Jiang Ning stared at the man in front of her in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yu was dressed in black, with an aura of indifference all over his body, but that handsome smiling face was flamboyant.

"Wait for you."

With one hand in his trouser pocket, he pulled Wu Fei out from behind the screen with the other.

"Ma'am!" Wu Fei greeted the girl pushing the bed with a smile.

The two nurses looked at the idlers in the blood donation room and were opening their mouths to drive them away, when one of them received a call.

"Alright Dean, I'll arrange it!"

After putting down the phone, the slightly younger nurse asked, "Which one is donating blood?"

After the words fell, a trace of doubt flashed across Jiang Ning's face, and then she said, "Nurse, it's me."

In the next second, Wu Fei was pushed out.

Lu Yu: "He offered it!"

Wu Fei was in a mess, with three lines above his head——

who I am?where am I?What am I going to do?
Jiang Ning's messiness was not inferior to Wu Fei's.

She was pulled aside domineeringly, and watched helplessly as the push bed that she was supposed to lie on had another person lie on it.

Wu Fei lay on the push bed, and immediately turned his head to look at his boss resentfully.

"Mr. Lu, it turned out that it was my idea that you called me early in the morning, but I have anemia."

Lu Yu: "This month's bonus is doubled, and I will give you an extra week of annual leave during the Chinese New Year!"

Wu Fei: "Mr. Lu, if you have such a good thing in the future, just come to me!"

Seeing Wu Fei's arm being stabbed with needles, Jiang Ning, who was out of state, finally realized the truth of the incident.

She turned her head and saw Lu Yuzheng staring thoughtfully at the blood plasma that was constantly being injected into the transparent bag.

"Lu Yu, how did you know I would come to donate blood?"

"I understand you." Lu Yu replied simply.

Jiang Ning choked for a moment, but she knew in her heart that the whole matter was by no means as simple as what she saw.

First, he needs to know that Ye Lan had a car accident;

Second, he needs to know ischemia in all hospital blood banks;

In the end is what he calls knowing himself.

Without the previous two as a foreshadowing, just knowing the word can make him appear here?
He even brought someone over to replace him!

"Why did you bring Special Assistant Wu here to donate blood instead of me?" She asked again.

Lu Yu finally looked straight at the girl, but the moment he met her gaze, that almost insolent smile appeared on his face again.

"If I remember correctly, you should still be bleeding, right? Don't be brave at this time."

The sound was neither loud nor low, just enough for everyone in the room to hear.

After the words fell, Jiang Ning's face immediately turned red.

Today is the first day of her menstrual period, how does this man know?
"What are you talking about?" She whispered.

"What's so embarrassing, I've seen it all!"

Lu Yu's words were not intended by the speaker and misunderstood by the listener.

He saw the date reminder on Jiang Ning's phone that night, and it was impossible for others to tell what he saw.

Jiang Ning's face was so red that she was about to bleed, she wished she could stick the man's mouth with the medical tape at hand.

Soon, 300ml of plasma was extracted.

While helping Wu Fei up, the two nurses cast envious glances at Jiang Ning.

"This gentleman really dotes on his wife!"

"Well, who makes my wife 9 years younger, let's be my daughter's pet."

Lu Yu smiled lightly, and did not forget to raise his hand to tuck a strand of hair from the sideburn behind the ear for the girl beside him.

This little action made others sour, and almost scared Jiang Ning to death.

The two nurses didn't want to be abused any more, so they hurriedly left the blood donation house with the plasma.

"Lu Yu, what's wrong with you? You"

In the middle of Jiang Ning's words, her opened red lips were sealed by a faint smell of tobacco.

She widened her eyes, and there was a little fire in her shallow eyes.

Immediately, Lu Yu moved his lips to her ear and whispered, "This hospital is under Gao Yue's control, cooperate!
"That woman has been grabbing my pigtails, I can't show my feet!"


