Chapter 52 Gambling Debt

The two policemen were the first to stand up and called out "Director" in unison.

When Zhang Guilan heard that the other party was the director, the aura that had just been weakened suddenly became energetic again.

She hurried forward and continued to spit.

"Okay, good job, director! Director, you have to give us justice."

The middle-aged man with a slightly fat body was caught off guard and "compensated".

He frowned and wiped his face, quickly raised his hand to stop the woman who was making a move on him, pointed to the chair beside him and spoke.

"Big sister, big sister! Don't talk, just sit there and wait for me for a while, okay?"

Immediately, he briefly learned about the situation from the two policemen in charge of mediation.

The one who came in with the director was Wu Fei, who was facing the death stare of a certain master because he came too late.

"Mr. Lu, I've actually been here for a while, mainly about Miss Xu today."

"You have been with me for so many years, why are you becoming more and more confused about priorities?"

"Boss Lu, I was wrong."

Although Wu Fei looks unreliable on the surface, his work is definitely reassuring.

He had already understood the situation before coming in, so he directly asked the director to come with him.

At this time, the director figured out the main contradiction, and began to ask questions to Zhang Guilan and the others.

After some interrogation, Zhang Guilan realized that she had become the target of interrogation, and immediately yelled again.

"This is the police station, please be quiet!" The chief said in a deep voice, "Don't think I don't know about the incident that you smashed up the dessert shop two days ago. Let's deal with the case first today!"

"Hey, I said you are an interesting boss. My son was beaten today. What did you say about smashing the store? Besides, the store belongs to my daughter. Why did we smash it and renovate it?"

"Really? But the informant we received is Jiang Ning, is it your daughter?"

"What are you farting, the store belongs to my daughter."

"Eldest sister, we need evidence for everything. Let's find out everything about the business license later!"

At this moment, Shu He was the first to give up. He held his head and cried out that he had a headache.

Zhang Guilan and Shu Dayou hurried over nervously.

Lu Yu stood up at this moment, "Boss Yao, this family not only smashed my wife's store, but also had dirty deals with Gold, I suggest that the case should be handed over to the Municipal Bureau."

The word "wife" surprised the director and Jiang Ning at the same time.

"President Lu is married?" the director asked.

"My wife is still in college, so I haven't announced it yet." Lu Yu responded lightly.

The director carefully looked at the girl who was embraced by the other party, with some appreciation in his eyes.

"What a beautiful man!" He smiled, and then asked: "You just said Gold? What kind of deal can this family have with a place like Gold?"

Jiang Ning was about to speak, but the man's voice still rang in front of her.

"That one has two younger sisters." Lu Yu pointed at the man pretending to be sick and moaning with his chin, and continued, "He owed a huge amount of gambling debts at Gold Casino, so he sold his younger sister to Ma Ziqiang."

"Is there still this?"

The director raised his voice a little bit, and his eyes on the few people over there became sharper.

Zhang Guilan is a rural woman who doesn't know the seriousness of the situation.

She pointed her finger back at the director's nose and cursed: "You, the director of favoritism and fraud, are shameless, how much benefit did you take from that guy and you helped them? My family was beaten like this, are you Are you blind?"

The director was about to get angry when Lu Yu handed him his phone.

"This is the surveillance video of Shu He in Gold the afternoon before yesterday."

The director took the phone and glanced at it, then handed it over to the two police officers under him.

"Xiao Chang, show this eldest sister how her son was injured!"

Soon, the video was played on the projector on the wall.

The location was the sauna area of ​​the Gold Club, and five or six strong men were beating Shu He like a dog.

The group stopped until the man fainted and lost control.

The man behind was woken up again by the splash of water, and a bald man walked into the screen.

"Shu He, 500 million yuan with interest! If you don't pay, I'll take off your arms and legs!"

"Brother Qiang, I beg you to give me some more time. My sister is in the city. I will ask her for money."

"You have a younger sister? How old is it?"

"Twins, 22 this year."

"Ever had a man?"

"No, certainly not!"

In the video, the bald head is full of oil, and the eyes that look like overindulgence are full of turbidity.

He licked his lips and said with a smile: "In this way, you bring them over to me, and I will stay with the client later. 500 million, how about I offset it for you?"

"Thank you Brother Qiang, thank you Brother Qiang, it is their blessing that Brother Qiang sees them, I will send them over to you tomorrow!"

Looking at Shu He's dog-licking face in the video, Jiang Ning wanted to kick him a few times across the screen.

Soon, another new video started playing.

With a wound on his face, Shu He was pushing two girls with similar looks through the dark and narrow corridor.

"Brother, I don't think this place looks like a place to eat!"

"Oh, it's a pity that you have stayed in the city for so long, and you don't have any experience. This is called a club, where you can eat, drink, and have fun!"

"Shu He, how much money do you owe?"

"Not much, anyway, it's enough for the two of you to wash dishes for a month!"

"We promise you, I hope you don't go to the dessert shop to make trouble again, the dessert shop is not ours, do you know that!"

"All right, all right, stop talking!"

The three of them walked around the corner and disappeared from the surveillance screen.

In the next second, the screen switched again.

The two girls were taken to a resplendent box, and the man in the seat was the bald man in the previous picture who made Shu He pay back 500 million.

When the bald head saw the two girls, his eyes lit up immediately, and then he got up from the sofa with a wine glass in one hand.

"Hahahaha, two beauties, hurry up, let's have a drink with my brother first!"

The scene that followed was a bit chaotic. The two girls were slapped twice because they refused to drink with the bald head.

"What kind of archway is erected here!"

The bald head roared angrily and asked several of his subordinates to restrain the girl, and then forcibly poured him a glass of wine. When he touched the girl's chest with his big fat hand, he was bitten hard.

He yelled in pain, and growled again, asking his subordinates to tie them up and send them to the room.

"See if I won't kill you today!"

Shu He had already sneaked away while the box was in chaos, and the bald head was busy cleaning up the two girls, so he didn't send anyone to chase him for the time being.

After the two girls were taken out, a subordinate hurried into the box to find the bald head, and whispered something to him.

The bald head's expression changed, and he said to the other subordinates: "Shut up those two girls in the room first, and I will go and see the other beauty first!"

Looking at the time displayed on the surveillance screen, Jiang Ning probably guessed who the "beauty" the bald man was referring to.

"Boss Yao, does Shu He's behavior qualify as human trafficking?" Lu Yu suddenly asked.

Before the other party could answer, Zhang Guilan's sharp voice exploded like a firecracker again.

"What kind of people are you buying and selling? I'm not a human trafficker! Those two dead girls were born to me. I can sell her to whomever I like. Who cares?"

"Zhang Guilan, watch your words and attitude!" Police officer Xiao Chang slapped the table and shouted, "Even if the two girls were born to you, you have no right to deprive them of their freedom!"

Zhang Guilan not only didn't restrain herself, but even started to throw a tantrum on the spot.

She screamed that the police were bullying people, and the director even shielded the bad guys.

"Oh, I'm not going to live anymore. The big cities bully people too much. Even comrades from the police bully those of us from the countryside. Is there any reason for that?"

When encountering such unreasonable troubles, the police are also in a hurry.

Lu Yu suddenly felt the girl beside him tremble a little, and turned his head to find that thick clouds were rolling over her pale face, and blades burst out in those clear eyes.

After only a momentary daze, the girl escaped from his control.

"Jiang Ning."

The moment Lu Yu finished speaking, the girl's footsteps were pulled, but it wasn't the man's voice that pulled her, but Zhang Guilan who fell at her feet.
(End of this chapter)

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