Chapter 58
Seeing the man turn around, Shu Xin boldly asked, "Are you Jiang Ning's uncle?"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Lu Yu's face.


That's how she introduces herself?

"We are Jiang Ning's friends. She asked us to stay here, hoping not to disturb you." Shu Xin responded politely.

Lu Yu hummed lightly, then turned and left again.

When he sat back in the car and started the car, he pursed his lips and said to himself, "Cousin? Do you still think of yourself as rococo?"

Pagani's engine exploded, and the silver light was like a sharp sword unsheathed in the dark night.

At the entrance of the villa, Shu Xin and Shu Yue looked at the taillights of the car that disappeared into the night, each showing strange expressions.

The astonishment on Shu Xin's face did not fade away, and there was more admiration and admiration in her eyes.

"Jiang Ning's cousin is so young!"

But Shu Yue felt that the man was not a cousin.

Before meeting him, she had suspected that Jiang Ning was a canary kept in a cage by a certain boss.

But at that moment just now, the kingly aura emanating from the man's bones made people almost suffocated.

For such an arrogant and arrogant man, his ancient and calm eyes will become gentle with the word "Jiang Ning".

That is clearly a manifestation of deep pampering.

Before ten o'clock at night, white Cayenne and silver Pagani stopped outside the uniquely shaped building one after the other.

After getting off the car, Wei Lan went straight to meet him, but saw that the other party's appearance was a bit special at this time.

"How can Lu Sanshao, who always pays attention to appearance, button his shirt wrong?"

Lu Yu glanced down and unbuttoned his shirt one by one calmly.

In the brightly lit lobby, the marks on the tight wheat-colored skin almost shocked Wei Lan's eyes.

"Are you sure you are only in an agreed marriage relationship?"

"We can also pursue legal pleasures."

Wei Lan looked struck by lightning. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have found it hard to believe that this sentence came from this man.

The two came to the office.

Lu Yu still occupied Wei Lan's massage office chair in an anti-customer manner.

Wei Lan pulled a chair and sat down opposite him, "Choose to come to the clinic, do you have anything to ask me? It's about Jiang Ning?"

After a long silence, Lu Yu said lightly, "She seems to be getting more and more complicated.

"If she was the hunter who cast the net, I might have reached the center of the net"

In front of the psychiatrist, he is frank.

He admitted that without knowing it, he had a different emotion for a strange and mysterious girl.

"Actually, I want to know now, whether I am losing my kidney or my heart."

Wei Lan didn't give an answer immediately, even though he knew the answer very well.

For Lu Yu, walking the kidneys is walking the heart.

Those who are familiar with him know that this man who often has scandals with female celebrities is actually allergic to women.

"Why don't you talk?" Lu Yu asked, tapping on the table.

"You have the answer in your heart, but you hope to get a different answer from me, don't you?" Wei Lan asked back.

"Talking with a psychiatrist is tiring."

"Actually, you don't have to be so entangled. Trying to face and accept a relationship may allow you to see the reality clearly."

"Do you know Huang Laifa?"

Wei Lan hadn't recovered from his jumping thoughts, but he heard him speak slowly: "She has something to do with Huang Laifa.

"And as far as I know, the arrest of Gold Ma's father and son is probably because Huang Lai became a confidante in anger."

"No, no, do you know what you're talking about?" Wei Lan interrupted with a wave of his hand, "You've been staring at Huang Laifa recently, right?"

Huang Laifa has a company registered overseas under his name, and has been doing business with Lu Yan on the surface.

Lu Yu suspected that Lu Yan was digging holes for everyone in the Lu family behind his back, so he paid special attention to these two people.

Jiang Ning encountered something like that at Gold last night. He ordered Ma Ziqiang to be brought back for education, but the reply he received was that Huang Laifa's people leveled Gold.

Listening to what he said, Wei Lan still had a lot of doubts in her heart.

"How can you be sure that Huang Laifa shoveled Gold because of Jiang Ning?"

"His people said a word when they taught Ma Ziqiang a lesson."


"Dare to hit our aunt Jiang's idea, how many catties of bear heart and leopard gall have you eaten?"


"So how do you think I should face such a woman?"

Lu Yu laughed as he spoke, with a self-denial and mockery on his face.

"For so many years in the Lu family, I don't say that I am reckless, at least I live on thin ice. I obviously have no interest in the Lu family, but those wolves, tigers and leopards want to kill me every day and night.

"They wanted to start with women, that's why the Ritz incident happened.

"I thought the appearance of this girl named Jiang Ning was a turning point, but now it seems that it may be their plan.

"Let a woman approach me, save me, gain my complete trust, and then find my weakest point, and break it with one move."

"A Yu."

Wei Lan said that maybe he was thinking too much, "Maybe you can think about it this way, if Jiang Ning was arranged by the Lu family, how could they expect you to marry a strange girl?

"I dare not even think about it, your uncle and aunt dare to make such a bold idea?"

Lu Yu was silent.

It also seems to have some truth.

"Ayu, if you are really moved, try to be honest with each other, maybe Jiang Ning is the cure for you!"

Lu Yuwen frowned.

Wei Lan went on to say: "Maybe you didn't realize that after this girl appeared, your smile increased."


"Don't contradict, don't doubt, be honest with each other, maybe you can understand what you want to know more directly."

"I've been honest, how can I be sure if she's honest or not? She told me this morning that she is Huang Laifa's aunt!"

Wei Lan: "."

Although Lu Yu was suspicious, he still listened to the doctor's words.

After leaving the clinic, he returned to Xinghai Bay, but chose to sleep in the car overnight.

Early the next morning.

Exhaustion made Jiang Ning sleep well all night. She rubbed her eyes and woke up from the dream, and closed her eyes to enjoy the warm sunlight penetrating through the gauze curtain.

She stretched, but moaned unconsciously.

There is no place in the whole body that is not sore, this feeling——

It’s like running a marathon the day before and doing sit-ups all night.

Failed to get up.

"Lu Yu, you crazy bastard!" She cursed in a low voice, and then began to complain to herself.

"I knew it earlier, but even if my blood vessels burst, I wouldn't dare to provoke you! What kind of magical species is this guy?"

Downstairs, outside the villa door.

The magical species that had been sitting in the car all night sneezed three times in a row. He sniffed and raised his wrist to look at the time.

It was exactly six o'clock.

The cramped carriage was stifling. He opened the door and went down to take a few breaths of fresh morning air, and then turned his gaze to a balcony on the second floor.

The delicate bone china wind chimes collide with the breeze and make a crisp and pleasant sound.

Lu Yu quickly looked away, and walked up the stone steps in front of the villa.

Before he could enter the lock code, the door opened by itself.

Shu Xin was wearing a loose white sweater and black slim-fit trousers, with slightly curly long hair shawl, looking very lively under the morning sun.

She froze for a moment, and then smiled sweetly at the person in the next second.

"Uncle, you are back!"

When Lu Yu saw the clothes on her body, a cold light flashed across his eyes.

He said in a deep voice, "I'm not your cousin."

After speaking, he didn't even give the other party a glance, and walked around her side directly into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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