Chapter 6 5 million self-collection

On the first day Jiang Ning checked in, of course she would not open the door to welcome guests as the host.

She waited for Lu Yu to open the door, but the man didn't seem to mean it.

"Aren't you going to open the door?"

"Don't go."


The doorbell kept ringing. Lu Yu had already got up, but now he sat back on the sofa.

Jiang Ning is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to read words and expressions. She can see that this man is unhappy because of the topic she just mentioned.

But the living room was brightly lit, and it was not right to leave the visitor at the door like this.

So she could only bite the bullet and asked cautiously: "I need to open it."

"Follow you!" Lu Yu replied lightly.


Jiang Ning quickly went to open the door, and the person's identity could be judged by the age and appearance of the person coming.

Lu Zhijie was slightly startled when the door was opened, and then nodded to the girl with a pleasant face, "I am A Yu's father, and this is my wife and daughter!"

Jiang Ning called her uncle and aunt generously, and then smiled at the sweet girl beside her.

"You are Ning Ning, right? You are married to A Yu, and you are still called uncle and aunt?" Qin Shu smiled softly and said with a bit of anger.

Jiang Ning was a little embarrassed, but it was really not easy to ask her to change her mouth.

"You're married to me, auntie is still auntie!" Lu Yu's indifferent voice came from behind.

Qin Shu also smiled awkwardly, "Ayu, your father and I are here"

"If you get married, there is nothing to congratulate!"

Lu Yu interrupted the other party's voice, and stretched out his hand to wrap around Jiang Ning's waist naturally.

Immediately, he lowered his eyes to look beside him, with a somewhat drowned look in his eyes.

"Ning Ning, this is my dad, you have to call me dad too!" He pointed to the man in front of him and introduced, then he turned his eyes to the woman beside him, "This one is still auntie, Auntie Qin!"

Jiang Ning's scalp felt a little tight.

She seemed a little unable to hold back the complicated scene caused by this complicated relationship.

In terms of identity, the two on the opposite side are his elders.

Lu Zhijie's face darkened slightly, but he didn't feel like having a fit.

Even though he had expected that his son's attitude would not be friendly before he came, he never expected that he would be so disrespectful in front of his daughter-in-law.

During the stalemate, the girl who was following behind the two suddenly stepped forward and spoke.

"Brother, Mom and Dad are here specially to give you and sister-in-law a wedding gift!"

Lu Yi is Lu Yu's half-sister. The little girl is very sweet and has two dimples when she smiles.

She stepped forward and took Jiang Ning's arm affectionately, and said coquettishly: "Sister-in-law, my brother has such a temper, how can you bear it?"

Jiang Ning couldn't help but wanted to laugh, but met a death stare beside her.

However, the stalemate seems to have been broken.

Lu Yu turned around and went back to the house, tacitly acquiescing that someone from the future would be invited in.

Lu Zhijie and his wife brought a lot of things they could use in life. Qin Shu said that these are necessary for a newlywed, including a big red quilt.

"Ningning, I'm not suitable to enter your new house, you can lay the quilt yourself when the time comes."

"Also, I saw that several dishes on your dinner table today are spicy. You have to pay more attention in the future. Ah Yu has a bad stomach. Try to keep him from being exposed to spicy food."

"Also, Ah Yu has a slight sleep disorder, so you must leave him a night light when he sleeps."

Qin Shu held Jiang Ning's hand and said a lot, which made the latter feel that this stepmother cared more about her son than her own mother.

During the entire chat, Lu Yu played the game with his headphones on, as if he had no interest in the conversation of these people present.

After nine o'clock, Lu Zhijie and his wife still didn't seem to want to leave.

"Honey, are you up yet?" Lu Yu suddenly took off his earphones and asked.

Jiang Ning was taken aback, "What day?"

"Create man!"


Lu Yu's eviction order was simple and rude, but it made Jiang Ning so embarrassed that he wanted to use his toes to dig a crack in the ground and slip in.

Obviously, Lu Zhijie and his wife were also extremely embarrassed.

The two hurriedly got up to say goodbye, and Jiang Ning got up to see off the guests.

Lu Yi was the last one to walk, and when she turned around, she still pouted at her brother, "Brother, you are shameless, but sister-in-law is shameless!"

Lu Yu didn't take it seriously, "We are a legal couple, and it will be a matter of time to create a human being, so why are you shameless?"


Jiang Ning sent the three members of the Lu family to the car, and then watched the black Mercedes leave in the night.

When she returned to the villa, Lu Yu was leaning against the door frame with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"See you later, there's no need to act like a 24-year-old daughter-in-law!"

Jiang Ning ignored him and walked straight past him.

"I'm going to bed, this is your home, you can do what you want!"

Early the next morning.

After Jiang Ning got up, Lu Yu had already left the villa.

She let out a long breath, then turned and went into the kitchen.

On the bar counter, a black card caught her attention.

There is a note under the black card, with a few big characters written on it——

5 million self-collection, no password!

Oh, so domineering!
Jiang Ning rolled her eyes and cursed 250 to herself.

"Self pick-up? How do I get it?"

On the other side, Stargate Entertainment.

In the conference room, the heads of all departments have reported their work, but the boss seems to be out of state.

Lu Yu's eyes lingered on the black screen of the mobile phone in his hand, and a faint "Chuan" was frowned between his brows.

After the atmosphere was silent for a full 5 minutes, Wu Fei couldn't help but stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Lu, do you have anything else to add?"

Lu Yu raised his eyes lazily, and said two words faintly between his lips.


After everyone left the conference room, he called Wu Fei to stop.

"Go and check if my card is still tied to my mobile phone number!"

Wu Fei was puzzled, "Huh?"

"Ah, what, I haven't received a consumer text message until now!"


Wu Fei seemed to understand, but he didn't seem to fully understand.

He left the conference room and said to himself in the corridor: "You are nagging, you haven't spent anything, so how can you spend text messages?"

Lu Yu returned to the office and lay down on the sofa.

Didn't sleep well last night and had a terrible headache.

But as long as you close your eyes, the nightmarish scenes will flash past your eyes like a movie.

After 2 minutes, he opened his eyes and raised his phone.

"Are you in the clinic? I'll be there in a while!"

When Wu Fei came back, there was no one in the office.


The black Hummer stopped in front of a unique building in the urban area.

This is the most famous psychological research institution in China. The founder is Wei Lan, who is also Lu Yu's childhood friend.

Hearing that an old friend was coming, Wei Lan had already been waiting downstairs in person.

"What wind brought you here today?"

Lu Yu pushed the big sunglasses that blocked half of his face, and without making a sound, he walked into the building directly rubbing the other's shoulder.

Wei Lan: When will this stinky problem be corrected?

Lu Yu walked into the other party's office familiarly, and occupied his office chair unceremoniously.

Wei Lan followed into the room, "What's the situation with you?"

Lu Yu leaned back in the seat, put his two long legs on the desk, raised his hand, took off his sunglasses, and squeezed the space between his brows.

After a long time, he said, "Lan, I'm married!"

The man who was about to sit down opposite him suddenly sat down on the ground.

"What did you say? Married? With whom?"

"A...beautiful woman!"

Wei Lan struggled to get up from the ground, "Pretty? When did you become so vulgar?"

Lu Yu: "I was put to sleep by her!"

Wei Lan failed to sit down again, and simply sat on the ground.

In this world, there are actually female warriors who can put this master to sleep?
How could he not believe it!

"Come on, what more information is there, you say it together!"

(End of this chapter)

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