Sitting next to Rococo is a pure (stupid) husky with a gray and white color scheme, three fires on the forehead are very straight, and those big blue eyes are glaring at the moment.

Jiang Ning used her knees to think about it, but she didn't expect the aloof Lu Sanshao to raise such a bastard, and even indulged such a bastard to eat at the same table with him!
In her stream of consciousness, don't the presidents and bullies all have a cleanliness?

Lu Yu finally looked at her, "Don't you like dogs?"

Jiang Ning was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I don't like silly dogs!"

Erha: Who are you to say is stupid?
Jiang Ning turned her head, "What are you doing, spit is flying around!"

Erha seemed to understand, and continued to yell at her.

Erha, who claims to have never lost a quarrel in the dog world, of course will not give up this opportunity.

Jiang Ning: "Dog thing!"

Erha: "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Tigress!

Lu Yu looked at the person and dog in front of him, and a group of crows flew over his head.


Luo Keke on the side was also dumbfounded. She widened her eyes and said in surprise: "Auntie, can you understand dog language?"

Jiang Ning: "."

Seeing the girl's deflated look, Lu Yu couldn't hold back a smile on his face.

He suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Snow Wolf, let's play."

Jiang Ning secretly thought: This 250 is no wonder you listened to it!
But in the next second, Erha glared at her first, with dissatisfaction written all over his face.

Immediately afterwards, the dog's head turned to look at the superior man, and then left the dining table in a sensible manner, making a "woo woo woo" sound from his throat, as if he was wronged.

Erha: After getting a tigress back, will my status be lost?

Without the dog's dining table, Jiang Ning still couldn't arouse her interest in eating, because she still had other things in her mind.

But since there were children present, it was difficult for her to explain clearly.

Luo Keke looked at Jiang Ning's absent-minded and hesitant to speak, as if he suddenly remembered something.

She knocked on the dining table and sternly asked beside her: "Cousin, why did you bully my aunt last night?"

Lu Yu looked puzzled and didn't immediately understand what she meant.

Jiang Ning lingered between doubt and understanding for a moment, and the roots of her ears became hot with Rococo's next words.

"I heard my aunt crying loudly last night, aren't you bullying her?"

Lu Yu's eyebrows twitched, and he replied calmly, "You heard it wrong, it's the snow wolf."

Rococo: "Nonsense, I clearly heard the voice coming from your room."

Lu Yu: "Well, Snow Wolf is sleeping in my room."

Luo Keke still looked distrustful, and then turned to look at Jiang Ning.

"Then what happened to the wound on my aunt's neck?"

Jiang Ning was so embarrassed that she had nowhere to escape, her face was as hot as a red-hot iron plate, and from time to time there was a voice that she was so tired of last night that was scary.

"The snow wolf scratched it!" Lu Yu remained calm.

Jiang Ning: "emm" was scratched by a dog!
Luo Keke nodded half-understood, and then muttered softly: "No wonder my aunt doesn't seem to like snow wolves!"

Erha sat at the side, his blue eyes couldn't help showing a bit of resentment when looking at its owner.

This is a real dog!
after breakfast.

The general manager of Yunzhou Department Store personally took people to Jinlin Huafu to deliver the goods, and the goods delivered covered all kinds of new women's clothing in all counters of the entire department store, including intimate clothes.

Don't even think about it, this Boss Lu must have temporarily hid a girl at home.

The saleswomen who came to deliver the goods wanted to catch a glimpse of that "Jiao" with gossip, but it was a pity that Master Lu protected her "Jiao" very well.

When they left Jinlin Washington, the girls were already discussing excitedly——

"Did you see it? The big strawberry on Lu Yu's neck!"

"I saw it, and I saw half a tooth mark on his collarbone, damn it, it's so sexy!"

"Blind guess is Xu Yiran, just look at the Weibo that Xu Yiran posted in the morning."

"Is this the rhythm to be made public?"

Jiang Ning looked at the living room on the first floor of the department store, and immediately felt admiration for Master Lu's generosity.

She chose the most low-key outfit from a pile of clothes, and slipped away from the villa when Lu Yu wasn't paying attention.

For one thing, she didn't want to stay here to discuss changing the agreement with someone;
Secondly, she was also worried about what happened to sister Shu Yue who escaped from Gold last night.

However, when she left the villa and ran to the main road ahead, she was immediately messed up in the rustling autumn wind.

What the hell is this place?

Not only are there no cars on the road, there are not even any people.

The autumn is refreshing, and there is a long and long ginkgo avenue in front of you.

The golden leaves spread a shallow layer on the ground, and sometimes more fan-shaped leaves are blown down by the sudden breeze, and there is a golden rain in late autumn.

At this moment, Jiang Ning had no intention of admiring the oil painting-like scenery in front of her, so she had to step on the fallen leaves all over the ground, dragging her sore body forward, calling Su Nian while walking.

Su Nian turned off her phone.

After walking for about ten minutes, there was the sound of a vehicle engine behind him.

Immediately, a silver glow flashed under the golden sunlight.

Pagani slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Lu Yu opened the car door and got out of the car, leaning on the roof of the car with one hand and looking at the girl who was hesitating on the side of the road.

"Run in such a hurry?"

Jiang Ning raised her hand, rubbed her nose, and smiled calmly.

"I'm going to be late for school!"

"give you."

Jiang Ning wanted to say no, she still had to go to the dessert shop in the old town to get her own things.

But Lu Yu didn't give her a chance to refuse.

"There can't be a taxi here, are you going to walk back to the city?"


In the passenger seat, Rococo leaned out.

"Auntie, let's go together!"

Jiang Ning thought for a few seconds, then stepped forward and opened the car door.

Luo Keke took the initiative to give up the seat, and climbed onto her body very familiarly.


Along the way, except for Rococo's small mouth, Lu Yu hardly made any sound in the carriage.

Until the car reached the intersection of the old city and the new city, Jiang Ning asked the other party to stop.

The man turned his head, "What?"

Jiang Ning gave a deadpan "hehe" and said, "I don't want to make scandals."

"It's still far from the school."

"I want to take the subway."


Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, and then parked the car on the side of the road.

When the girl got off the car, he said softly, "I'll go to Xinghai Bay tonight."

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat, and she neither agreed nor refused.

She stood still and watched Pagani leave, then stopped a taxi and went straight to the old city.

The dessert shop is still the same as when she left yesterday, Shu Xin and Shu Yue obviously never came back.

But not long after, a man with a black nose and a swollen face came in swaggeringly in a black leather jacket with his hands in his pockets.

"It's just you meddling in your own business, right?"

Jiang Ning guessed his identity from his appearance.

"You are Shuhe."

"Heh, you still know my name."

Apart from the bruises all over his face, this man looks pretty good.

The chiseled face, the three-dimensional and deep features, and the yellow hair curled into instant noodles directly set his temperament.

He walked up to Jiang Ning, grinned and said, "You cut off my money, how are you going to compensate me?"

The smell of alcohol in his mouth made Jiang Ning feel nauseous.

She took a step back, and said in a cold voice: "You sell my sister's wealth, I will cut off as much as you have!"

"Grandma, the tone is not small! Believe it or not, I strangled you to death?"

"Try it"

As Jiang Ning's final note fell, the telescopic stick in the other party's hand was falling towards her.

Before she could make a move, a big hand with distinct bones appeared in her sight.

The blue veins on the back of the hand that bent the metal telescopic stick with bare hands were exposed, and the knuckles were whitish.

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