak for her, she is not worthy."

Jiang Ning was stunned for about half a minute, and out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a man not far away casting a sympathetic look at herself.

She calmly stroked her disheveled hair, and then said with a pause: "I felt my conscience and said, I have already done it to the Jiang family!"

Ye Lan wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Jiang Yaoping.

The old man walked forward with a guilty face, "Lingning, you."

"Grandpa, I just wanted to give you a birthday present today. I didn't expect this to happen. I'm sorry for making you unhappy!"

After speaking, she turned around and sincerely apologized to the guests on both sides.

The actual situation is that everyone saw the incident just now and knew that it had no direct relationship with this girl.

No wonder why she got involved with the Lu family.
The scene fell into a brief silence.

Soon, a little girl with a baby face ran into the banquet hall holding a large paper bag with the EA studio logo.

Because she ran in a hurry, she didn't pay attention to the atmosphere of the scene and the strange expressions on the faces of the people.

She ran straight to Jiang Ning and handed her the paper bag out of breath.

"Finn, you didn't tell me what kind of clothes you want, so I just brought you a skirt!"

Jiang Ning took the paper bag and responded blankly.

However, the name of the little girl shocked many young ladies present.

"I'm hallucinating? What did she call that Miss Jiang just now?"

"Finn, but I also think I might be hallucinating."

Finn is Qingchen's English name, and it was chosen for her by Lionel, a leading figure in the fashion industry.

This mysterious big designer has never shown his face, but his works are famous all over the world.

Many people have speculated that this Finn is either ugly in appearance, or a reclusive old woman.

Anyway, it couldn't be such a young and beautiful girl.

Although Finn founded EA's private custom studio, the chances of her personally coming out to design are very few.

The half-year appointment period is nothing but a legend.

While the girls were discussing, Su Nian sipped champagne and said quietly behind them: "No one is hallucinating, she is Finn, and the clothes on me are designed by her!"

At this moment, everyone seemed to understand what Jiang Ning said before.

"She said that there are many Qingchen's orphans in her closet;
"Well, it's normal to make clothes for yourself, isn't it?"

"She said that the skirt on her body was made for herself, without watermarks;
"What watermark do I need to add to my own clothes? Isn't her identity the best watermark?"

When the discussions about Finn and Qingchen changed from private discussions to undisguised pursuits, Ye Lan and Jiang Ying were stunned as if they had been hit in the head.

Jiang Ning took the paper bag from assistant Bai Weiwei and left the banquet hall directly, and went to the bathroom to change into clean clothes.

What Bai Weiwei brought over was a set of split skirts, which looked simple but had a strong sense of design.

The A-shaped knee-length skirt is paired with a light and slim-fitting blouse, which just reveals half of the white waist. The beautiful collarbone and neck lines displayed by the one-line collar better modify the body proportions.

The collision of refreshing mint green and light pink is just like a budding lotus in early summer.

When he came out of the bathroom, Lu Cheng was leaning against the corridor wall with his hands casually in his pockets, as if he was waiting for someone.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly at him and left.

About to turn out of the corridor, a man's deep voice came from behind——

"Jiang Ning, can I ask you a question?"

Jiang Ning stopped in her tracks, but she didn't turn her head, she just turned her head slightly.

"Mr. Lu, although I don't know why you paid attention to me, but to be honest, we don't know each other well, right? Sorry, my husband is still waiting for me!"

"Are you and A Yu really married?"

"I remember that Lu Yu posted our marriage certificate in the Lu family group."

"You know what I mean by de facto marriage!"

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning finally turned around, looked at the other party calmly and replied, "Yes."

Lu Cheng half-closed his eyes, the girl's calm made him believe that it was the truth.

But how is this possible?

He knows Lu Yu's secrets well, and knows that he looks like a dandy on the surface and has seen countless people, but the truth is that he is very afraid of getting close to the opposite sex, even...
Not to mention being allergic to the opposite sex.

Jiang Ning returned to the banquet hall.

After a short period of chaos, the scene has resumed the previous toasting.

Qin Zihao sat in the booth in the corner, half of his face swollen into a pig's head, as if reminding others of what happened just now.

Jiang Ning looked around, but did not see Lu Yu.

But in the next moment, his sight happened to touch Ye Lan who was toasting with Jiang Tianhua, and the latter immediately greeted the people beside her and left when he saw her.

Jiang Ning realized that the other party was walking towards him, and immediately became more vigilant.

When the other party was less than one meter away from her, she smiled and said, "Ms. Ye is so aggressive, do you want to hit someone again?"

"Jiang Ning, what's going on? How could you be Qingchen?"

"Why can't I be Qingchen? Thanks to you and Mr. Jiang, I should learn a skill while living abroad, right?"

"Oh! I really underestimated you, so you deliberately arranged the fake on Yingying's body?"

"Even if I say no, you'll think I'm lying, right? That's right, I arranged it on purpose! The person I've lost before must always let her feel that way."

"You are simply incomprehensible."

"Thanks to you!"

Ye Lan was so annoyed by her downplaying attitude, but in view of the situation just happened, she didn't dare to attack easily again.

She asked in a deep voice: "Then what's going on with you and the Lu family? Why did he help you out, and why did he give grandpa such precious calligraphy and paintings?"

Jiang Ning couldn't answer this question by herself, she just responded quietly: "What you see is what you see!"

Ye Lan sneered, and Jiang Ning was once again impressed by what she said.

"I really didn't expect you to really degenerate to the point of being taken care of by others. You'd better never mention that you are Miss Jiang's family!"

Jiang Ning hummed lightly, "Don't worry, Miss Jiang's identity is the one I despise the most!"

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