Lu Yu took a shower, but didn't change his clothes, so he was only wrapped in a bathrobe that didn't match his figure.

He leaned lazily on a pillar in the living room, with a large piece of honey-colored skin exposed at the neckline, standing with two slender legs crossed.

Under the circulating light, the man who had regained some vitality returned to his original appearance, either flamboyant or evil.

He also has a serious persecution paranoia!
Jiang Ning was not surprised at what he said at this time, because she had already guessed it.

Rococo ran from Jinlinhuafu, tens of kilometers away, to Xinghai Bay at night. It was obviously impossible for a child to do it without the help of adults.

And as myself who "approached him with a purpose", after being left out for a few days, I always have to refresh my sense of existence.

"I know that no matter how I explain it, it seems to be sophistry, so I won't explain it anymore, just ask her when my cousin wakes up!"

Jiang Ning walked over and handed the ginger soup to him while speaking, "The autumn rain will cause the cold to enter the body, drink it."

Lu Yu stared at the white hand and hesitated for a long time before taking it.

Immediately, he slowly shifted his gaze to the girl's open face, his eyes filled with secrets.

"Don't worry, I didn't poison you." Jiang Ning's voice became louder, "You are my partner, poisoning you is not good for me!"

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth curled up imperceptibly, and then he took the delicate white porcelain bowl and put it to his mouth.

He took a sip, "I'm not afraid of you poisoning me, but I'm afraid you will drink something else!"

His tone was a bit frivolous, as if he was joking.

Jiang Ning: "."

She cursed in her heart: If I had known this was the result, I might as well let you stand outside the door in the rain all night!
Seeing the girl's choked expression, Lu Yu gulped down the ginger soup in the bowl.

"I'll sleep with Ke Ke, you can do whatever you want!"


There are many empty rooms in the villa, but after Jiang Ning moved in, he only tidied up a master bedroom and a study room.

So she chose to spend the night in the study.

It was past two o'clock in the morning, and the faint scent of aloes from the study made Jiang Ning feel sleepy.

It was still stormy outside, and the raindrops on the windows were rough and unruly.

She lay on the tatami by the window, closed her eyes and went through the events of the day in her mind.

From the unpleasant meeting with Jiang Tianhua, I began to recall, to when Ye Lan got into a car accident and went to the hospital to donate blood
Things that seem to be completely unconnected always make her feel that at a certain point, these things are connected together invisibly.

Since she couldn't sleep anyway, she simply dialed Fu Ye's number.

In a manor in the southern hemisphere, Fu Ye was drinking tea and chatting with a silver-haired old man.

The moment he took out the phone, his originally smiling face changed imperceptibly.

"Grandpa, I'm going to answer the phone."

Opposite the tea table, the old man was pouring tea for himself while raising his hand and waving at the other party.

Seemingly indifferent, he stopped his movements immediately after Fu Ye left the table.

He reached out to call for a bodyguard standing not far away, and casually ordered: "Let the people at Yunzhou report to me at night."

The bodyguard responded: "Yes, Patriarch!"

After Fu Ye answered the phone, he asked anxiously, "Are you planning to tell me about the video?"

"Video is an oolong incident, I miss you"

"I miss you as well!"

Jiang Ning helped his forehead, and then said quietly: "Don't break the sentence without authorization, please? I mean I want you to help me investigate the matter!"

Fu Ye was embarrassed for a second, then asked the other party what to check.

"A car accident."


"Ye Lan."

"No check!"

"I suspect it's man-made, and I want to find out who instigated it."

"Even if it's artificial, it's because she committed too much crime, she deserves it!"

Jiang Ning choked for a while, then said, "If you don't help, then I'll find Brother Wuying."

"Send me the time, place and specific situation by email! Pay attention to the format, I have obsessive-compulsive disorder."


Early the next morning, the showers stopped.

The early morning in Xinghai Bay was immersed in a peaceful atmosphere, and Jiang Ning half-lyed on the soft couch by the window of the study, drowsy.

