Shu He looked at the person who came here angrily, "Who the hell are you? Just mind my own business"


The man with a bruised nose and swollen face was slapped far away, and his head was hit hard on the fallen table leg, causing him to howl in pain.

Jiang Ning looked at the man who appeared out of nowhere with a look of astonishment.

"Are you following me?"

Lu Yu glanced at her, "You think too much."

He just received a reply from his subordinates on the way back to the company, and got the surveillance screen of Gold last night.

Knowing the whole story of what happened to Gold last night, he learned of the existence of this dessert shop by the way.

Originally, I just wanted to take a look, but I didn't expect to meet her here.

Shu He lay on the ground howling for a while, then turned on the Porcelain Mode again.

He rolled to the door and yelled to the street outside: "You are beating someone, help me, whoever is kind enough to call the police, you are beating someone!"

Jiang Ning has black lines all over her head.

A big man in his 30s, not only is he despicable and shameless, but also so shameless?
After being called out by him, the uncles and aunts who came back from grocery shopping at noon ran over to watch.

"Oh, beating people like this in broad daylight, committing crimes, committing crimes!"

"Quick, quick, call the police."

Jiang Ning didn't want to make matters worse, so she quickly let Lu Yu go first.

Shu He lay across the door and hugged the man's thigh, "Don't try to escape if you hit someone, come here, this guy is going to run away, big guy help!"

Jiang Ning was bending over to pull the man away, but Lu Yu kicked him directly.

Shu He rolled and scrambled to cooperate with that kick.

With a sound of Duang, his head came into close contact with the glass door.

This scene happened to be included in the lens of passers-by.

Many aunts covered their hearts and said it was too cruel.

Jiang Ning was also stunned by this wave of operations.

A matter that could have been resolved in private now has to be brought to the police station.

She really wanted to scold "pig teammate".

Ten minutes later, a police car stopped outside the smashed dessert shop.

An elderly couple was the first to run into the store than the police. The woman started crying when she saw Shu He, who was covered in bruises.

Immediately afterwards, a man in his 30s threw himself into the woman's arms.

"Mom, that dead girl Shu Yue not only doesn't help me, she even finds thugs to beat me!"

Two police officers checked the scene and asked, "Who did it?"

Jiang Ning: "Me!"

The policeman looked at her, with the words "You treat me as blind" written on her face unabashedly.

Immediately, the two turned to the man who was on the phone at the same time.

"Pull the phone first, who did you call?"

Without Lu Yu making a sound, the beaten man shouted from the side, "It's him!"

Lu Yu glanced coldly at everyone present, and continued to talk on his phone calmly——

"The meeting is postponed first, and the PR department doesn't need to do anything for the time being."

"Cancel all of Miss Xu's announcements today."

"Also, let Wu Fei come to Tangnan Old Street Police Station!"

Putting down the phone, he turned around and said quietly: "Let's go, I'll follow you to the police station."

Policeman: "."

Jiang Ning:? ? ?
Stargate Entertainment.

Wu Fei rushed to the old city immediately after receiving the notice, and the public relations department kept calling him halfway to ask him how to reply to the media.

"Reply what reply, Miss Xu has no personal relationship with the president!"

Wu Fei said this no less than ten times to the leaders of various departments in the company, but who would believe it?

The entire star gate treats Xu Yiran as the proprietress.

Wu Fei's calls never stopped until the vehicle stopped at the gate of the Tangnan Street Police Station.

The mediation room of the police station.

Lu Yu occupied the three-person sofa by himself like an old man, and Jiang Ning sat on the arm of the sofa beside him.

Shu He and his mother Zhang Guilan were squeezed next to each other in the single sofa, and his father Shu Dayou was squatting at the door smoking, with a trace of sadness on his vicissitudes of life.

This family all came from the countryside in a small city. Except for Shu He who was well dressed, Zhang Guilan and Shu Dayou showed the simplicity of farmers.

However, the old couple looks simple and kind, but what they do has nothing to do with simplicity and kindness.

Originally, the police didn't know that the old couple was oppressing their daughter in order to pay off their son's gambling debts. These were all revealed from their own mouths later.

The short words are shocking.

Zhang Guilan comforted her son while pointing at Jiang Ning and cursing, her strong local accent was full of acrimony.

"Those two girls were born to me. What's wrong with raising them so much and asking them to do something for the family? Do you need an outsider to point out our family affairs?"

Jiang Ning smiled involuntarily.

What a familiar sentence!

It seemed like she had heard something similar not so long ago.

"What are you laughing at? Am I wrong? I have two daughters who are losing money in themselves, and I don't point out that they can change the family's conditions. As long as they go to have a meal with the boss, they can help the family pay off their debts." return"

Speaking of this, Jiang Ning interrupted in a deep voice: "Have a meal? Do you want to eat in bed?"

After the words fell, Shu Dayou, who was squatting at the door, had a strange look on his face.

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out with his feet, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What do you mean, girl?"

"What's the point? What's the point? Don't interrupt!" Zhang Guilan gave her husband a hard look.

Then she stood up again, with her hands on her hips, as if she was ready to throw a tantrum at any time.

"You stinky girl, I can tell you that Hehe is the only seedling of our Shu family. If he gets beaten up badly, you and your fellow will not have a good time, hey
"Also, don't think that you just hide those two girls, Shu Xin, and you're done. If you don't hand them over today, we'll have to hand you over to Boss Ma!"

Jiang Ning's heart was chilled by Zhang Guilan's words.

From what it means, this mother obviously knows what Shu Xin and Shu Yue will face when they are sent to Gold.

Is there really such a crazy mother in this world?

Oh, there are!She has one herself.

The two policemen at the side were stunned for a while, and they didn't even know what case they were working on.

Zhang Guilan had already discussed with her son just now, and used Shu Xin and Shu Yue to pay off Gold's debt, and by the way, in the name of being beaten, she would pay the beating person a sum.

Shu He also promised that as long as Zhang Guilan can get the money, he will change his ways and go home to farm.

Zhang Guilan was eager to see her son return home, and now she began to verbally attack the silent man on the sofa.

However, Lu Yu never bothered to talk to her, but waited for the assistant to come over to deal with the problem.

Until the woman kept approaching him, flying spit on his face and the screen of the phone in his hand
Although the man hadn't raised his face yet, Jiang Ning, who was closer to him, could already feel the murderous aura.

"You man looks like a dog, and what you do is like a pig and a dog. Beat my son like this, don't you understand that I am a countryman?

"Let me tell you, we're going to the hospital in the city for an injury test, and you don't want to lose a cent of the compensation! I'm going to sue you, so that your panties drop off."

Every word "compensation" in Zhang Guilan's mouth is an extremely aggressive weapon, and she keeps attacking.

Lu Yu finally raised his eyes, and the coldness in his eyes froze the air for a second.

"You spray another try!"

The deep voice was like a mountain torrent erupting, with a threatening momentum.

Zhang Guilan's voice got stuck in her throat for a moment.

Behind him, Shu He stood up, clutching half of his swollen cheeks, and shouted loudly, "How dare you threaten my mother in front of the police?"

After speaking, he turned to the two policemen sitting at the table and said, "Comrade policeman, have you seen that he beat someone and threatened my mother!"

Policeman: I didn't see it!
The next moment, the door of the mediation room was pushed open without warning.

Everyone's eyes fell towards the door at the same time, and then their expressions changed in different ways

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