Stargate Entertainment, 66th floor.

Xiao Zhang at the front desk received the call, and immediately walked excitedly to the sofa in the reception area.

"Miss Xu, the president asked you to wait in his office. He still has 10 minutes to arrive at the company."

Xu Yiran was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

"Thank you Assistant Zhang."

Xiao Zhang enthusiastically led the girl to the office, and the latter walked swayingly on slender high-heeled shoes.

Ten minutes later, the elevator door on the 10th floor opened, but the painting style was a little different from before.

President Lu, who is always aloof on weekdays, is still wearing a black suit, but he is holding a pink cutie in his arms.

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward respectfully, "President, Miss Xu is already in your office!"

Lu Yu looked at him coldly, but the latter immediately shut up.

Inside the office.

Xu Yiran took a powder box to touch up her makeup, and then smiled charmingly at herself in the mirror.

The door lock made a soft click, and then a breath of north wind broke in.

"Give you 5 minutes to state your needs."

Lu Yu walked to the desk and sat down without turning his eyes. He didn't even look at the woman on the sofa from the corner of his eye.

Hearing the sound, Xu Yiran's smile instantly froze on his face, and his slightly parted red lips trembled slightly.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she whispered, "Mr. Lu, I came here specially to thank you. Thank you for your care over the past few years."

Lu Yu casually flipped through the documents on the table, and responded quietly: "If you want to talk nonsense, then you can go out!"

Xu Yiran lowered his head, with an extremely disappointed expression on his beautiful face.

Seeing that she was silent for a long time, Lu Yu finally raised his eyes slightly.

The tall woman in front of her was wearing a red cashmere coat and a slim white woolen skirt, which perfectly outlined her S-shaped figure.

A head of chestnut-colored long hair hangs down her shoulders, and the end of her hair draws a gentle arc on her chest, looking gentle and charming.

Xu Yiran quietly looked at the other party, and seeing the man's gaze was on her, she immediately showed a little shyness.

Lu Yu looked away as if scanning an object, and said again: "Miss Xu, if there is nothing else, I hope we don't waste each other's time."

The eviction order was clearly issued, and Xu Yiran's scarlet face turned paler.

She gritted her teeth and faltered about her needs.

"Mr. Lu, I...I want Vn's endorsement, can you help me?"

Lu Yu closed the folder in his hand, and quickly said seriously: "Miss Xu, I am very grateful that you saved me back then.

"In return, you have obtained more resources than others at the Stargate over the years, and these resources will not be interrupted.

"But if you don't want to develop according to the company's arrangement, but want to go another way, I can help you with this, but follow-up"

You don't have to wait until you have heard all the words, Xu Yiran already understands what the other party means.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I think too highly of myself!"

"Have you made a decision?"


"Well, Director Qian Xiaopei is preparing to shoot a literary film, and I have asked Director Zhou to recommend you for an audition!"

After Xu Yiran heard this, his disappointed expression was immediately replaced by surprise.

Being able to cooperate with Qian Xiaopei, who has won many international best director awards, is much more valuable than winning the endorsement of Vn.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu!"

Lu Yu hummed lightly, and continued to open the folder on the table.

"I still have a job."

"Then I won't bother you anymore, goodbye Mr. Lu!"


It wasn't until the chug of high heels was isolated from the door that Lu Yu raised his head again.

He leaned back in the large office chair, and turned his body to the gloomy window.

After meeting Xu Yi, the clips from a certain night ten years ago played in a loop in my mind like a movie.

Back then when he was studying in state S, Lu Liting took the rest of the Lu family to state S for vacation.

It was a night not long after school started in September.

Lu Yu received a call from his uncle Lu Zhifeng, who expressed his wish to rent a yacht to take the old man on a night cruise on the Manden River, and asked him if he knew anyone he knew.

At that time, Lu Yu in the Lu family only wanted to prove himself, express himself, and integrate into that group, so he didn't feel wary of the so-called family members at all.

He agreed with all his heart, and contacted a yacht rental company through various relationships, and spent more than half a year's living expenses to rent a yacht.

However, when he took that yacht to pick up people at the pier, the yacht had a water leakage accident.

The yacht driver put on the only life jacket on board and then abandoned the ship to escape, leaving him and the yacht to sink into the water alone.

At that time, the distance to the pier was less than 500 meters, and he even saw Lu Liting and others on the deck.

In just a few minutes, he was swept away by the underwater undercurrent.
The moment he faced his impending death, his mind went blank.

I thought I would see my dead mother when I opened my eyes, but I didn't expect to see a childish little face.

The little girl shared her sweet breath with herself and tried to give him CPR with her full weight on top of him.

Later, when she saw herself waking up, she immediately showed a smile gentler than that of an angel.

"Brother, why did you fall into the river?"

He coughed up a few mouthfuls of river water with a fishy smell, and struggled to sit up with his cold and stiff body.

"I may have been murdered!"

The little girl seemed to understand, but he clearly saw the sympathy flashing in those clear eyes.

"Don't be afraid, since you were rescued by me, you will definitely be able to find the person who harmed you in the future, and then double the reward!"

He smiled.

"Little girl, how old are you? How can you say such profound words?"

"I think you are also from country Z, you should have heard of the phrase 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'?"

At that moment, he found that the little girl had a hostility that didn't match her age, and he even found a feeling of sympathy in her.

"But... what if there is more than one person who hurt me?"

"Then come one by one!"

That night, after he was rescued from the water, his mind was in a state of confusion, and he forgot to ask the little girl's name and address.

In the following years, he never gave up looking for his little savior.

Until two years ago, he saw an impromptu audition clip of a third-rate star.

Xu Yiran interpreted the scene that happened on the banks of the Mandeng River.

The innocent phrase "Big brother, why did you fall into the river" directly drove him crazy.

In the same year, an unbelievable anecdote appeared in the entertainment circle.

As a leader in the industry, Stargate Entertainment actually signed a third-rate female star and gave her abundant resources.

The mysterious scandal between Xu Yiran and the CEO of Stargate Entertainment began at that time.

Two years ago, when Lu met Xu Yiran, he was actually disappointed.

He showed her the other party's audition video, and asked her why she improvised such a plot?
Xu still told him a little timidly: "This is an adaptation of real events."

He asked her, "Is that you, the little girl?"

Xu Yiran didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "Why does Mr. Lu ask such a question?"

He smiled lightly and said, "Because the person she saved was me!"

Xu Yiran was too surprised to speak, and became extremely nervous.

Such a girl has made Lu Yu completely unable to find the shadow of the little girl back then.

He thought: people will always change.

There is no denying the fact that she saved herself.

Therefore, he ordered—

I highly recommend Xu Yiran, and if there are any good resources, she will be given priority!
These trivial memories made Lu Yu immersed in his own world for a while.

Sometimes he has a strong feeling—

That little girl wasn't Xu Yiran at the beginning, but he couldn't explain how the other party restored the incident on the bank of the Mandeng River without missing a single detail.

At this time, he once again had such doubts.

So he came back to his senses, turned his chair and reached out to pick up the landline on the table.

"What's the progress of the investigation on S state?"

The update is completed early, I wish you all a happy weekend! !

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