When Jiang Ning ran back, she had a cartoon baby elephant in her hand.

She squatted beside the man and pressed the hot water bottle in the shape of a baby elephant to his thigh.

"Which side? Hurry up and apply some heat!"

Lu Yu's cheeks were actually a little hot, but he didn't make any movements or words of resistance, and he even forgot that he was still on the phone with Wei Lan.

He just frowned slightly watching the girl focus on warming himself up.

After a while, he couldn't help smiling.

Usually at this time, shouldn't girls run away because of shyness?
She is special!

When Jiang Ning looked up, she met this ambiguous gaze, and quickly pulled her hand away from the hot water bottle.

"Don't get me wrong, I have learned some medical knowledge, and this is simply using medical knowledge to help you relieve pain."

When he fell just now, Lu Yu's clothes were torn, and several buttons of his shirt were snapped off.

At this time, a large area of ​​honey-colored skin was exposed, except for scratches, it was teeth marks.

Jiang Ning swallowed hard in the middle of her sentence.

This, shouldn't it be his masterpiece?

Outside the door, Wu Fei knocked on the door when he couldn't hear any movement inside, and then tried to push it.

The door was pushed open, and he tentatively said, "Mr. Lu, I'm not late, am I?"

Lu Yu was still sitting on the stairs in pain, unable to move, but the girl had already picked up the backpack on the stairs and ran away from him.

"Morning Special Assistant Wu!"

Jiang Ning ran to the door with her bag in her arms to greet Wu Fei, and then left the villa as if on a hot wheel.

Wu Fei glanced back, and when he looked back, he found the ugly man on the stairs and the little blue elephant on his leg.

Knowing that the boss hurt that part, look at the scar on his chest.
Wu Fei slandered inwardly: Dry firewood, don't you want to be so exaggerated!

"President Lu, do you need to cancel the morning meeting for you?"

Lu Yu shot him a gouged look, "Why cancel it?"

Wu Fei didn't dare to speak out again.

Jiang Ning rushed to the school and went to the Academic Affairs Office immediately.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard Zhao Yali, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, scolding people with her drake-like voice.

"Don't think that you can skip classes at will in college, it's all for credits, you know?
"If you don't have enough credits, you don't even think about graduating!

"It's only a freshman, and each one of them thinks about skipping classes all day long. Are you worthy of your parents who have worked so hard to support you?"

Jiang Ning hesitated outside the door for a while, and finally bit the bullet and knocked on the door.

She walked in with a smirk, "Director Zhao?"

When the boys who were being trained saw someone coming, it was as if they had seen the savior.

That's all right now, this senior's problems are much bigger than theirs!
Jiang Ning didn't pay attention to these people, but noticed the girl who was checking some information at a glance.

When Zhao Yali saw Jiang Ning, she kicked out the boys who were reprimanding them.

"Student Jiang Ning, your problem is quite serious!"

Before Jiang Ning could respond, Jiang Ying hurried to Zhao Yali and spoke sincerely.

"Director Zhao, I was responsible for cleaning Director Xu's office that day. I really saw Jiang Ning's note on Director Xu's desk."

"Jiang Ying, what joke are you making? You are in the music department, how could you be responsible for cleaning the office of the head of the media department?
"I know you have a good relationship, but you can't have this kind of cover-up."

Zhao Yali pushed the big black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, showing a bit of reproach and disappointment.

Perhaps in her eyes, a student like Jiang Ying with excellent character and academics should not be involved with a student like Jiang Ning who is absent from class.

"No, Director Zhao. I participated in the drama club's activities with Zhou Lulu from the Media Department last week, so I got close to her, so I worked as a day student with her." Jiang Ying argued.

Seeing that Zhao Yali was dubious, she hurriedly added: "It's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask Zhou Lulu to confirm."

While speaking, she also looked at Jiang Ning with feigned apprehension.

Jiang Ning's eyebrows twitched, probably guessing Jiang Ying's trick.

