There should be no one present who didn't know Lu Yu's face, so Jiang Yaoping's so-called introduction was actually for Jiang Ning to introduce her relationship with him.

Lu Yu was curious about how the girl planned to introduce himself, so he remained silent.

Jiang Ning knew it in her heart, but she pretended to be confused and said, "Lu Yu, the CEO of Stargate Entertainment!"

"I know Mr. Lu, but your relationship seems unusual!"

After all, even the priceless things like "Autumn Hunting Picture" are free to give away, there must be something unknown between the two of them.

And judging from the words and deeds of these two people, it doesn't look like an ordinary relationship.

Lu Yu's reputation was not good, so Jiang Yaoping was worried that his granddaughter would suffer from being with him.

Jiang Ning glanced at her side from the corner of her eye.

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to explain at all, he could only bite the bullet and say: "Mr. Lu is my boss, and my internship was assigned to Stargate Entertainment!"

The male boss and female subordinates have aroused the public's imagination even more.

No wonder he can achieve so much in the fashion circle at such a young age, maybe someone is paving the way with gold behind his back.

Seeing the gradually sour eyes of those around Jiang Yaoping, Jiang Ning scolded all eighteen generations of Lu family ancestors in her heart.

Jiang Yaoping pulled his granddaughter aside and asked in a low voice, "Ning Ning, answer me honestly, do you have any shady relationship?"

When asked, Jiang Ning's black and white eyes flashed with disappointment.

She thought that Jiang Yaoping would absolutely believe in her character, but unfortunately she was wrong in her judgment.

"Grandpa, can I believe me without you?"

"Ning Ning, if there is, you listen to grandpa and rein in the precipice. Not everyone can climb the background of the Lu family, and not everyone can swim in the muddy water of the Lu family."

Jiang Ning didn't want to explain, nor did she want to listen any longer, so Wen Sheng said goodbye to the other party.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving first!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked back to Lu Yu's side, "Let's go!"

Lu Yu raised his hand to grab her waist, but seeing her depressed mood, he put his hand back into his trouser pocket.

The two figures, one dark and one shallow, are particularly eye-catching, and arouse all kinds of suspicions.

Someone has already begun to dig deeper for information about Jiang Ning.

Jiang Yaoping looked at the back of the two leaving, and the wrinkles on his forehead became slightly distorted.

The explanation Jiang Ning did not give convinced him of her abnormal relationship with Lu Yu.

Coming out of the hotel, the late autumn night wind made Jiang Ning shiver.

She murmured softly: "Stinky Weiwei, you don't know how to bring me a coat!"

When she turned her head, she saw that Lu Yu was only wearing a shirt, and then she remembered that he had given her the coat just now, but she had lost the men's suit when she went to the bathroom to change.

Seeing her staring at him, the man said a little funnyly: "Why are you looking at me? I don't have any clothes for you!"

After speaking, he opened his arms again and said solemnly: "But do you want a warm embrace?"

Jiang Ning: Shut down Q.

Not long after, Wu Fei stopped at the entrance of the hotel driving a black Hummer.

Jiang Ning unceremoniously opened the car door and sat in.

She is more realistic and cherishes her body, so she will not hypocritically refuse the ready-made car and continue to stand outside to blow the cold wind.

Lu Yu curled his lips, showing that trademark smirk again.

After he got in the car, he told Wu Fei to go directly to Jinlin Huafu.

"Special Assistant Wu, please stop at the subway station in front!" Jiang Ning said as she rushed to the front row.

"You want to be an internet celebrity dressed like this to take the subway?" Lu Yu said while propping his forehead.

"What else? Go home with you?"

"You are my wife, is there a problem?"


Wu Fei silently raised the car baffle, but there was no more sound from behind.

There were so many things that happened that day, Jiang Ning felt very tired.

If you download her day, it is estimated that it can be made into a movie.

She leaned her head against the car window, watching the lights of Wanjia gradually being thrown away on both sides of the elevated road around the city, and her thoughts were a little confused.

She closed her eyes, hoping for a moment of relief.

However, when he closed his eyes, when he opened them again, he was in a bedroom with extremely cold tones.

The air is filled with the soothing smell of rosemary and that elusive hint of tobacco.

Jiang Ning sat up abruptly, and lifted the quilt to check.

Fortunately, he was still wearing the dress he wore when he came out of the hotel.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she never noticed the tall figure standing by the window.

Lu Yu laughed angrily at her reaction just now.

Who does this girl think of him?
He thought to himself: Back then you spent money to sleep with me, now you are still afraid of being slept by me?

"Don't worry, I didn't touch you!"

The sudden sound scared Jiang Ning out of bed.

She adjusted her dress in a panic and stood still beside the bed, her vision became clear from hazy.

The gauze curtain behind the man is letting in the warm sun.

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat.

She just squinted a little, why did she sleep until dawn?
Lu Yu squinted his eyes halfway, his eyes full of curiosity and inquiry.

Seeing the girl's ignorant face, he really couldn't figure it out.

She is Qingchen, the world's top designer, why did she study at Yunda as an exchange student?
She is obviously the biological daughter of Jiang Tianhua and his wife, why is her relationship with the Jiang family so stiff?
He had investigated this point before, but unfortunately he did not find any useful information.

Going forward, how did she enter her room by such a coincidence when she escaped from the hotel?
Before last night, he hadn't suspected it was a premeditation.

But after a night, some words she said when she seemed to be half awake made him have many other thoughts in his mind.

Jiang Ning didn't know the man's rich inner drama at this time, but asked with a guilty conscience: "Have I slept for so long?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "What else?"

"Sorry, maybe I was too tired yesterday!"

"Are you tired? But I think you are quite energetic, and you even said that you can't beat me and blind your face for nothing!"

Jiang Ning's eyelids twitched, thinking that she hadn't been drinking or taking drugs, so how could she be talking nonsense?

"You don't seem to believe it, do you need me to show you the evidence?"

As Lu Yu spoke, he pressed the remote control of the curtains, and the bright room was quickly replaced by darkness.

A large projection screen appeared on the entire wall, and was then connected to the monitoring screen of the living room.

Jiang Ning looked at the time in the lower left corner. It was [-]:[-] last night, and there was no one in the living room.

A minute later, she saw herself appearing in the picture again, hanging on the man like a koala.

The man walked to the sofa, and it was obvious from his movements that he intended to throw her off, but her limbs were tightly entangled with him like vines.

"Let go!"

"No, I want to hug and hold high!"

"You didn't drink, why are you so drunk?"

"I drank it, I drank it, I really drank it, ah, I have a headache! Hug."

The man could only helplessly sit down on the sofa with this "pillow".

In the next second, his handsome face was deformed under the ravages of a pair of devil claws
Seeing these pictures, Jiang Ning was nothing but confused.

She was sure she wasn't drunk, how could she do that?

The following scene made her unable to look directly at it, and it even became a little unsuitable for children.

Her white and soft claws actually unbuttoned the man's shirt from top to bottom, and played with his abs without any scruples.

"Wow, it's so sexy!"


At this moment, Jiang Ning's face was like a red-hot iron plate, so hot that she wanted to jump into the cold water immediately.

"It's definitely not me!"

"Don't worry, there will be more explosive ones in the future."

Jiang Ning: Please let me go!

She really doesn't have the slightest memory of the content in the video, how could such a thing happen?

Could it be that his soul has been coveting this man?

So when his brain was asleep, he used her body to attack him?

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