Chapter 5 What's Your Bottom Line

The car slowly drove into the boulevard of the community, and the dense plane trees on both sides covered the sky and the sun.

Five or six minutes later, the copper fence door of the garden-style villa opened to both sides. After entering the door, the car continued to drive for more than two minutes before stopping at the entrance of the main building.

Lu Yu and Jiang Ning got out of the car one after the other, and then Lu Yu walked around to the driver's side and knocked on the window.

"Come and pick me up at 8 am tomorrow!"

Wu Fei was startled, and asked subconsciously: "Mr. Lu, are you staying here tonight?"

Lu Yu raised her eyebrows slightly, "On the wedding night, is there a problem?"

Wu Fei shook his head quickly, "No, no problem!"

"Then why don't you go?"

Humvee gallops away
A slightly flushed but still vigilant pretty face appeared in front of Lu Yu's eyes.

Yunzhou First Hospital.

In the special care ward, when the old man of the Lu family heard that his grandson was going to get married, his spirits improved a lot.

Gao Yue peeled fruit for him and said, "Dad, I think this matter about A Yu is a bit strange, but don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I'm just afraid that A Yu will fall into the trap of someone with a heart."

The old man asked her what she meant.

Gao Yue elaborated on what happened at the Ritz Hotel, and added: "I always think it's not easy to call out the police."

"Shut up, you've already found out that it was a false police report!" Lu Zhifeng on the side said with a cold face, and told her not to be suspicious.

Liu Yun saw that the couple were singing a double reed, probably wanting to prove from the side that Lu Yu's life style was problematic, which aroused the old man's disgust.

Since everyone is aiming at the same goal, she helps to fuel the flames.

"Sister-in-law, don't think about it too much. It's good for Ah Yu to settle everything now. Dad will be relieved to have a family!"

"But if Ah Yu is really set up, how can the Lu family let that kind of woman in?"

Gao Yue became a little excited, her face was full of love for the younger generation.

The old man was confused, so he immediately raised his voice to ask them to explain things more clearly.

Regardless of "blocking", Gao Yue articulated her thoughts.
The Ritz Hotel is owned by the second son, Lu Zhigang. That night, the room manager called Lu Zhigang and said that he saw Lu Sanshao bringing a few underage girls into the room.

Someone later reported to the police that a rape had occurred at the Ritz Hotel.

Gao Yue said: "Anyway, I suspect that the girl in A Yu's room was the one who called the police, and the temporary change of confession must be A Yu's promise to her.

"A Yu himself is in charge of Stargate Entertainment, and now he may inherit the Lu family. Those girls with ulterior motives are trying their best to get the upper hand."

The old man's face darkened after hearing this, especially when he heard the words "underage girl" and "rape".

Although Lu Yu often had scandals on weekdays, they were all let go and would not have a bad influence.

He thought it was his grandson who was young and energetic, and was fond of playing for a while.

I didn't expect to play myself in this time!

"Give me this son of a bitch."

Just as the old man was furious and wanted to call his grandson, everyone's cell phones rang at the same time.

WeChat group messages are all pictures.

The first picture is two opened marriage certificates, which clearly show the name of the registrant and the time of registration.

The second one is a girl in gray home clothes and an apron busy in the kitchen.

The third picture is a table of sumptuous home-cooked food, and it looks delicious.

Lu Yu: Is my wife virtuous? @everyone
After reading these, Lu Liting immediately put away the anger on his face, and became beaming.

"This girl is not like what you said!"

He enlarged the second picture——

The girl's long hair was tied loosely behind her head, and the delicate profile of her face showed the happiness and shyness of a new wife.

The old man has read countless people, and he can tell at a glance that this girl is definitely not a scheming girl.

The faces of all the people present were also different.

No one knew the identity of that girl, and no one could have imagined that Lu Yuhui would actually get a certificate with a random woman!

Immediately afterwards, a small video came in again.

The girl in the picture is pure without makeup, and her smile is warm and healing.

She looked shyly at her side, "What did I say?"

"Call Grandpa!"

Immediately, the girl turned her face to the camera and called grandpa sweetly.

"My name is Jiang Ning, and I am still a senior student in the Media Department of Yunzhou University. I was in a hurry to get the certificate with A Yu today, so I won't go to see you for the time being. A Yu said that I will take me to the hospital for a visit in a few days." !"

The old man watched the video several times before putting down his phone, and then said sharply to everyone present: "What kind of elders are you all called? This girl is still in college, what kind of scheming can she have? Hurry up and prepare a big red envelope for her!"

Everyone's face was not very good, but they all shut their mouths sensibly.

No matter what others say, the old man will only believe what he sees with his own eyes.

star bay.

After dinner, Lu Yu sat on the sofa and watched his mobile phone, and the previously recorded video was playing on the screen.

An unlit cigarette dangled between his thin lips, and his narrowed eyes were full of complicated content.

Soon, Jiang Ning packed up the kitchen and returned to the living room.

She was about to ask something when the man's voice sounded one step ahead of her.

"You cooperated well today, and the dishes are not bad!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he lit the cigarette in his mouth, and then put all his weight on the backrest behind him, his slender legs crossed, revealing a sense of casual laziness.

Jiang Ning raised her hand and waved away the smoke ring that was flying towards her, and sat down on the single sofa next to her.

"I'm not used to taking advantage of others. It's too easy for me to earn 5 million yuan, so as long as I don't touch my bottom line, I will cooperate with you!"

Lu Yu bit the cigarette lightly, behind the lingering white mist was his noble and cold face.

"What's your bottom line?"

His eyes were so straightforward that Jiang Ning's ears turned red for no reason.

She untied the hair behind her, and the long black and thick hair covered up the embarrassment, and then she changed the topic.

"I don't think there should be a written contract between us?"

Lu Yu took the cigarette out of his mouth, leaned over and dusted the ashtray, "Is it necessary?"

Jiang Ning replied seriously: "Yes!"

Lu Yuxiao said, "It's up to you!"

An hour later, Jiang Ning spread three A4 papers on the coffee table.

"See if you have anything to add, you can write it!"

Lu Yu picked it up and browsed it briefly, but at the end he was amused by the one that marked the key point.

"Mrs. Lu, this is not an intimate relationship"

Jiang Ning quickly interrupted his voice, "I don't think Young Master Lu will care about this the most, after all, you are not bad for women!"


Lu Yu threw the paper on the coffee table, then turned his head to look beside him, with a secretive expression on his face.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded and leaned over to pick up the pen on the coffee table.

With a wave of his hand, he signed Lu Yu's name on the column of Party A of the agreement.

Jiang Ning put away the agreement, "Can I ask you a question?"

The man didn't say anything, just raised his chin at him.

"The person you introduced to me about the Lu family before mentioned your grandfather, uncle and uncle. What about your parents?"

Jiang Ning asked the words, but found that the temperature in the air was decreasing at a perceivable speed.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time.

Lu Yu stood up suddenly, and there was an oppressive aura around him.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask!"

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat, and she didn't make a sound for a long time.

The atmosphere gradually became like a pool of stagnant water, and a doorbell suddenly broke the silence.

(End of this chapter)

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