Anyway, her false note disappeared, and in the end, maybe it evolved into a version where she coerced Jiang Ying to lie for herself.

As a result, the nature is even worse.

Zhao Yali turned around and picked up the phone on the desk, "Call Zhou Lulu from the Media Department to the Academic Affairs Office."

As soon as the phone was put down, the nervous look on Jiang Ying's face became more intense.

Jiang Ning laughed to herself, thinking that she really deserves to be an actor in the future.

The next double spring is definitely unavoidable.

The two hadn't "colluded" in advance, and Jiang Ying sent a temporary hint with her eyes, and Zhou Lulu "didn't understand" her eyes, directly exposing the "truth", hammering to death the fact that she hadn't handed in the leave slip at all.

In this way, Jiang Ying has become a good person in front of her, and she will be implicated in the report of criticism, which finally reaches Ms. Ye's ears
Jiang Ning thought to herself: It's a good plan, and then I will be blamed again.

There was a rush of footsteps outside the office door, and Zhou Lulu should have rushed over.

Just as the door was knocked, Jiang Ning suddenly let out a low sob.

"Jiang Ying, I know you want to help me prove that I didn't miss class.

"But you lost my leave slip and lost it, just explain it clearly, why bother!"

Jiang Ying was stunned, "What did you say?"

Zhao Yali was also taken aback, then turned her head to look at Jiang Ying, but before she could ask a question, Zhou Lulu opened the door and walked in.

"Director Zhao, are you looking for me?"

"Oh yes." Zhao Yali turned around and asked with a serious face, "Jiang Ying said that she would clean Director Xu's office with you. Have you seen Jiang Ning's leave slip?"

Zhou Lulu frowned, with doubts written all over her face.

She observed the office quietly, and suddenly didn't understand why Jiang Ning was crying.

After hesitating for a moment, she continued to follow her script.

"No, I haven't been a student on duty for a long time."

"Lulu, why did you forget? It was last Friday!"

Jiang Ying quickly picked up the conversation, regardless of the louder sobbing beside her.

Jiang Ning sobbed and said, "Jiang Ying, you remember wrongly, my note was given to you on Saturday, in the corridor of No. 3 teaching building."

The direction of the script was wrong, Jiang Ying and Zhou Lulu obviously couldn't take over the play.

Zhao Yali's two slender eyebrows were almost knit together.

After thinking for a moment, she asked sharply again: "Jiang Ning, you said you gave Jiang Ying the leave note to ask her to ask for leave for you?"

Jiang Ning nodded, "Yes."

Without waiting for Jiang Ying to refute, she immediately added: "Maybe because it was Saturday, Jiang Ying was busy going on a date and didn't hand in the leave slip for me right away, and lost it after the weekend."

Zhao Yali: "."

Jiang Ning was aggrieved and wiped away her tears, even more pitiful than Jiang Ying.

Who can't be a white lotus?

She tried to walk Bailian's path today, leaving Bailian with nowhere to go!
Immediately, she defended Jiang Ying in an "understanding" manner: "But Director Zhao, please don't blame Jiang Ying for lying. After all, she also wanted to prove to me that I asked for leave, but unfortunately she used the wrong method."

Jiang Ying turned pale with anger, and quickly asked, "Jiang Ning, why are you talking nonsense? When will you ask me to pass the leave slip for you?"

"Saturday, in the corridor of Teaching Building No. 3."

Jiang Ning specifically emphasized this location because the corridors on each floor of this multimedia teaching building are equipped with surveillance cameras, which can be described as 360° without dead ends.

For real, there must always be a picture with the truth.

"Jiang Ning, don't be so bloody, please! What does Yingying have to do with you? Why do you ask Yingying to hand over the leave slip for you?" Zhou Lulu asked anxiously from the side.

A smile suddenly flashed across Jiang Ning's pear flower's rainy face, just waiting for Teammate Zhu's words!
"What's the relationship between Jiang Ying and me? She can lie to Director Zhao to prove that I didn't miss class. What do you think she has to do with me?"

Zhou Lulu: "."

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