Rococo went straight to the kitchen after entering the house, and then returned to the living room with a disappointed face.

"Auntie, is there anything to eat?"


Jiang Ning didn't know what happened, how did the little guy come here alone?

When he carried her into the room just now, he found that her two little hands were also cold.

"Rococo, how did you come here alone?"

"I asked Uncle Hippo to send me here." The little guy responded in a milky voice, and then said pitifully: "Auntie, I'm hungry."

"Wait, I'll cook noodles for you."

"No scallions and coriander."


After 5 minutes, there was a scent wafting from the kitchen.

Rococo climbed onto the high stool by the bar, staring straight at the girl in front of the stove with a pair of big black grape-like eyes.

"Auntie, you are so pretty!"

Jiang Ning looked back at her with some amusement, "You are a mother if you have milk! Now I am the only one who cooks for you, so I look good? Last time you called me Donald Duck every bite!"

"My favorite is Donald Duck. My cousin also likes Donald Duck the most, but now he may like you the most!"

The little guy blinked his big buling buling eyes, and looked very serious.

Jiang Ning only thought that she was extremely hungry, so she speeded up the cooking process.

Soon, a bowl of tomato and egg noodles with delicious flavor and color came out of the pan.

Rococo, who has always been picky about food, was very face-saving. He ate up a large bowl of noodles and finally drank a few mouthfuls of soup.

Immediately, she burped heartily, "Auntie's craftsmanship is excellent."

Jiang Ning handed her the peeled orange and said with a chuckle, "Thank you for the compliment, do you want me to take you home?"

In fact, she wanted to call Lu Yu and ask him to pick it up, but she was worried that the other party would open his mind again and say that she seduced him.

The little one ate the orange and got the juice all over his mouth.

She shook her little head violently, "No, I can't eat well or sleep well at my cousin's house. I haven't had enough food or slept well these days."

Jiang Ning wanted to ask why in surprise, but the other party had already walked to the second floor familiarly.

"Hey, why are you going?"

"Borrow your bed for a night, your bed is very comfortable."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning hurriedly chased after her, "Stop, don't put orange juice in your hand on my bed!"

Luo Keke was very noisy after eating and drinking, which caused Jiang Ning to be busy dealing with her but forgot to call Lu Yu.

It was past zero after the two of them took a bath, and suddenly it rained heavily outside.

Jiang Ning closed all the doors and windows tightly, and finally went to bed and said: "It seems that God also wants you to stay with me!"

After finishing speaking, she reached out and turned off the bedside lamp, "Okay, go to sleep!"

Not long after, the little guy let out a slight snoring sound, and unconsciously arched his small body into the arms of the person next to him.

A hazy fragrance of milk diffused in Jiang Ning's nostrils, and the faint sweetness made her restless heart extra peaceful.

Holding this warm and fragrant "pillow", she soon fell into a colorful dream.

In the middle of the night, the wind suddenly picked up, and the rapid raindrops slapped the glass windows roughly.

Jiang Ning's colorful dream suddenly went dark, and then a big dog that was drenched by the rain appeared.

The dog was rushing towards her fiercely, and bit her neck.

She woke up instantly, the slight pain in her neck was still there.

In the darkness, faint lights penetrated the curtains.

With this little bit of light, Jiang Ning realized that the little milk bag in her arms had already changed into a strange sleeping position, and she was gnawing on her neck as if it were delicious.

She moved her body slightly, and carefully carried the child back to its original position.

The light outside the window was a bit like the light from a car headlight, Jiang Ning got out of bed curiously and walked to the window to visit.

Under the dark night, there is really a black off-road vehicle hidden in the night, and the turned on headlights are in the shape of heavy rain
The car looks a little familiar.

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat, and she muttered to herself, "No way?"

While muttering like this, the two legs started walking out of the bedroom involuntarily.

The living room on the first floor was pitch-black, and it didn't look like anyone had been there.

Jiang Ning went to the fireplace in the dark and turned on the light, and the huge living room was instantly bright as day.

While looking around, she walked to the door and opened it, and the black figure on the stone steps outside the door immediately stood up.

The moment the figure turned around, Jiang Ning almost screamed out.

The rainy autumn night was already cold, but Lu Yu was only wearing a thin black shirt, and the suit was caught in his right hand.

He seemed to be drenched in the rain, with short wet hair clinging to his scalp, and his shirt and trousers were also clinging to his skin. His figure with wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs was completely outlined.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Ning asked softly.

The voice fell into the wind and rain, and it sounded a bit ethereal.

She stared at the man in front of her in a daze, and for a moment she ignored that he was still drenched in the rain.

His face was gloomy and pale, and his good-looking brows and eyes were stained with a bit of panic like encountering the doomsday.

His lips trembled slightly, but he didn't utter a single syllable for a long time.

Lu Yu like this exudes a sense of brokenness from top to bottom.

Jiang Ning seemed to suddenly realize that she had seen the helpless side of this arrogant man.

It's just that when I saw him at night, he was fine. What kind of doomsday happened to him in just a few hours?
After a long time, several broken syllables came out from Lu Yu's trembling lips——

"I lost Rococo!"

After the words fell, Jiang Ning's heartbeat accelerated for a while, and a sense of guilt welled up.

At this time, she finally realized that the man was still standing in the pouring rain, so she went and pulled him under the eaves.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you that Rococo is with me!"

Jiang Ning felt guilty for her negligence, and sincerely apologized to the man.

Lu Yu didn't particularly believe such words, and stared at her with a pair of empty black eyes.

It's useless to talk too much, Jiang Ning directly dragged him up to the bedroom on the second floor.

Seeing the little girl who was sleeping soundly with a pillow on the big bed, Lu Yu suddenly collapsed to the ground like a deflated ball.

Standing behind him, Jiang Ning was extremely astonished at the scene in front of him.

She probably didn't expect that such an arrogant and arrogant man would lose his life so much because he couldn't find a child for the time being.

Looking at the puddle of water under the man spreading to the floor, she whispered, "Go take a shower and change your clothes, you'll catch a cold."

Lu Yu came back to his senses, a strangeness flashed in his deep eyes.

He didn't make a sound, but sat there for a while, got up and went to the bathroom.

Jiang Ning followed behind, wanting to step forward and let him go to the second bedroom next door, but seeing the back figure shrouded in black aura, she still kept her mouth shut.

The bathroom had just been used a few hours ago and still smelled of nice shower gel.

Lu Yu walked into the shower room and turned on the shower, and stood under the warm water without taking off his clothes.

Under the nourishment of the warm water, the cold body gradually became less stiff.

He raised his head, as if he was trying to recall his lost soul.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Jiang Ning was absent-mindedly cooking ginger soup, and her mind was full of images of the man standing in the heavy rain just now.

How could a man who has always been a man who never changes color because of a child become so at a loss?
Even if the child is lost, it should be easy to find it with his ability!

how come.
The soup in the pot overflowed and made a sizzling sound.

She quickly uncovered the pot and turned off the gas stove, raised her hand to wave away the dense white mist, and put a bowl of ginger soup on the bar at hand.

A calm and indifferent voice sounded not far away——

"Tell me your plan, and I can cooperate with you!"


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