Suddenly, there was a sense of oppression in his chest.

She opened her eyes in a flash, and faced the milky bun face and those big glowing obsidian-like eyes.

Rococo: "Auntie, I'm hungry again!"

Jiang Ning closed her eyes hard, then yawned and said, "Didn't your uncle come to pick you up? Why didn't you go back with him?"

At the door, her uncle said, "So I want to know what ecstasy soup you gave her?"

After the sound fell, Jiang Ning's chaotic thinking became clear for a second.

She locked the door of the study last night. How did these two people get in?
She hugged the little guy who was pressing on her and put it aside, then hurriedly got up and sat up straight.

When he looked at the door, the man leaning against the door with his arms folded was smiling, with a "I see how you can explain" expression on his face.

"Luo Keke, tell your aunt, how did you come here last night?" Lu Yu asked.

Jiang Ning quickly turned her expectant eyes to her side.

Rococo lowered his head and played with his fingers and responded, "Uncle Hippo sent me here!"

Before Jiang Ning could breathe a sigh of relief, Lu Yu asked again, "Who is Uncle Hippo?"

Jiang Ning's scalp tightened, and she was inexplicably shrouded in an ominous premonition.

In the next second, Rococo continued to reply: "My aunt's friend!"

Jiang Ning: Liliyuan is on the score!

This time I really jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it up.

She looked at the little guy with a sad face, "Rococo, please be an honest child!"

"I am very honest."


Lu Yu glanced at her with a strange expression, half a smile but not a smile.

He walked to the side of the couch and picked Rococo up, and then said to the dull girl beside him in a very low voice: "I will definitely find out what you want!"

Jiang Ning felt that someone had hit her head hard with a sap.

"What the hell did I do!" she whispered.

Wu Fei showed up at Xinghai Bay with a set of men's changing clothes, and Lu Yu took Rococo and left without staying for half an hour after changing.

While the vehicle was driving, the atmosphere in the cabin was a bit sluggish.

Rococo has been lying on the back seat window looking out of the window, while the man beside her has his eyes closed slightly, and his brows are wrinkled into a shallow Sichuan character.

Wu Fei suddenly said, "Mr. Lu, I've postponed the meeting at [-]:[-] am without authorization until [-]:[-] pm. Do you think it's okay?"

Lu Yu didn't open his eyes, but he hummed anyway.

"Also, Xiao Zhang said that Ms. Xu went to the 66th floor to look for you three times in the morning, and said that she insisted on seeing you today! Xiao Zhang didn't dare to offend her, so he asked her to wait at the front desk, you see"

"not see."

Wu Fei didn't say anything more, but a look of helplessness was evident on his face.

Xu Yiran is now red-eyed because of that perfume endorsement.

In fact, with her current popularity, she is considered one of the most outstanding candidates in the list of spokesperson candidates in the Asian region.

It's just that other candidates have strong backgrounds, and this is the dominant factor.

Although the outside world has been rumoring the relationship between Xu Yiran and the CEO of Xingmen, it has not been proved after all.

And Lu Yu had never personally come forward to help her tear up the resources.

In order to win the endorsement this time, Xu Yiran had no choice but to go all out to ask Lu Yu in person, but Wu Fei was responsible for receiving her every time.

Wu Fei has emphasized to her many times: it is impossible for President Lu to intervene in the artist's work.

But the other party has always thought that he is different from other artists.

I don't know what kind of rhetoric I should use to dismiss the other party today.

Thinking of this, Wu Fei sighed involuntarily.

Lu Yu opened his eyes, "What?"

Wu Fei smiled awkwardly, "No, it's nothing, I was thinking about how to explain it to Miss Xu."

"Explain what?"

"Why can't you help her!"

"I don't help her, need a reason?"


The carriage was silent for a moment, then Lu Yu suddenly said, "Tell her to wait in my office!"

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