Chapter 4 The Old Bottom Has Been Revealed

The next day, Yunzhou University.

In the multimedia classroom, Jiang Ning was not in the mood to listen to the class at all, and the pen in her hand was hitting her head fiercely.

She regretted that yesterday she said that she would give Jiang Tianhua 2 million, but how could she get 2 million so easily?
After finally waiting for get out of class to end, she hurriedly packed her things and left the classroom.

The phone rang at this moment, and she glanced at the caller, and suddenly an idea came to her mind.


On the other end of the phone, Tang Qingyun was frightened into a cold sweat by the sweet senior brother's voice.

This girl took the initiative to call herself a senior brother. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!
He said cautiously, "What's the matter?"

"It seems that your old man called me first. Is it appropriate for you to ask me something?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Yes, yes, yes, I am looking for you. If there is something, it is still a good thing!"

"Yeah, tell me first!"


Because of the word "first", Tang Qingyun was silent again.

So this girl still has something to do.

"Junior Sister, if you have something to say, tell me first, you look so scary!"

Jiang Ning was speechless for a while, wondering what he was doing.

"Then let me say first, how much working capital do we have in our account?"


Tang Qingyun didn't expect her to ask such a question, and didn't understand for a while, so she replied truthfully: "About forty to fifty million!"


"But now I have a job, I wonder if you have time to take it?"


"Huh? Don't you ask any job?"

"I can accept any job, as long as the price satisfies me."

"That's fine, you can find some time to come to the studio and talk about it!"

After Jiang Ning responded, the phone turned busy in a second.

She secretly scolded the other party for being meaningless, and walked towards the school gate at a faster pace.

A black Hummer blocked the campus gate horizontally, with a slender figure leaning against the front of the car.

The man was wearing a black windbreaker with a straight iron-gray suit inside, and he was an image of an elegant gentleman.

Jiang Ning recognized the person who came, and wanted to pretend that she didn't see it and avoid it, but the person came straight to her.

After a few breaths, the tall figure blocked the large swath of sunlight in front of her.

"Miss Jiang, you won't recognize anyone if you put on your pants, right?"

If it weren't for the image on campus, Jiang Ning would have wanted to scold her.

She glanced at him coldly, "What do you want from me?"

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes deeply, "There is something to do!"

"what's up?"

"marry you!"



With people coming and going on the campus road, coupled with the man's eye-catching appearance, it is too easy to attract onlookers.

Jiang Ning frowned slightly, seeing the man's expression of "I won't leave if you don't get in the car", she had no choice but to take the initiative to open the door of the Hummer and get in.

The corners of Lu Yu's lips curled slightly, and he got into the car.

Except for saying "drive" to the front seat, he didn't make a sound all the way.

No matter what the girl beside him asked, he kept a mysterious expression.

Jiang Ning was disturbed by his attitude until the car pulled over 10 minutes later.

She was a little dumbfounded looking at the words "Civil Affairs Bureau" across the road.

This man, seriously?

The car door was pulled open, and the man came in with a somewhat sinister handsome face.

"Aren't you going to get out of the car? Mrs. Lu!"

"No, are you sick?" Jiang Ning looked at him warily.

Lu Yu put away that faint smile, "What? Do you have medicine?"


Jiang Ning scratched her head vigorously, what the hell is going on!

If I had known that there were so many pitfalls waiting for me after returning to China, I might as well be happy and happy in Continent S!
"No, Mr. Lu, let's sit down and talk about a few cents."

"Let's talk after we're done, the office will be off work in a while!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he grabbed the opponent's slender wrist and pulled it out forcefully.

Jiang Ning grabbed the car door firmly and remained unmoved.

She really couldn't figure it out, she was the one who was at a disadvantage, why did this man never end?

Lu Yu failed to pull him out of the car, so he simply sat back in the car.

"Wu Fei, get down!"

The assistant in the driver's seat immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

Jiang Ning stepped back and asked more vigilantly, "What exactly do you want?"

