Ma Ziqiang was unwilling, he didn't believe that Huang Laifa would break up with his Ma family because of a girl's film.

After all, over the years, his father Ma Lincai gave Huang Ye a lot of benefits every year.

Huang Laifa even took the initiative to tease that he and Ma Lin are a rich combination.

In a way, the Ma family is Huang Laifa's cash cow.

Thinking of this, Ma Ziqiang casually uttered a low curse.

"His grandma's!"

Then he ordered to his subordinates: "Get that girl back for me!"

Ma Lincai is afraid of Lord Huang, but Ma Ziqiang is not.

However, his subordinates were a little hesitant, how could such small fish and shrimps dare to offend a predator like Huang Ye.

"What are you bastards still standing around for? Why don't you chase after me!"

"Brother Qiang, she and Master Huang"

"I'm afraid of a fart, I'll take it if something goes wrong! Whoever tied her to my bed, I will hand over the Nanheng Street branch to him!"

Under the heavy reward, there is a brave man.

At this time, a burly man with a small crew cut stepped forward.

He was wearing a black jacket, the muscles on his arms bulged the sleeves, and the black T-shirt inside outlined his tight waist.

"Brother Qiang, I'll go!"

Xiao Pingtou took off his coat while talking, took out a flat square iron jug from his trouser pocket, and poured a few mouthfuls of spirits.

Ma Ziqiang immediately laughed when he saw it, "Okay, I saw you right!"

While all the subordinates were still hesitating, Xiao Pingtou had already dropped the jug and chased outside.

Before Jiang Ning reached the door, she suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing behind her.

She subconsciously ducked down, then turned around and took the opponent's move without half a second of hesitation.

On the contrary, Xiaopingtou seemed a little shocked by the speed of her attack, and was punched in the face by her without paying attention.

Jiang Ning sneered, "Hey, Du Bing, the underground boxing champion in State S, has actually been reduced to being a watchdog for others? You really don't insult your dog name!"

Xiao Pingtou frowned, and when he shot again, his eyes were a little more probing and vigilant.

"Hmph, since you know my name, you should also know my rank. Dare to fight me?"

"In terms of rank, you have to call me grandma!"

At this time, Jiang Ning didn't want to go deep with the opponent, and only adopted defensive tactics, as if deliberately teasing the opponent.

After a few minutes, Xiaopingtou's physical strength was exhausted, and his offensive became less and less lethal.

Only then did he realize that he had been tricked, and at the same time, he felt an inexplicable sense of fear.

This girl knows both herself and Master Huang, and she is so skilled. Could it be that she has some hidden identity as a big boss?

Taking advantage of the other party's brief distraction, Jiang Ning knocked him down with one move and left.

But there was a large group of people running over to help, so she had no choice but to make a move.

Ma Ziqiang continued to speak self-righteously from the side.

"I said little girl, it's useless for you to move out Mr. Huang, that old guy still has to be supported by our Ma family! Hahaha."

"You obediently demote me, sleep with me, make me happy, and I won't pursue those two girls you let go, how about it?"

Jiang Ning responded with a steady breath while dealing with the bodyguards: "You can continue to dream this dream. When you wake up from the dream, your Ma family will be gone!"

"Grandma, are you gangsters punching cats and cats? Slap me hard!" Ma Ziqiang said angrily.

The bodyguards almost all used their housekeeping skills, and Jiang Ning gradually began to be ruthless.

Some bad memories made her eyes red, and she suddenly became like a bloodthirsty machine.
A few minutes later, a group of moaning and wailing men were lying in the center of the not-so-spacious corridor, and only Du Bing was left fighting Jiang Ning.

Soon, Du Bing couldn't stand this crazy girl.

Ma Ziqiang suddenly received a call saying that Huang Laifa was rushing to Gold in person, only then did he realize the seriousness of the situation, and immediately yelled for Du Bing to stop.

Jiang Ning's consciousness was awakened by a sharp pain from her shoulder blade.

Although he waved away the opponent's hand in time, the syringe in his hand had pierced into her skin, and half of the medicine was injected.

"Brother Qiang, go to the long private room of the Hansen Hotel opposite and wait. I will send this woman to you within half an hour!"

For the Nanheng Street branch that Ma Ziqiang promised, Du Bing was going all out.

A burst of dizziness and a gradually dry throat made Jiang Ning realize that she had been injected with something.

Looking at the insidious smiling face in front of her, she decisively raised the short knife in her hand and cut a cut on her arm, and then tried to find the exit with her slackening consciousness.

Du Bing knew she couldn't run far, so he didn't catch up immediately, but left from the inside passage of the casino.

Jiang Ning ran out from the smoky place, but when she breathed the fresh air outside again, her mind was still in chaos.

The location here is remote, if she doesn't leave this dark alley as soon as possible, she may still be captured by Ma Ziqiang's men.

At this time, she must find someone she absolutely trusts to come and take her away.

The constant changes in her body made her dare not delay for another second. She leaned against a lamppost and took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket.

The address book dangled in front of my eyes like a phantom on the surface of the water.

Jiang Ning gathered herself together, and finally found Fu Ye's number and dialed it.

At the same time, Jinlin Huafu.

Lu Yu had just taken a shower and went downstairs wrapped in a bathrobe when his cell phone rang on the sofa in the living room.

He walked over to pick it up and looked at the caller, with a weird arc on his mouth.

He got connected, and before he could open his mouth, the other party said to him in an orderly tone: "The alley to the east of the Gold Club, behind the recyclable garbage bin, quickly send someone you can trust!"

Lu Yu frowned, "What do you mean?"


"What are you doing?"



Lu Yu frowned even tighter.

Lost contact for a week and contacted him again, actually giving him an order?

He dropped his phone and sat down on the sofa, Rococo ran back to the house from the door and said he was hungry.

Lu Yu ignored her.

The little guy pouted and said, "You can't eat on time every day. What do you do with a wife? Where's your aunt?"


Lu Yu kept thinking about the phone call just now, and always felt that something was wrong.

Two minutes later, Wu Fei brought the dinner over.

"You stay and take care of the child for a while, I'll go out for a while!"

After leaving these words, Lu Yu picked up the car keys from the coffee table and strode out.

Wu Fei was stunned for a second and immediately chased after him, "Mr. Lu."

"What's the matter waiting for me to come back!"


Seeing the silver supercar speeding away, Wu Fei was in a mess.

What happened so urgently that you went out wearing a bathrobe on such a cold day?
The Gold Club in Jiang Ningkou is only about 10 minutes' drive from Jinlin Huafu.

Ten minutes later, a silver Pagani roared and stopped at the alley east of the clubhouse.

Lu Yu pushed the door and got out of the car, and quickly found the trash can for recyclable garbage. A black figure curled up like a cat was hidden in the dim light of the dark alley.

When he was about to bend over to pull him up, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps and a man's rough voice from the alley——

"Look separately, this girl can't escape!"

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