In the dark alley, the white bathrobe on Lu Yu's body was very eye-catching.

Du Bing ran over with several other bodyguards, and asked in a bad tone, "Have you ever seen a little girl in black?"

Lu Yu's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he chopped off the opponent from head to toe.

He opened his mouth and said "Roll", directly forming an arctic storm belt sweeping the entire alley.

Du Bing was overwhelmed by this aura, and it was not easy to think about the identities of the people who could come and go nearby.

He didn't dare to be tough with others without finding out the details of the other party.

Immediately, he glanced at the other party lightly, then turned around and said to his companion, "Look over there again!"

After everyone left, Lu Yu picked up the "kitten" behind the trash can.

Even though there was a layer of clothing, he felt the hot temperature.

"What's going on?" He frowned and asked in a low voice.

Jiang Ning tried hard to stabilize her body, but her center of gravity uncontrollably fell on the human wall in front of her.

"Lu Yu? Why are you!"

Her fingers tightly clutched the man's bathrobe, her whole body staggered, but she still clearly realized that she was calling Fu Ye.

But why did this man appear here?
He is definitely the most dangerous existence for him now!
Lu Yu felt that her question was a bit ridiculous. She had called him only 10 minutes ago, but now she pretended to be surprised.

But her state at this time was no stranger to him.

It's just that he couldn't figure out how the other party could have such a situation?
How could a college student appear in this dangerous area?

He didn't speak, just stared at her directly.

Jiang Ning clenched his sleeve into a ball, gritted his teeth and said, "Go, go!"

Otherwise, she didn't know what she would do out of control.

Lu Yu: "."

After hesitating for a moment, he supported her with both hands to stabilize her body first.

"I'll take you back!"

Jiang Ning's consciousness is gradually losing, and the body thrown into the frying pan just wants to absorb the coolness with all her strength.
Lu Yu stuffed her into the car, and when the car started, a number was dialed.

"In 10 minutes, I need to see you in Jinlin Huafu, bring your medicine kit!"

In less than 10 minutes, Pagani's dazzling headlights tore through the hazy night and lit the path outside the villa compound like daytime.

Wei Lan was wearing a gray suit and getting out of the Cayenne with a white medical kit in her hand.

He stepped forward and saw that Lu Yu was carrying a girl out of the passenger car.

Due to the heavy makeup on Jiang Ning's face at this time, he couldn't recognize it for a while.

"What's the situation? Who is this woman?"

"Enter the house!"

In the living room on the first floor, Wu Fei was playing games with Rococo.

Hearing the movement from the door, the eyes of the two fell at the same time.

"Cousin, why did you go?" Rococo asked.

Lu Yu ignored her, and the pace of carrying the girl upstairs almost took off.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Lan also walked across the living room to the stairs without looking sideways, like the wind was blowing under her feet.


Jiang Ning was put on the big bed, and a faint smell of rosemary lingered in her nose.

This is the breath hidden deep in her memory, but hard to recall.

The bedroom was brightly lit, and Wei Lan finally recognized the titular Mrs. Lu.

He was a little surprised: "She is Jiang Ning?"

Lu Yu withdrew his gaze from the bed, and asked a little impatiently, "See what's wrong with her?"

Although Wei Lan is a psychiatrist, as the young master of a medical family, it is not difficult for him to diagnose some daily diseases.

But in Jiang Ning's situation, just by looking at the abnormal flush on her face, she knew what was going on.

"Where did you come from? What did she eat that shouldn't be?"

Lu Yu's two beautiful eyebrows almost knit together, "What are the things you shouldn't eat?"

In the next moment, he recalled the group of people who appeared in the dark alley.

"The things you shouldn't eat are the things you have eaten before!" Wei Lan replied.

After the words fell, Lu Yu's face darkened instantly.

Wei Lan stared at him thoughtfully for a while, then stepped forward and patted his shoulder and said, "She's fine, you can figure it out, I'll leave first!"


Back downstairs, Wu Fei and Luo Keke were standing at the top of the stairs, their eyes full of curiosity.

Wei Lan said with a smile: "Ke Ke, your cousin and aunt have something to do, how about you go home with Uncle Wei?"

He obviously wanted to leave a more private space for the two upstairs.

As an adult, Wu Fei could understand the deep meaning, so he left immediately.

However, the little guy asked innocently: "What's the matter with them?"

"Well, they... have important things to do anyway!"

Wei Lan thought for a long time, but the answer he gave was still perfunctory.

However, Luo Ke is known for his character of breaking the casserole and asking the end, and he will never stop until he finds a correct answer.

A moment later, Lu Yujin appeared on the stairs with his slippers on.

"Your aunt and I are fine. Take a shower and go to sleep. Uncle Wei is going home!"

Wei Lan glanced at the stairs with some admiration, "Are you sure you don't want me to take Keke away?"

Lu Yu stared at him, "What do you think I can do here that is inappropriate for children?"

Wei Lan was speechless, but she was slandering in her heart: It's best to be like this, and let me worry about it!

Second floor, master bedroom bathroom.

Jiang Ning was lying in the large round bathtub, and when the cold water poured down her head and face, she sighed freely.

The stimulation of the cold water finally temporarily suppressed the burning fire in the body.

She kept pouring water on her face, hoping to clear her mind as soon as possible.

adjoining bedroom.

Lu Yu went to the bathroom to help Luo Keke put a tub of bath water, threw a few little yellow ducks into the water, and then said to her perfunctorily, "Men and women are different, wash it yourself!"


"Don't dawdle, I'll give you 10 minutes!"

"Auntie is in a hurry?"

"Little brat, don't meddle in the adult's business!"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he walked out, but he heard a faint voice behind him: "I also said that I don't want my aunt."


Rococo really came out wrapped in an oversized bath towel in less than 10 minutes.

Lu Yu immediately stood up and carried her to the bed, "Close your eyes and go to sleep right now!"

Although the little guy didn't want to sleep yet, he still closed his eyes obediently at this moment.

She mentioned her aunt on the phone with Mummy during the day. Although Mummy was a little surprised when she heard it, she told her to help her cousin make her aunt happy.

Now that I let my cousin go to see my aunt earlier, it is considered to make her happy, right?
Lu Yu returned to his bedroom and found water dripping from under the bathroom door.

He hurriedly ran to the door and entered.

I saw that the water outlet was blocked by a pair of black leather pants, and the water in the bathtub was still overflowing.

But at first glance, there was no one in the bathtub, only a white calf resting on the shelf at the end of the bathtub.

Lu Yu's eyes darkened, but his heart sank.

Shouldn't you be drowning in the bathtub?
He stepped on the stagnant water and ran over, but was severely frightened by the girl whose face was completely submerged in the water.

A head of long black hair floated on the water like algae, in stark contrast to the pale face underwater.

Jiang Ning's upper body was still wearing a black base layer, but the lower layer was missing, leaving only black safety pants and two long legs that were so white that they glowed.

She closed her eyes, and her expression was probably slightly ferocious because she had held her breath for too long.

The man's eyes darkened.

After hesitating for a moment, he used his hands to pull the man up from the water.

"Don't do your lungs in my bathtub!"

Jiang Ning breathed heavily, and seemed to wake up a little after being stimulated by the cold water for a long time.

But the discomfort that was finally relieved was sent back to hell the moment he opened his eyes.

The smelly and handsome face in front of me seems to be more poisonous than poison

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