Chapter 61

Zhang Guilan was the only one at the entrance of the dessert shop. She was sitting on a bamboo chair under the eaves, half of her face looked a little swollen.

Seeing Jiang Ning approaching, she immediately stood up vigilantly.

"Ha, you little bitch still have the face?"

Jiang Ning glanced at the other party coldly, "Ms. Zhang, pay attention to your words."

"Hmph, what's wrong with my words? Where did you hide my daughter?"

"Your daughter has hands and feet, where can I hide them?"

"Stop coming, didn't you take them away that night?"

Hearing her mention that night, Jiang Ning couldn't help clenching her fists.

"I really can't believe that a mother can watch her daughter fall into the tiger's mouth."

"It's none of your business, those two girls were born to me, and they have to obey me if I tell them to do anything!"

She has said this more than once, even if she is beaten by her husband, she will still say that.

For this woman, her son is everything to her, no matter how messed up that Shuhe is.

Now Shu He was taken away by the police, saying that he was cooperating with the investigation, but everyone else knew that he was also involved in the case.

The only good thing now is that the Gold Club and the casino have been sealed off, and his debt problem probably no longer exists, but the huge fine and punishment for his illegal activities cannot be avoided.

Zhang Guilan couldn't just watch her son being imprisoned, so even if she went to heaven and earth, she had to find a way to get him out of the prison.

After leaving the police station yesterday, she fumbled all the way to the Municipal Public Security Bureau to inquire about Shu He's situation.

Later, I learned from other people that people like Shu He, who are not deeply involved in the case, only need to pay a certain amount of fines to get probation.

After a preliminary understanding, the fine that Shu He needs to pay is about 80 yuan.

The Shu family couldn't raise the 80 yuan even if they wereted money, so Zhang Guilan still turned her idea on her daughter.

Marry Shu Xin to the village chief's son, and she will get a gift of 50 yuan.

In addition, Xiong Xiazi from the next door village has not yet married a wife. Although the conditions are not as good as the village head's family, he is still willing to use his 20 savings as a gift in order to marry a wife and take care of his life.

In this way, if the two sisters get married at the same time, the Shu family can have an income of 70 yuan, and if there is 10 yuan left, they can think of another way.

Seeing Jiang Ning at this time, Zhang Guilan's mind became active again.

Jiang Ning saw the sneaky look in her eyes, she showed a mocking smile, then took out the key and opened the door of the dessert shop.

"Ms. Zhang, you found out at the police station yesterday that this dessert shop belongs to me, and your daughter is just working for me.

"Now that you have smashed my shop, my loss can only be recovered from your daughter."

As she said that, she pointed to several cameras in the store and continued: "You have a lot of evidence for smashing the store, and our pastry chef was also in the store at the time, so he can be a witness.

"I went back yesterday and did a preliminary calculation of the loss. It was about 120 million, so do you think the 120 million is private, or should I file a lawsuit in the court?"

Zhang Guilan only thought she was threatening herself, and laughed nonchalantly, "Sue me, sue her father and me."

"Okay." Jiang Ning nodded, took out her mobile phone and said, "But don't blame me for not reminding you, even if you and Mr. Shu are arrested, Shu Xin and Shu Yue will not lose any money."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's meaningless, according to the law. You should be punished for damaging other people's belongings, but the compensation should still be compensated according to the price, right?"

"You little girl, you are so vicious at such a young age!"

Jiang Ning didn't say anything, just smiled coldly.

The two confronted each other for a while, and Shu Yue walked into the store.

"Mom, what are you going to do to let me and Xinxin go? We have given our family enough money to build a two-story house in the village for so many years, but you use our hard-earned money to indulge Shu He in eating, drinking and gambling.

"Now that he's in trouble, do you really want to force us to sell ourselves to pay off his debts?"

Zhang Guilan froze for a moment, then rushed forward like a mad dog and slapped Shu Yue.

"It's you, a cheap money-loser, who pushes your sister against me every day. If it weren't for you, a money-loser, Shu Xin would have married into the village chief's house long ago!"

As she said that, she rudely grabbed Shu Yue's hair and dragged it out, while angrily said: "Since you don't want the man your brother arranged for you, then I will send you to Xiong Xiazi's kang today!"

Shu Yue protected her hair, although the pain caused tears to roll in her eyes, but she didn't say a word.

She glanced at Jiang Ning, with a look of humiliation and despair on her face.

The momentary shock made Jiang Ning forget to stop all this.

When she came back to her senses, there was a heart-piercing shout from outside——

"Mom, I beg you to give me some time! I will find a way to give you 500 million. You let Xiaoyue go, so I beg you."

Su Nian who followed all the way was dumbfounded.

Listening to Zhang Guilan's foul language, who would have thought that she was speaking to her own daughter?

She immediately understood why Jiang Ning wanted to take care of the sisters' family affairs.

Maybe she saw her shadow in the two sisters.

"Excellent!" Su Nian muttered to himself.

Jiang Ning ran out of the store and threw Zhang Guilan to the ground without hesitation.

The woman moaned and howled again, and screamed again.

It's just that before she could speak, Jiang Ning's words fell on her like hailstones.

"Do you want to call the police? I can report it for you, but this time you are going in, I won't let you out easily!"

Zhang Guilan stopped speaking, but stared fiercely at her two daughters.

Shu Xin was crying so hard that she was about to collapse, while Shu Yue was arranging her hair numbly.

Jiang Ning continued to speak expressionlessly: "Zhang Guilan, if you want your son to come out safely, you'd better calmly consider whether you want to make a deal with me."

When Shu He was mentioned, the woman's eyes showed a bit of pain, and the other party's compelling tone made her inexplicably convinced.

"What deal are you doing?"

Jiang Ning turned her head and glanced to the side, "I want you to sign an agreement with Shu Xin Shuyue, and they won't give you a penny other than the alimony for you and Mr. Shu."

"Why? They are my birth."

"That's right, they were born by you, so they will pay your alimony, but they have no obligation to provide for a prodigal brother to enjoy!"

"This is our family business, you have nothing to do with it."

"Since you say that, in order to live comfortably for Shu Xin and Shu Yue, I can only send that prodigal brother to prison!"

Jiang Ning took out a USB flash drive from his jacket pocket, and explained: "Here is evidence of Shu He's illegal gambling and his taking of prohibited drugs. If these things fall into the hands of the police, I think Shu He will have to stay in prison for at least 15 years." Prison."

Zhang Guilan's arrogance has dropped a lot.

Perhaps because she knew her son too well, she didn't doubt the authenticity of the evidence in his hands at all.

"You, you are talking nonsense!"

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, I'll leave it to the police to judge."

Jiang Ning took out her mobile phone and started dialing as she spoke, but the phone was snatched away after she pressed a number.

She chuckled, then turned her head and said to Su Nian who was watching the show, "Nian Nian, call the police."

Su Nian: "Okay, I like watching the best fighting defeat the most."


Zhang Guilan took another picture of Su Nian's cell phone on the ground.

Su Nian squinted at her, "Hey, my phone is [-] yuan, and the phone case is [-] yuan. I'll charge it to you."

Jiang Ning: "Ms. Zhang, there are only two roads in front of you now—

"First, set your daughter free, and set your son free;
"Second, sell your daughter and keep the money for your son to come out in 15 years!"

(End of this chapter)

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