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth raised slightly, "How many times do you want me to answer? Marry you!"


When the two were entangled endlessly, Jiang Ning's mind suddenly popped up what the other party called her when they met at school just now.

How did he know that his surname was Jiang?

Just as she was secretly doubting something, the phone in her pocket rang.

He took out his phone and saw that it was a WeChat message.

She opened it without any hassle: [Your background has been exposed! 】

Lu Yu glanced at the content on her screen from the corner of her eye, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Miss Jiang, let me get straight to the point, wouldn't it be better to marry me than your father asked you to marry that old man?
"Jiang Tianhua wants 2 million gifts, and I'll give you 5 million."

"I don't think you really want to marry me!"

"of course."

Jiang Ning rolled her eyes secretly, but the tension in her heart was relieved a lot.

She asked calmly, "So what's the proviso?"

"Three-year agreement, to be my Mrs. Lu, only the Lu family will know her identity, keep it secret from the outside world, including your Jiang family!"

When these conditions were raised, the man's expression was serious, but there was a hint of playfulness and exploration in his eyes.

Jiang Ning didn't give an answer right away, but that didn't mean she wasn't moved.

5 million in three years, and I am still single to the outside world, no matter how I calculate this account, I will not lose money.

The most important thing is that she can get rid of the Jiang family as soon as possible.

Lu met her thinking and didn't bother her, but raised his wrist and counted the second hand on the dial.

After the second hand passed three laps, the girl pushed open the door on the other side and got out of the car.

Jiang Ning walked around the rear of the car, then knocked on the window.

"Aren't you leaving yet? The Civil Affairs Bureau is going to get off work!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "."

When going through the registration procedures, the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau were stunned by the dialogue between this wonderful couple.

Lu Yu: "Miss Jiang, your name."

Jiang Ning threw his ID card to him.

Lu Yu: "Jiang - Ning - remember!"


There are not many people registering today, so the whole process will be completed quickly.

As dusk fell, the eye-catching newcomer walked out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Holding the red book in her hand, Jiang Ning seemed to regret her impulsiveness.

Beside her, a man taller than her by a head squinted at her and smiled.


Jiang Ning put the red book in her bag, and turned her head to look at it.

"My sister doesn't have these two words in her dictionary!"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "That's good!"

Assistant Wu Fei was waiting by the Humvee, and when he saw the red book in his boss's hand, his eyes almost fell out of shock.

Is it really so hasty?

Jiang Ning glanced at the time, and then said to the man beside him, "I'm leaving first."

When he was turning around after speaking, his arm was pulled.

Lu Yu raised his hand to loosen the buttons on his collar that he had just tied up when he took the photo, "Where is Mrs. Lu going?"

Jiang Ning got his question from his black eyes hiding a faint smile——

After leaving the Jiang family, do you have a place to go?
"Back to school, dormitory!"

Lu Yu didn't make another sound, but aggressively grabbed her arm and stuffed it into the car.

After Wu Fei got into the car, he ordered, "Go to Xinghai Bay!"

Xinghai Bay is the best villa area in the entire Yunzhou area. It is located in the center of the city, but it is a pure land that is quiet and hidden in the city.

Just because the villa area is located in the city center where every inch of land is expensive, there are only nine villas in total, and the identities of the residents are either rich or expensive.

When Jiang Ning learned that the other party was going to place herself in Xinghai Bay, she immediately sent out three consecutive resistances——

"No, no, no, no!"

As an exchange student who has just arrived in China, living in this kind of luxury house might be talked about behind her back.

Lu Yu saw through her thoughts, and said lightly: "There is a saying that you are not afraid of the shadow when you are upright, why are you guilty?"

Jiang Ning: "."

She thought about what the other party said made sense, anyway, the whole Yunda knew about her work-study program.

In and out of the mansion area, she can also be a tutor or a nanny.


Hearing her reluctant tone, a genuine smile flashed across Lu Yu's face.

(End of this chapter)

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