Chapter 64
Lu Yu looked a little angry, but he still took off his coat gentlemanly and wrapped it around Jiang Ning.

"Why are you absent from class?"

Jiang Ning looked confused, "Huh?"

"Principal Liu's phone calls have been to me, saying that you have been absent from class for more than a week!"

The man's serious expression and tone really seemed like the elders were blaming the younger ones.

The warm coat made Jiang Ning's back sweat slightly, she bit the bullet and explained: "I asked for leave."

"Both the head of the department and the head of the Academic Affairs Office said they hadn't received your leave note, and Principal Liu called to say that your credits will be deducted!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about the other people present, he directly carried the girl across the road domineeringly.

Jiang Ning: "???"

Shu Xin looked at the intimate backs of the two, and some unknown emotions were churning in her beautiful eyes.

As a bystander, Su Nian understood what was in the other person's eyes, and reminded him kindly: "Miss Shu, with all due respect, this uncle is not someone you can climb up to."

Shu Xin didn't say a word, and turned and left without hesitation.

"I'm sorry, Miss Su, Xinxin has been in a really bad mood these past few days!"

"That's not an excuse for her to hurt a friend."

Shu Yue wanted to explain something, but Su Nian shook her head and smiled again: "It's okay, you can go and stay with her."

After speaking, he turned and left in the opposite direction, muttering, "Why are the twins so different in personality!"

After Lu Yu sent Jiang Ning back to Xinghai Bay, he ordered Wu Fei to pick him up at eight o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Ning stood in the way of the villa, and said with a tired face, "Lu Yu, I'm very tired today."

"So? What do you want me to do?"

"I hope you don't do anything!"

At first Lu Yuzhen didn't understand what she meant when she said she was tired, but when he realized it, he smiled and said, "Although I feel good, I'm not that addicted."


Lu Yu originally wanted to stay and talk to her about absenteeism, and talk about going to the Star Gate for an internship, but she went upstairs as soon as she entered, without even eating dinner.

Jiang Ning went to the bathroom immediately after returning to her room, and when she saw those marks on her skin again while taking a shower, she sighed a long time.

She thought that the one-week retreat on the mountain would bring the relationship between her and Lu Sanshao into a cooling period, but she never thought that she would fall into the volcanic pool before it cooled down.

The phone rang on the cabinet next to the bathtub, it was Su Nian calling.

"Jiang Xiaoning, what's going on? Why do you owe your life to the sisters of the Shu family?"

"It's a long story." Jiang Ning replied weakly.

"Trust me, that Shu Xin looks weak, but the potential of green tea has been exposed, so be careful."


"What are you, um, when they ask you to give up your husband to her, will you give it up or not?"

"If Lu Yu likes her, I have nothing to say!"

As soon as the words came out, Jiang Ning felt something strange.

Why did she automatically think of Lu Yu when she mentioned her husband?
"I'm not talking about Lu Yu, I'm talking about what if you meet true love in the future!"

"Nian Nian, I'm sleepy, so I won't tell you now."

Jiang Ning hastily ended the call, continued to soak in the bathtub for more than ten minutes, then got up and went back to the bedroom.

The sheets that hadn't been made in time made her heart beat, and then she quickly took clean sheets from the cabinet and changed them on.

Although I was very tired physically and mentally, I didn't feel sleepy when I lay down on the bed.

At about twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, she received a message——

[Someone is investigating you in State S! 】

Jiang Ning's heart skipped a beat, and then she replied: Is it Jiang Ning or Fu Xiaoning?

The other party replied: Jiang Ning.

After thinking for a moment, she called the other party back.

"Do you know who is checking?"

"It's not clear yet, the activity just started today."



"If anyone finds out, notify me immediately!"


When she was about to end the call, the other party asked her to wait.

"Just received the news that this force comes from Yunzhou."


A ridiculous thought flashed in Jiang Ning's mind, could it be the husband she picked up?

"What? Did you think of anything? Or did you offend someone after you returned to China?" the other party teased.

"What is the other party looking for?"

"Everything after you're 6 years old."

"Oh, let him check."

Jiang Ning probably guessed a thing or two, but it still needs to be confirmed.

The other party didn't understand what she meant, so he asked: "Let him check? Check what?"

"I'll send you a copy of my detailed information later, and you can sell it to me for a good price."

There was a moment of silence on the other end, and then a sentence was squeezed out between teeth.

"You really worked hard for money!"

"Why don't you take the money you picked up for nothing?"

"What if the fake information you gave is discovered?"

Jiang Ning chuckled, "Who said it was fake?"


Ten minutes later, Jiang Ning sent an email and lay back on the bed, and soon had a pleasant meeting with Duke Zhou.

The next morning, the gloomy sky outside the window made her wake up half an hour later than usual, and she was still woken up by a phone call.

She thought it was Fu Yu calling again, and without looking at the caller ID, she said lazily, "How much did you sell for?"

The other end hesitated for a moment, and then came the roar of the director of the Academic Affairs Office——

"Student Jiang Ning, when did you hand over the leave slip? Hurry up and come to the Academic Affairs Office to find it yourself!"

Jiang Ning woke up for a second, "Director Zhao? What kind of leave note?"

"Are you asking me for a leave note? You haven't come to class for more than a week. I remember you absent from class. Didn't you still go to the principal to complain that you were asking for leave? What about the leave note?"

"I handed in the leave note before I asked for leave!"

Jiang Ning was a little puzzled, she obviously handed over the leave slip to the department head's office by herself.

Director Zhao of the Academic Affairs Office yelled on the phone, and finally told her to go to the Academic Affairs Office immediately.

Lu Yuzheng went downstairs with his slippers on, when a gust of wind suddenly blew up behind him.

He subconsciously stopped, but he couldn't dodge in time, and at the same time he couldn't stop the car.

Jiang Ning staggered and shoveled the man in front of her downstairs.

At the entrance of the villa, Wu Fei parked his car and was about to enter the door, but a sound of conversation blocked his footsteps.

"Mrs. Lu, you broke my waist."

"Are you so weak? I'm in more pain than you!"

When the two slipped and fell down the stairs at the same time, Jiang Ning was the one who was actually knocked to the waist in the back, and she also acted as part of the human body cushion.

She stood up with her waist supported, with a look of disgust in her eyes.

But when he saw the man's abnormally white face, his heart couldn't help but sink, but he subconsciously blurted out: "You don't have kidney deficiency, do you?"

Otherwise, why did you fall like this?
Lu Yu's face turned from white to black, "I have kidney deficiency, don't you know?"

Jiang Ning's face became hot, and she whispered: "Then you get up quickly, do you want me to hug you?"

"That's not necessary, help me get the mobile phone on the coffee table."

His face was paler than before, and although his voice was still as cold as ever, his breath was obviously a little unstable.

Jiang Ning became a little nervous, "You, where did you break it?"

Lu Yu: "I hope not."

Soon, Jiang Ning brought the phone for him, and then watched him dial Wei Lan's number.

"I hit there, how do I relieve the pain?"

Wei Lan on the other end of the phone just woke up, he yawned and asked, "Where is that?"

Lu Yu sat on the stairs with beads of sweat on his forehead.

He glanced briefly at the girl beside him, then turned slightly and answered the phone in a low voice.

"Private parts."

Even though he had kept his voice to a minimum, the words still entered the girl's ears.

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ning ran to the second floor without saying anything.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, gritted his molars and said to the phone, "Have you laughed enough?"


(End of this chapter)

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