Chapter 35 If You're Pretending to Be Drunk
"Brother, what's the sound over there?" Jiang Ning asked with concern.

On the other side of the phone, at the corner of the wooden stairs.

Fu Ye's head was on the ground, his feet were in the sky, and a slipper was thrown to the corner of his mouth.

"Let me help you hack a piece of surveillance in the middle of the night. Is this what you call a big deal?"

He tried his best to make his tone sound calm, but the sound of his molars being bitten still came from the phone.

Jiang Ning shrank her neck involuntarily, and said in a low voice: "This surveillance is about your sister and my reputation, is it a big deal?"

As the voice fell, there was a rustling sound from the other end.

Fu Ye got up from the stairs and moved his neck a little, put on his slippers and said, "If you want to say that, it's not a trivial matter."

He went downstairs to the kitchen and made himself a cup of coffee before getting ready to work through the night.

Jiang Ning sent the location of the monitoring device to the other party, and then waited patiently for a response.

When she was getting ready to go into the bathroom with her clothes, she remembered calling the school to ask for a day off.

Ye Lan struggled all night, and was blown by Jiang Tianhua's pillow all night, and finally decided to save his face and go to the school to find Jiang Ning.

She had been rehearsing what she would say when she saw Jiang Ning all morning, but she never thought that she would not even see him.

Knowing that Jiang Ning asked for leave, she couldn't wait to go home, so she called Jiang Tianhua on the spot and got mad.

"What did I say? This little white-eyed wolf treats you and me as parents! She must have known that I was coming to see her today, so she simply asked for leave. Even the director of the Academic Affairs Office said that she rarely asks for leave."


"Jiang Tianhua, let me tell you, don't try to let me ease the relationship with her, it's impossible! I'll just pretend I never gave birth to this little white-eyed wolf, and Yingying is enough for me!"


Jiang Tianhua's thoughts are different from Ye Lan's. What he has to consider is not only to ease the relationship with his own daughter, but also to use his daughter's status to curry favor with some people who are helpful to his company.

After thinking about it, he decided to call his daughter himself.

The other party didn't answer, so he didn't call again, but thought about taking time to go to school in person.

star bay.

Jiang Ning felt relaxed after taking a bath. She stretched her body nourished by the warm water and went back to the bedroom.

When I picked up the phone, I saw a call from Jiang Tianhua on it, and when I was hesitating whether to call back, the phone rang.

When she saw that the caller was Fu Ye, her right eyelid twitched involuntarily.

Usually there is no urgent matter, they will not be contacted by mobile phone.

Could it be that there are some secrets in the monitoring, or that something that should not be exposed has been exposed?

After hesitating for a while, she answered the phone tremblingly.


"Fu Xiaoning, when did you have a man?"


"Or do you flirt casually when you're drunk? Who is that man? Did he blackmail you with surveillance? Is the address you gave his home? I'll kill it"

"No no no no no" Jiang Ning quickly interrupted, and then explained: "This is not what you saw, I can't explain it clearly at the moment, anyway, just send me the video first!"

She doesn't know what's going on next to the picture that Lu Yu showed her before, but Fu Ye's attitude makes her quite uneasy.

"Fu Xiaoning, do you like that guy?" Fu Ye suddenly asked seriously.

Jiang Ning was taken aback, "What?"

"You like him, don't you?"

"I don't know why you ask that, but you know I don't like anyone, don't you?"

Fu Ye didn't answer, but there was a wry smile on his face that the other party couldn't see.

Immediately, he said softly, "The video has been sent to your mailbox."

Jiang Ning wanted to say thank you, but the other party hung up first.

She arched her eyebrows, then sat back at the desk to open the mailbox.

Because she only asked for a screenshot of a certain period of time, it was almost exactly what she needed.

She had already seen the previous screen, so she directly pulled the progress bar back.

Soon, she understood why Lu Yu asked her such an inexplicable question in the morning.

She stared at the video intently, and saw herself sitting on the man's lap, coaxing him with strange words.

She put her arms around his neck, looked at him half awake and asked:

"Lu Yu, do you know why I came to you?"

"Do you know that there are so many men in the world, but I chose you?"

"Will you love me? You must love me!"

Unmoved, the man just looked at her with a frown and said, "If you're pretending to be drunk, stop now, I remember you didn't drink!"


His handsome face was attacked by palms on both sides.

"I said I drank, but I'm not drunk! I'm just teasing you. If I don't tease you down tonight, I'm sorry for my face!"

Jiang Ning's temples were throbbing, and her brain was running at high speed, but she didn't capture a single bit of memory fragments about these pictures.

"Damn it," she said to herself.

In the next scene, she buried her head in the other's unbuttoned chest, and the man's eyes and face changed significantly.

Even if it's just on the surveillance screen, you can still see the tense handsome face flushed to the neck.

Jiang Ning covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look directly.

"This old man's famous name!"

When she thought that some restricted scene was about to be staged, she saw the man's palm as a knife gently fell on the back of her neck.

Immediately, she slid off of him like a loach.

The man left her alone on the couch and left
The video froze for a moment.

Jiang Ning saw that there was still a long section behind the progress bar, so she enabled double-speed playback.

About two or three minutes later, the man put on a bathrobe and reappeared in the living room, his short wet hair was still dripping.

He stood by the sofa for a long time, then slowly squatted down, his eyes focused and puzzled.

Jiang Ning saw his mouth move, but he might not have been included in the monitoring because his voice was too low.

She was curious about what the other party said, but she was caught off guard when she saw the man in the picture suddenly kissing her sleeping self.


The kiss actually lasted for more than a minute without double-speed playback.

Then, the man stood up, carefully picked her up from the sofa, and carried her to a place where the surveillance could not cover.
Throughout the morning, Jiang Ning watched this video seven or eight times, almost pulling out her own hair, but she couldn't find a reasonable explanation for her behavior.

On the other side, the meeting room of Stargate Entertainment.

The meeting in progress was interrupted by a slight snore.

Everyone searched for the source of the sound, wondering who would dare to sleep in a meeting hosted by the Great Demon King Lu himself.

When everyone's eyes fell on the Great Demon King Lu at the same time, the Great Demon King's snoring became louder.

The big devil president sleeps and snores during a meeting——

This is probably the weirdest news from Stargate Entertainment this year.

The scene of the boss carrying his little wife home last night suddenly popped up in Wu Fei's mind, and he immediately understood the weird situation.

"Let's end the meeting first!"

He dismissed the employees attending the meeting and told them to act softly.

After everyone left the meeting room, Lu Yu was awakened by the message sound from his mobile phone.

He raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, and said "the meeting was over" to the conference room where only he and Wu Fei were left.

Wu Fei: "."

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu picked up his phone and clicked on the message——

[I can't explain my behavior, but you must believe that I am not me under surveillance! 】

Lu Yu slammed the phone back on the table, and said with a little emotion: "You ghost!"

Wu Fei behind him was taken aback, "Boss Lu, are you talking about me?"

"I have nothing to say, what is your mother doing!"

Lu Yu dropped this sentence in a bad tone, then got up and left the meeting room.

Wu Fei: "."

Boss, you are a ghost! !
(End of this chapter)

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