Chapter 34
Before the more exciting scene in the man's mouth was broadcast, Jiang Ning ran over and quickly snatched his mobile phone away, frantically swiping across the screen with her pale fingers.

The projection screen on the wall was turned off, and the spacious bedroom was once again plunged into darkness.

"One, maybe maybe maybe I have sleepwalking, don't take it to heart!"

After Jiang Ning finished speaking, she turned around in panic, but was pulled back by a strong arm.

"Talk." Lu Yu leaned down and whispered in her ear.

A hot and humid breath lingered around sensitive ears, and Jiang Ning's body tensed into a bow that was stretched to the extreme.

She smiled dryly, "Talk, talk, but can you change your position?"

At this time, her waist was imprisoned. In order to distance herself from the opponent, she could only lean her upper body back, but such a posture tested the strength of her waist too much.

"Yes, but what position do you want to change?"

Lu Yu didn't let her go, and continued to move forward step by step until he forced her back to the big bed.

Jiang Ning's calf was blocked, so she sat down involuntarily.

"So you like this pose!"

The man then bent down and pinched her small chin with his hand to force her to look at him.

In the darkness, the pair of black eyes that implied mist opened wide, and the breathing rate accelerated a lot.

"Jiang Ning, why do you want to approach me?"

Last night she hugged herself and said, "Lu Yu, do you know? In fact, I have many people to choose from, but why did I choose you?

"Do you want to know? I won't tell you!"

Maybe it was just an unconscious dream talk, but it made Lu Yu tangled up all night.

And his thoughtless question at this time also made Jiang Ning completely confused, and temporarily ignored the ambiguous distance between the two.

"I approach you? Why should I approach you?"

"Or ask this question, in your own words: Why did you choose me?"


Jiang Ning felt that even if she exhausted her 20 years of cultivation, she would not be able to understand these words, nor could she recall what she had done or said at all.

But these problems are now unavoidable.

If she doesn't answer, the man doesn't seem to let himself go easily.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ning could only make nonsense: "I need a thigh to hug, the thicker the better! Looking at the entire Yunzhou City and even Country Z, the Lu family's thigh should be the thickest, right?"

Lu Yu: "."

This is understandable, if she wants to take advantage of someone's advantage to counter the Jiang family, finding a thigh hug is indeed the simplest and most rude way.


"Then you can definitely find Lu Yan or Lu Cheng, after all, they are the legitimate sons of the Lu family."

"Tsk, I am mainly a face control person, who made you grow such a good skin?"

"So you are seducing me under the guise of a contract?"

Jiang Ning suddenly laughed out loud.

"Brother, are you too trustworthy? If I wanted to seduce you, why did you run away in a hurry when you fell asleep? Don't forget that you begged me to help you!"

"Who knows if this is also one of your plans? Step by step, lure me deeper!"

Lu Yu put away his usual casual attitude, his handsome face looked extremely serious under the dim light.

Although the distance between the two is ambiguous at this time, you can still feel his alienation carefully.

Jiang Ning's eyes gradually became sympathetic.

What have you experienced before to have such a severe delusional disorder of persecution!

"If you think this is me luring you to go deeper, then I don't mind if you break the contract first."

After the words fell, Lu Yu straightened up and stood up, with his usual arrogance restored on his face.

"I just want to remind you, don't waste your time on me."

Jiang Ning breathed a long sigh of relief, then stood up and said, "Don't worry, as long as you're fine, go to Xinghai Bay, I won't even have a chance to get close to you!"

Lu Yu: "."

While dazed, the girl ran out of the room in a panic.

He pulled up the curtains, and a large area of ​​sunlight poured into the warm sun again.

A small head poked into the door, "Cousin, why did aunt run away?"

Lu Yu raised his eyes and said expressionlessly, "Kids don't care about adults' affairs!"

Jiang Ning sent Su Nian a location to pick her up.

10 minutes later, a red Lamborghini appeared on the outskirts of Jinlin Huafu Community.

Su Nian sat in the car and made a phone call, "Where is he? I can't enter this private mansion!"

As soon as the words were finished, a gust of wind blew in with the opened passenger door.

Jiang Ning was wrapped in a thin beige blanket, shivering from the cold.

She stretched out her arms from the blanket and fumbled on the operating table in front, "Which one is the heater, turn it on!"

Su Nian stared at her side in bewilderment, and it took a long time before she said, "Your clothes have been torn?"

Just now when she received the message, she was still thinking about why this guy was in Jinlin Huafu, but seeing this scene now makes her think more.

I can't even wear clothes anymore, how fierce these two are!
Jiang Ning was speechless.

She opened the blanket to reveal the dress she was wearing inside, and said with disgust: "I said, can Miss Su's mind not be so dirty?"

Su Nian turned the steering wheel disapprovingly, "What's the dirt, you two were like that at the dinner party yesterday, won't it be a matter of course after you go back?"

After finishing speaking, she immediately added: "Anyway, you two are legal!"

Jiang Ning: "." How are we doing?

Along the way, Su Nian didn't stop talking, and the topic always revolved around Jiang Yaoping's birthday banquet last night.

"Jiang Ning, you didn't see that after your Qingchen identity was exposed last night, Ms. Ye was entangled by a group of officials and wives! Seeing Ms. Ye's distressed expression made me so happy Both Ren and Du's veins have been opened!"

Those officials and wives who often need to attend important occasions have been looking for opportunities to get acquainted with Qingchen. No matter how much it costs, they all hope to have a set of social dresses and a full set of jewelry customized by Qingchen himself.

However, the rumored Qingchen is a clear stream in the industry. She pays attention to fate in her design, not to be stained with the world, and she will not ruin her eyebrows and become a powerful person.

Now knowing the relationship between Qingchen and Jiang's family, Ye Lan has become the target of those officials and wives.

Knowing that this kind of fawning is just an appearance, Ye Lan can't offend them.

So she was caught in a dilemma——

On the one hand, she wants to show her ability and ability in front of the official wife;
On the other hand, it is absolutely impossible for her to beg Jiang Ning in a humble manner.

This kind of mentality made her maintain an extremely weird face all night, which is what Su Nian said, "Ms. Ye's face is black and green and black and purple".
Jiang Ning leaned on the back of the chair, not listening to a word of the chatter beside her.

She was immersed in self-awareness, thinking about some problems she couldn't figure out.

When she returned to Xinghai Bay, she didn't take a shower and change clothes immediately, but turned on the computer and started an exclusive chat tool.

After several connection failures, she entered a specific system and issued an S-class signal.

Soon, all six avatars in the chat tool lit up, and messages popped up one by one——

Fu Wushuang: "Little Five, what's the matter?"

Fu Wuying: "Sister, who bullied you?"

Fu Yu: "Say, who are you going to mess with this time!"

Fu Ye: "Fu Xiaoning is just looking for me, you guys step back!"

Jiang Ning replied with a mischievous expression, and then typed in the chat box: Brothers and sisters, I'm sorry, I just chatted privately with the senior brother and he ignored me!
In the next moment, except for Fu Ye, the other avatars turned gray in an instant.

Fu Ye's voice pop-up was sent, and Jiang Ning picked it up without delay.

"Big Brother!"

"Pull me out in the middle of the night, if there is nothing serious, I will fly back and beat you!"

"There is something, something big!" Jiang Ning said.

"Well, say it."

Fu Ye's voice was a little vague, probably yawning.

After all, it's only two o'clock in the morning in the southern hemisphere.

Jiang Ning hesitated for a moment to speak out her needs, and then only heard a sound like a heavy object hitting the wooden floor from the receiver.

(End of this chapter)

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