Ye Lan called Jiang Tianhua while driving, but at this time Jiang Tianhua and Jiang Ning's appointment had long since broken up.

The man was a little annoyed when he saw the number displayed on the car phone, so he turned off the phone directly.

He went to Jiang Ning hoping to ease the relationship between father and daughter, and hoped that she could go home and live.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't give any face, and even pointed out his intention of doing so.

Thinking back to the girl's extremely cold smiling face, he felt an indescribable anger surging in his heart.

At the same time, he could not understand the series of allegations made by his daughter.

He thought he hadn't treated her badly after he took her back to Jiang's house from the countryside, but she was always jealous of Jiang Ying and entrapped her everywhere.

Regardless of whether Jiang Ying was born or not, he and Ye Lan have already raised her as their own for six years. How can this kind of relationship be let go?
Jiang Ning only lived in Jiang's house for a month, and tortured Jiang Ying almost to the point of autism.

For this reason, Jiang Tianhua always felt that sending her abroad was only a last resort, and he specially sent someone there to take care of her back then, and he was never harsh on living expenses or other expenses.

Now that she has come back with some achievements, she has wiped out everything the Jiang family has done for her so easily.

Ye Lan said that she is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, maybe it is not unreasonable.

On the other side, in a dessert shop in the old town.

Jiang Ning was wearing a white apron and a pastry chef's hat, and was busy in front of the operating table with great concentration.

At this time, there were few customers in the dessert shop, only two young girls with short hair and wearing uniforms of the dessert shop were sitting in front of the counter chatting with their chins resting on their hands.

"She's acting weird today."

"I see."

"Go and take care of it."

"I think she doesn't like being disturbed!"

Shu Xin and Shu Yue are twin sisters and the owners of this dessert shop.

The two met Jiang Ning in a dessert competition. After the competition, they opened this store together and became two members of Jiang Ning's few circle of friends in Yunzhou.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time, they know each other like old friends who have known each other for many years.

Especially Shu Yue, she said that it is true that Jiang Ning doesn't like being disturbed now.

The two were silent for a moment, then Shu Xin got up and went to the door to hang up a "Closed Business" sign.

Jiang Ning buried herself in making three naked cakes in a row, only then did she realize that the store that was supposed to be at peak customer flow was deserted.

She raised her head and met two pairs of eyes full of doubt and worry.

"What are you doing?"

"I appreciate your flourishing beauty when you are working!" Shu Yue said with a smile.

"Then why is it closed?"

"Close the door and enjoy it alone!" Shu Xin continued.

The corner of Jiang Ning's mouth twitched slightly, "You two are talking about cross talk!"

When you are unhappy, after focusing on one thing and finishing it, you feel a lot more relaxed, especially when you are accompanied by two friends who see through and don't tell the truth.

The three of them laughed, and the dessert shop reopened to welcome customers.

Tonight, Jiang Ning personally acted as the pastry chef, and in just over an hour, the sales of the store's signature mille-feuille cake doubled.

Shu Yue will be asked a question every 10 minutes——

"Boss, has your dessert chef changed?"

Later, Jiang Ning was forcibly dragged away from the pastry console by Shu Xin.

"My Goddess Jiang Jiang, you are responsible for attracting customers with your beautiful face, and leave this kind of technical work to me! If you do it for another two hours, no one will pay for what I do in the future !"


There was more than an hour before the dessert shop closed, Su Nian rushed into the shop in a hurry, and rushed to the order counter, panting.

Jiang Ning asked her what to drink with a smile, and said that she made her favorite strawberry naked cake.

"Naked and naked, why didn't you answer the phone? Jiang Tianhua called my phone!"

Jiang Ning said indifferently, and said that she had seen him in the evening, and she had said everything clearly.

"Ye Lan was in a car accident!" Su Nian said softly.

As soon as the words fell, the cake packing box in Jiang Ning's hand fell to the ground.

"Now in the hospital, it seems that the situation is quite urgent." Su Nian added, "No matter what, I think I should come over and talk to you."

