Zhang Guilan seemed to be cornered. She took advantage of Jiang Ning's inattention and rushed to grab the USB flash drive in her hand, and ended up knocking out half of her front teeth.

"Ms. Zhang, I said you only have two paths, even if you take away this evidence from me, I still have countless backups.

"Also, my patience is limited, I will give you another 10 minutes to think about it."

Jiang Ning raised her wrist to look at the time, then walked to Shu Yue's side and softly comforted her: "Don't worry, she will sign."

There was some gratitude in Shu Yue's empty eyes, "Jiang Ning, thank you."

Jiang Ning smiled slightly, "I said to deal with this matter as a favor from you and Shu Xin, but I treat you as a friend."

Shu Yue was a little moved, and then apologized to her again for Shu Xin.

"Everyone has their own way of thinking, you don't have to apologize for Shu Xin, it's not wrong for her to like someone, but it's also true that I don't like being misunderstood.

"Once this kind of suspicion arises between friends, it means that they are not suitable to be friends."

Jiang Ning's meaning is already obvious, and her personality has become straightforward after living abroad for a long time.

Shu Yue knew her well, so she stopped talking.

She turned her head and glanced at Shu Xin on the other side, with a bit of reproach in her eyes.

Even though he knew that the other party had also been greatly stimulated to make this happen, a mistake is a mistake, and there is nothing to justify.

Zhang Guilan finally compromised for her son, but she proposed that Sister Shu Xin should not pay the maintenance fee every month, but asked for 100 million at a time.

Jiang Ning took the initiative to agree, "That's fine, just cut it off more thoroughly."

She took out the agreement she had prepared early in the morning, and then sat in the store to modify the content on the spot.

"Ms. Zhang, I changed it as you said. You can sign it if there is no problem."

Zhang Guilan cheated and said that she had to get the money first before signing, and at least half of the deposit had to be paid first.

Jiang Ning chuckled softly, but her expression was as gloomy and terrifying as a Shura Yaksha.

"Ms. Zhang, you have to make it clear that I am not negotiating business with you, and you are not qualified to bargain."

Zhang Guilan thought to herself that she had seen a ghost, that she had been bluffed by a girl for most of her life.

"I signed it, what do you want to do if you pay me?"

"Isn't Shu Xin Shuyue still here? If the money is not in place, you can take them back!"

Zhang Guilan hesitated for more than ten seconds, and finally picked up the pen on the table irritably, and signed her name under the agreement with great difficulty.

She threw the pen away, stared fiercely at the two sisters who had just breathed a sigh of relief, then patted the table and got up and asked Jiang Ning, "I signed it, where is the money?"

Although 500 million is not much compared to the previous 100 million, it is still an astronomical figure for Shu Xin and Shu Yue.

Shu Yue looked worried, but she was too embarrassed to tell Jiang Ning that she couldn't afford that much money.

Shu Xin, who lost her thinking ability due to fear, said from the side: "We didn't."

Before she could finish speaking, Jiang Ning immediately snapped at her, "Shut up!"

In order to settle the matter as soon as possible, Jiang Ning asked Su Nian to borrow 100 million.

Su Nian said no problem, but immediately added: "She still owes me ninety-eight thousand."

Zhang Guilan yelled at her, saying she was extorting.

"Whether it's blackmail or not, do you want the police to decide?"

Su Nian said that although she is rich, her purpose is to never spend any extra money on Jipin.

"Hmph, even if it's a waste of money to eliminate disasters, I'd rather suffer disasters than go cheap for a top product like you!"

Jiang Ning looked at her with a little resentment, and thought: Don't you have enough money to spend on top-notch scumbags?
But the other party's words reminded her that Zhang Guilan should be taught a lesson.

"Ms. Zhang, you should compensate her for damages to her property. If you don't want to compensate privately, you still have to go to the police station. In addition, the Public Security Bureau's investigator Shu He will also investigate his family background. If his parents are found"

As soon as Shu He was involved, Zhang Guilan became anxious immediately.

She interrupted repeatedly: "If you pay, you will pay."

After speaking, he ran to Su Nian, grabbed her mobile phone while she was not prepared, and said, "But your mobile phone is not broken."

Su Nian raised her eyebrows, "Well, so I just allow you to pay for a mobile phone case, 8."

"I'll pay you for your shell!"

"Okay, I want the same dime, and I'll give you another 100 million after you pay me the phone case."

Zhang Guilan was in a hurry again, but her seven inches were tightly controlled, so she could only swallow her breath temporarily and left the dessert shop.

Meanwhile, Stargate Entertainment.

Lu Yu received a call from State S, saying that he had found the list of tourists on the passenger ship on the Mandeng River back then, and Xu Yiran's name was indeed among them.

In other words, Xu Yiran may be his savior, or he may just have witnessed the scene on the river bank by chance!
"Have you found the owner of that private yacht?"

"No information, but"

"but what?"

"Boss, Xu Yiran also fell into the water that night."

Lu Yu frowned, so it really means that Xu Yiran happened to save him?

In the next second, another "but" appeared in the opponent's mouth.

"If you fail again, I'll send you to Tribe Y!" Lu Yuwei said angrily.

On the other end of the phone, Pei Xiangnan pouted and said quickly: "Xu Yiran can't swim, and she was rescued!"

Lu Yu was silent for a few seconds, and then ordered quietly: "Continue to investigate!"


"and many more."

"What's the matter, boss?"

"Help me check one more person."


"Jiang Ning."

"Ma'am?" Pei Xiangnan subconsciously blurted out, then quickly covered her mouth, and said with a sneer, "Hehehehe, I just gossiped with Xiao Feifei."

Lu Yu didn't care about this, and continued, "I want to know all her experiences since she arrived in country S at the age of 6."


There were several knocks on the office door, and Wu Fei walked in.

"Mr. Lu, the candidates for the reality show on Tudou Channel must be decided quickly."

"Isn't there still half a month?" Lu Yu responded without raising his head.

"But the program team has to announce the guests in advance."

"Next week."

"Mr. Lu, Miss Xu has something to say."

"Let her concentrate on making Qian Xiaopei's movies."

Wu Fei originally wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a breath before the storm, so he backed out in response.

A while later, Lu Yu picked up the landline and made a call to the principal's office of Yunda——

"When will the intern I want come over?"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Shiyan was devastated by the heated discussions on the school forum.

He asked helplessly, "What's the relationship between you and this Jiang Ning?"

Lu Yu raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"It was rumored at school that she was taken care of by you, and it happened that she missed another week of class, and now it is rumored that she hangs out with people in the society, beats the elderly and is sent to the police station"

"Do you believe?"

"What's the use if I don't believe it? The relevant pictures are reposted in the key school forums like crazy. I don't think it's hard to believe it!"

"I'll take care of it. When can she come to the star gate?"

Liu Shiyan was speechless for a while, and then said: "Didn't you listen to what I just said? She has been absent from class for a week, and if this continues, all her credits will be deducted."

Lu Yu: "She should have handed over the leave slip, you can check it! Also, I hope she can report to me before next week!"

Listening to the long tone on the other end of the phone, Liu Shiyan couldn't help wiping off his sweat.

Putting down the phone, he dialed the number of the dean's office without stopping for a second——

"Jiang Ning handed over the leave slip, check it carefully!"


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