Although Ye Lan still maintains a disdainful attitude on the surface, she looks at Jiang Ning with admiration in her heart.

For no other reason, Qingchen's identity alone is enough to make her feel awkward.

The daughter who was originally worthless in her eyes suddenly became a great designer sought after by thousands of people?

Such a reversal is too difficult to digest!
Jiang Ning didn't want to stay any longer, so she went to Jiang Yaoping to say goodbye, but the latter asked her to introduce some old friends to her.

He introduced with some complacency: "I have always regarded this girl as my own granddaughter, and she really lived up to my expectations!"

Jiang Ning didn't feel secretly happy because of being praised, but instead felt a ridiculous and empty feeling in her heart.

Who can know what kind of bleakness and coldness are hidden behind this false prosperity?
It can only be said that people are more or less snobbish, and even Jiang Tianhua has a lot of respect for Qingchen's identity.

The dinner party was in full swing, but Jiang Yaoping brought a girl who "has nothing to do with the Jiang family" to socialize with others.

"I always feel that the relationship between Jiang Ning and the Jiang family is unusual, maybe it's Jiang Tianhua's illegitimate daughter, otherwise how could Ye Lan treat her like this?"

"It makes sense, and you can see that old man Jiang always takes her to dinner parties instead of Jiang Ying. It is obvious that Jiang Ying is not favored by old man."

"Isn't it? The key point is that Jiang Ning's identity is too heaven-defying! She is still so young, but she is already a top figure in the fashion circle. What a bright future."

As the daughter of the Jiang family in the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Ying almost gritted her teeth when she heard these conversations.

For so many years, only she knows how careful she has lived in the Jiang family.

In order to keep her identity as the young lady of the Jiang family, she would try her best to please her parents as soon as she opened her eyes every day, trying to make herself a "child of someone else's family" in the eyes of others.

Since she was six years old, she has spent several times more time studying than other children every day.

She is proficient in nine languages, and she is as good as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, forcing herself to become the ceiling among celebrities.

It was not easy for her to gain a firm foothold in Jiang's family, and her image in the eyes of her parents completely surpassed that real daughter.

But how could she have imagined that such a shocking identity would be revealed upon the return of Zhenqian King Kong.

Seeing Jiang Tianhua's changing attitude, she could only clenched her fists and pretended not to care.

A waiter passed by carrying two buckets of ice.

Jiang Ying glanced at a certain corner, and then temporarily withheld the ice bucket from the waiter's hand.

She walked to that corner with the ice bucket, Qin Zihao gave her a cold look.

"do not bother me."

"You're stupid too, why did you mess with that demon king of the Lu family?"

Jiang Ying took some ice cubes, wrapped them in a towel, and hit the other person's red and swollen face directly.

She went on to say: "I know what happened in your company recently, but don't think about it. Your father got into subsequent troubles just because he offended Lu Yu, and you ended up repeating his mistakes."

Qin Zihao took the simple ice bag to support himself, and at the same time said a little depressed: "I just find it strange that Lu Yu runs an entertainment company, why did my dad offend him? He also got mixed up with the board members of Yunda University!"

"Come on and become a beauty!" Jiang Ying said as she sat down opposite her.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know? Then pretend I didn't say it."

Jiang Ying deliberately showed a bit of surprise, and then retracted the topic, whetting the other party's appetite.

"For those who are riding horses, I am most annoying to say half of the words, please explain clearly to me."

Because a tooth was knocked out just now, Qin Zihao's words were a bit leaky.

If he hadn't come to the birthday party with a mission tonight, he would have left by now.

Jiang Ying looked around in some embarrassment, and then leaned closer to the other party and whispered: "Before your sister Qin Shanshan was cut off by Jiang Ning, your father went to school to seek justice, but it happened to hit Lu Yu's gun."

"What? My sister was beaten by that stinky woman?"

"Keep your voice down, the school has suppressed this matter, so don't bring it up again!"

Jiang Ying only knew that the matter was suppressed by the school, but she didn't know exactly how it was suppressed.

Lu Yu's appearance today gave her a perfect explanation.

She knew that Qin Zihao was a well-known crazy petter, as long as his sister was involved, he would criticize anything crazy.

"Malle Gobi, I must tease her today!"

Qin Zihao picked up the wine glass on the table and drank it up, then slammed the glass down on the table.

He got up angrily to leave, and the crystal cup on the table shattered.

Jiang Ying looked at the fragments of a table, and a hint of viciousness jumped out of her eyes.

The corridor outside the banquet hall was filled with smoke, and the atmosphere was even more turbulent.

The two young masters of the Lu family stood facing each other, each with secretive expressions on their faces.

Lu Yu smoked lazily and puffed out smoke rings recklessly.

Behind the lingering smoke, those clear eyes see everything.

"Brother, if you said earlier that you liked my wife, I don't need to marry her, but now that I marry her, I won't allow others to think about her, understand?"

Lu Cheng raised his hand to wave away the smoke in front of him and did not answer, but persuaded him: "Don't smoke here, it's time to trigger the smoke alarm!"

"I know that you look different from Lu Yan on the surface, but I know in my heart that you are all the same, or that what you want is the same, but you are using different means to get it.

"I don't care about these, but you'd better stay away from Jiang Ning!"

Lu Yu's tone didn't sound turbulent, but it carried a heavy warning.

Lu Cheng wanted to defend himself, but the other party didn't give him this chance.

"Don't talk about liking and love with me, the person you like is Wei Zhi, you did this because of what Wei Zhi said to you, didn't you?

"Let me tell you, you can also tell Wei Zhi what I said——

"Even if all the women in the world are dead, there is no possibility for me and her!
"You don't have to make such a boring and meaningless sacrifice for her."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he stubbed out the cigarette butt on the trash can beside him, and turned and left without waiting for the other party to make a sound.

Behind him, Lu Cheng was stunned.

He always thought that he was hiding it well, that the relationship between himself and Lu Yu was really as harmonious as it appeared on the surface.

Until a moment ago, he didn't know that he was too involved in the play, and the other party was always the one who stood outside the play and watched the play.

He thought that women were not worth mentioning to Lu Yu, but he chose to have a showdown with him for a woman?
So all these years, is he in his control, or is he in his control?
Lucheng is in chaos.

He pondered for a moment, then trotted after him.

"Ayu, what would you do if I told you that I fell in love with Jiang Ning and wanted to pursue her?"

Lu Yu turned his head to the side, looked at him with a half-smile and asked back: "Do you want to try?"


"Don't take risks, we are protected by the marriage law!"

Lu Yu patted him on the shoulder like an elder, then smiled and walked towards the No. 9 banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, Jiang Ning was still following Jiang Yaoping, with an extremely perfunctory expression on his face.

Lu Yu looked across the crowd and accurately captured the impatient face.

He hooked his lips, took a glass of wine from the waiter passing by and walked through the huge banquet hall.

Jiang Ning was domineeringly brought into an embrace with a light tobacco smell.

You don't need to look up or turn around, you can guess who is coming just from the expression of the person in front of you.

She didn't resist, and even showed a real smile.

"Grandpa, I really have to go!"

Jiang Yaoping didn't stop him, but still smiled and asked her to introduce the man around him.

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