Jiang Ning calmly picked up the packing box on the ground and threw it into the trash can, then asked with a wry smile, "Nian Nian, do you think I need to see her? Will it make her hurt worse if I go?"

Su Nian felt conflicted in her heart.

On the one hand, she looks down on Ye Lan's kind of weird mother;

On the other hand, she felt that she was the one who gave birth to Jiang Ning after all, and if something unexpected happened, Jiang Ning would definitely leave a hurdle in her heart as a daughter.

After thinking about it for a while, she relayed what Jiang Tianhua asked her to convey on the phone.

"Ye Lan needs a blood transfusion, but there is no more plasma in the hospital's blood bank. Jiang Ying's blood type doesn't match her."

"Type A blood is not a rare blood type, why is it out of stock?"

"It's such a coincidence."

In the corridor of the emergency room of the hospital.

Jiang Ying cried so hard that Mrs. Zhou who sent her over patted her on the shoulder softly to comfort her.

"Don't cry, I will send someone to help you arrange the best doctor immediately, and then I will send someone to contact other hospital blood banks."

"Thank you, Aunt Wang."

Jiang Tianhua was so anxious that he turned back and forth in the corridor, raising his hand from time to time to slap himself.

"It's all my fault. If I answered her call, she wouldn't be angry and drive."

Mrs. Zhou used her contacts to help contact the blood banks of major hospitals, but all the hospitals informed that type A blood was temporarily in short supply.

It would not be surprising if this happened to some rare blood type, but it is really rare to see such a shortage of type A blood.

This was an unexpected situation for Jiang Ying, and she was already flustered to the point of being overwhelmed.

Ye Lan's situation is critical, if she can't get plasma again, she will be in trouble.

At the same time, Jinlin Huafu.

Lu Yu crossed his legs and played games on the sofa, while Wu Fei kept making phone calls one after another.

About five or six minutes later, Wu Fei put down the phone and responded, "Madam has gone to the hospital!"

"Well, let's go drive."


"Ah, what? My wife is going to donate blood, so I can't accompany her?"


Wu Fei feels that he has been with the boss for more than five years, and he thinks he has a thorough understanding of the boss's thoughts, but recently he found that the boss has changed.
The Hummer speeded through the blurred lights of the city after nightfall.

Lu Yu sat in the back seat and closed his eyes lightly, but he couldn't help thinking about that night a few days ago in his mind.

He didn't go to Xinghai Bay these few days, and his life basically returned to the original peace.

But at a certain point in the night, he would uncontrollably go to the school forum of Yunda anonymously.

Moreover, he seemed to be looking forward to seeing a certain internship application form, otherwise he wouldn't have called Liu Shiyan just because he had nothing to do.

"President Lu, can I ask you a question?" Wu Fei couldn't help asking from the front.

Lu Yu opened his eyes and looked in the rearview mirror, and answered without waiting for the other party to ask.

"By doing this, the Jiang family will owe her a life!"

After the words fell, Wu Fei uttered a series of "fuck" in his heart.

This Nima is too dark-bellied.

"Uh, what if Madam ignores it cruelly?"

"Wu Fei, you talk too much today!"


"If she is cruel, the Jiang family will owe me a life!" Lu Yu chuckled again.

Wu Fei didn't understand, but he didn't dare to ask further.

After arriving at the hospital, Lu Yu went directly to the blood donation house and ordered Wu Fei to follow him.

After the two sat in the blood donation room for a few minutes, there was a burst of noise outside the door, including a few crying pleadings.

Immediately, Jiang Ning's indifferent and slightly angry voice sounded again.

"Jiang Ying, do you think I came to the hospital for fun? If you stop me for a few more minutes, your mother will be more dangerous, don't you understand?"


The door of the blood donation room was pushed open, and two nurses led Jiang Ning to a push bed beside her.

Just as he was about to lie down, a deep male voice came from behind the screen——

"and many more!"

Young Master Lu activated the wife-protecting mode of Sao operation.

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