Wu Fei sat on the push bed and said with a mournful face, "Mr. Lu, I'm dizzy!"

Lu Yu glanced over coldly, "What? Do you want me to hug you?"

Wu Fei pursed his lips, "Exactly. Since I lost so much blood, can you be merciful to me, a single dog?"


The door of the blood donation room was knocked, and Jiang Tianhua's voice came from outside the door.

"Ningling, the nurse said you donated 300ml of blood, are you okay?"

Jiang Ning opened the door and walked out, then closed the door behind her.

Jiang Tianhua was a little surprised when he saw her.

It is said that her face should be slightly pale after being drawn so much blood, but why is her face so red?

Jiang Ning also realized the meaning in the other party's eyes.

She raised her hand to touch her scorched face, and said softly, "I've done everything I can, and I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do!"

"Ningling, let me see you off."

"No, stay here and take care of Ms. Ye."


At the door of the emergency room, Jiang Ying was sitting on the waiting chair with a serious face, her hands resting on her legs with blue veins exposed on the backs of her hands.

Her original intention was to arrange a car accident to cause Ye Lan to suffer a little injury. With her extreme personality, she would definitely believe that Jiang Ning is a broom star.

How did she expect the car accident to be so serious, and it also involved blood transfusion.

This is great, I gave Jiang Ning a big favor for nothing.

Jiang Tianhua has been persuading Ye Lan and Jiang Ning to ease their relationship. After this incident, will Ye Lan change her mind after knowing the whole process?
Outside the outpatient building, Su Nian was still waiting in the car.

Seeing Jiang Ning striding out of the outpatient hall, she quickly picked up the thermos cup at hand and pushed the door to get off.

"Bao, how much blood have you drawn? Hurry up and drink some brown sugar water!"

Jiang Ning took the thermos and walked towards Su Nian's sports car without saying a word.

Su Nian hurriedly followed her, asking endless questions behind her.

"Why don't you talk? I just checked. The human body's one-time blood donation limit is 400ml. How much did you draw?"

"Can you just say something? Or did that bastard Jiang Tianhua say something nasty to you again?"

"If that's the case, I'll help you tear him apart!"

The two got into the car one after another, Jiang Ning drank hot brown sugar water and said, "I didn't donate any blood, Lu Yu brought someone to replace me."

Su Nian: "Huh?"

Jiang Ning simply restored what happened just now, but her main point is to hope that Su Nian can help her analyze it——

How did Lu Yu know that Ye Lan was in a car accident by such a coincidence, and at the same time, he knew that the major hospitals lacked type A blood.

However, Su Nian clicked his tongue after hearing this, "Young Master Lu is very good at it! Does he like you? Are you two trying to make a fake show?"

Jiang Ning: "."

Su Nian patted the steering wheel and said firmly: "No, he absolutely likes you!
"It took so much effort to keep your 300ml of blood. This man is very good. I agree to your marriage!"

Jiang Ning's eyes became more helpless.

"Sister, what I want to ask is: Do you think Ms. Ye's car accident has anything to do with him?"

She didn't know how this unfounded suspicion came about, but this series of coincidences was elusive and weird.

Although she knew that Lu Yu and Ye Lan had no grievances, she also felt that Lu Yu, a big devil, did things according to his will and didn't need any motive at all.

After hearing this, Su Nian waved her hands again and again, "Even if this matter has something to do with him, it's for you.

"If he arranged everything from Ms. Ye's car accident to the rest, then I really have to worship him.

"Not only taught your scumbag a lesson, but also made your scumbag owe you a life!


This explanation is also logical.

Jiang Ning thought to herself: Is it possible?

Su Nian sent her back to Xinghai Bay, because it was too late, she didn't enter the house with the other party, and drove away directly.

When Jiang Ning walked up the steps at the entrance of the villa, she found a pitiful little milk bag squatting at the door.

"Aunt, is my cousin there? I'm starving to death."

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