Chapter 59 Explain Your Behavior

Shu Yue is calling Jiang Ning.

After all, it's always unsettling to live in someone else's house and not see the owner.

The phone finally connected.

Jiang Ning prevaricated by using the excuse that she fell asleep in the study while rushing to catch up on her thesis last night.

"You guys wait for me downstairs first, I'll come down right away!"

Shu Yue's gaze followed the man who was going upstairs. She wanted to talk to the other end of the phone, but the other party had already hung up.

The master bedroom door was pushed open.

Lu Yu looked around the empty room, and finally fixed his gaze on the black underwear half-hanging at the end of the bed.

There were still some clothes scattered on the floor beside the bed, and it looked like she hadn't had time to tidy them up yet.

There was the sound of rushing water coming from the bathroom, but this sound made the man a little distracted.

He took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took out the last one in it and put it between his lips, then walked to the bedside to pick up the mobile phone with bright screen while smoking.

A WeChat message popped up on the screen.

Su Nian: My cousin knows you have to go back to China and insists on seeing you.
The rest cannot be displayed.

Lu Yu tried to crack the phone password, but unfortunately failed.

He threw down his phone in annoyance, thinking when did he acquire such a wretched habit!

Su Nian's cousin?
If I remember correctly, this cousin should be Nan Sichen, the young master of the Nan Group.

He is also related to Jiang Ning?

Just as he was making various guesses in his brain, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, replaced by the voice of a girl talking to herself.

"Ahhh, pervert, how can I meet people!"

"This guy raises Erha, and is his attribute also Erha? Why is he biting!"

Jiang Ning stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror with helplessness.

Her smooth and fair skin can be described as horrible.

The imprint of that night had not yet faded, but now a new one was added.

Deep and shallow, densely packed.

That's fine, at least it can be covered by wearing a high collar, but how to cover the red marks behind her ears?

How could she explain the tooth marks on the lower jaw?And cracked lips!
"Could it be a pervert?"

The moment the voice fell, the bathroom door lock rang.

Jiang Ning was startled, and quickly pulled the towel over her body.

Through the dense mist, a slender figure stood at the door.

"Mrs. Lu, it's impolite to swear behind your back."

Lu Yu held on to the door frame, his low voice lingering with a faint smile.

After one night, his mood seemed to recover.

It's just that Jiang Ning never understood his emotions that come and go quickly.

"Lu Yu, you don't have any abnormal eccentricities, do you?"


"So would you like to explain your behavior last night?"

"I just want to sleep with you, is this explanation enough?"

"We have an agreement."

"The agreement should be changed, shouldn't it?"


Jiang Ning suddenly choked.

Although their first time was an oolong incident, and strictly speaking, her appearance relieved his physical pain, but it turned out that she spent 250 yuan to sleep with the wrong person!
The second time was when she encountered a woman who was raped, and she also pulled him together domineeringly.

It seems that she dominated both times. It would be too double-standard to ask the other party for accountability at this time.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Lu Yu asked.

"I just don't think you should be the kind of person who loses his kidneys." Jiang Ning changed his words.

"You can try to walk."


"I said that you and I have a good experience, and we have a license to drive, so there is no need to bear with each other."

Lu Yu said as he walked towards the girl in front of the mirror, and stopped when he was a step away from her.

"Actually, you are also very happy, right?" He leaned over and whispered in her ear, with a bit of coaxing.

With the sexy bass, and his lips brushing against his ears vaguely, Jiang Ning's heartbeat became a little frantic.

Inexplicably, the tiresome "husband" sounded in my mind.

When she recalled who the voice came from, her flushed face was almost bleeding from the heat.

She raised her hand to push the man away a little, dodging her eyes in a panic.

"I thought I should explain the phone call to you."

She wrapped the towel tightly and fled the bathroom in a panic.

Lu Yu followed her out, but saw that she had brought the mobile phone by the bed in front of him.

"I originally called this person that night. Maybe my vision was too blurred and I accidentally clicked on your number." Jiang Ning pointed to the two names in the address book and explained.

The two names Ye Fu and Yu Lu are indeed next to each other, it's no wonder that the address book automatically put the surname after the first name.

Otherwise, these two people would not be able to fight together at all.

However, after hearing her explanation, Lu Yu's breath became depressed again.

"So, you originally planned to sleep with this Fu Ye?"

Jiang Ning hummed subconsciously, then immediately shook her head like a rattle, "No, no, no, no, I asked him to send someone over to pick me up!"

"I picked you up, then what?"

"Then...then nothing will happen to you!"


When the two confronted each other, there was an invisible burst of lightning in the air.

The anger on the man's face was visible to the naked eye.

Lu Yu approached her step by step, and the sound of the exit was like an arctic storm circle that devoured the sky and the earth.

"Mrs. Lu, you seem to have misplaced your position. Even though our marriage is just a contract, I'm still your legal husband!"

Jiang Ning was forced to retreat to the edge of the bed, but the other party still didn't intend to stop, but pushed her over instead.

"Jiang Ning, let me ask you again, who are you? What is the purpose of coming to me?"

Jiang Ning frowned slightly, her little heart was racing wildly in her chest.

"If you think I have a purpose in approaching you, then even if I have a hundred mouths to explain, you won't believe it."

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth curled up, and there was a bit of evil on his frozen face.

He raised his hand to pinch the girl's chin, and moved closer to her again.

"In that case, let's get what we need!"

Jiang Ning's fingers gradually tightened.

When she was about to use violence to resist this "sick" man, a soothing voice came from the corridor.

"Jiang Ning, which room are you in? Xiaoyue and I made breakfast for you, have you packed it yet?"

Jiang Ning quickly responded: "Shu Xin, I'm still changing clothes, wait for me!"

The footsteps stopped just at the door of the master bedroom.

"Jiang Ning, are you okay? What's wrong with your voice?"

Jiang Ning's breath was a little unstable, so she pretended to pant and said, "It's okay, I skipped the "Compendium of Materia Medica"."

"Oh, then we'll wait for you downstairs!"

When the sound of footsteps faded away, Lu Yu straightened up slowly.

He seemed to suddenly think of something, and casually said to Jiang Ning, "I'm not interfering with your meddling business, but you'd better stay away from these two people."


"There is no reason here for me, just do it."

Jiang Ning sat up, staring straight at the man in front of her.

He has returned to his usual aloofness and abstinence, like a flower of high mountains that people can't reach.

It seemed that the moment of wandering just now was just some kind of illusion.

"Lu Yu, I'm sorry for calling you by mistake that night, but I really don't want to complicate our relationship. When do you have time, can we sit down and talk?"

Jiang Ning's attitude was very sincere, and she didn't complain about some actions of the other party.

What she thought was that they would be able to live well on their own during these three years.

She didn't want to get involved in the disputes of the Lu family because of various accidents, and she didn't want the other party to enter the small world in her heart.

Lu Yu's eyes swept over her lightly, with undisguised inquiry.

"Okay, tomorrow at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I will wait for you at the company!"

(End of this chapter)

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